
  1. 康立优化消息恢复型数字签名的盲化

    The Blind of Message Recovery Digital Signature Scheme Based on Optimization of Kang Li

  2. 康立液体有机螺旋藻也能有效改善免疫系统的运作机能,使人体能有效的抗衡病菌袭击器官。

    It can also help to cleanse our body 's internal organs and boosts our immune system .

  3. 康立灵芝人参咖啡是由独特的高品质阿拉比咖啡豆、人参与灵芝所制成的。

    K-LINK Arabica Coffee is made from a unique blend of high quality Arabica coffee beans with ginseng and ganoderma extract .

  4. 康立液体有机螺旋藻可为成人或小孩提供均衡的营养,也可以帮助运动员提供能量和体力。

    K-Liquid Organic Spirulina offers a balanced meal to adults and children as well as an energy booster that helps to provide athletes with energy and stamina .