
  • 网络Rehabilitation management;rehabilitation administration;administration of rehabilitation services
  1. 汕头市精神病社区康复管理模式评估

    A assessment of community based rehabilitation management for psychiatric patients in Shantou

  2. 社区分级康复管理模式对急性脑卒中患者功能恢复的影响及其费用效益分析

    Investigation of Level-Classified Rehabilitation Management Mode in Community for Acute Stroke Patients

  3. 前交叉韧带重建患者出院后膝关节功能康复管理

    Rehabilitation management of knee function in the discharged patients with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

  4. 因此,治疗的成功与否,不仅在于手术本身,还决定于围手术期处理以及术后的康复管理。

    The success of treatment , not only lies in the surgery itself , is still determined by the perioperative management and postoperative rehabilitation management .

  5. 提示社区精神病人肇事肇祸发生与多种因素相关,加强社区精神病患者的康复管理是控制精神病患者肇事肇祸行为的发生的关键。

    It suggestes that the behaviors are related to many factors , and the community rehabilitation and management is an effective method of controlling the behaviors .

  6. 浅谈听力语言康复质量管理

    Quality management of hearing and speech rehabilitation

  7. 成人卒中康复治疗的管理临床实践指南

    Management of Adult Stroke Rehabilitation Care A Clinical Practice Guideline

  8. 外伤性截瘫患者康复期保健管理的成本效果分析

    Cost-effect analysis of healthcare management of traumatic paraplegia patients

  9. 目的通过对老年人手术后肺部并发症预防的护理体会总结,为今后更好地保证老年人手术后顺利康复的护理管理提供依据。

    OBJECTIVE To summarize the nursing experience of the lung complication prophylaxis in 370 old people in order to provide the reasons for the nursing administration to enable the old people to recover successfully after operation .

  10. 康复组接受行为管理、饮食管理、训练建立排尿条件反射及腰骶神经刺激和尿道括约肌协调训练。

    The patients in the formal group were accepted the behavior management , diet management , training creation the reflex of miction and stimulus the lumbosacral nerve , coordination the sphincter of urethra .

  11. 在康复医学专业课程设置上增加康复工程、康复医学管理等方面的知识培养。

    The knowledge study of rehabilitation engineering and rehabilitation management is suggested in the curriculum of rehabilitation medicine specialties in China .