
Put the kernel method of pattern recognition into the AAM modeling can still retain the high-dimensional information of the original images while doing the reductions on the shape and texture .
For Euclid space ( a special metric space ), similarity search algorithms based on R-tree are efficient in low-dimensional space , but degenerate into linear scan for high-dimensional space .
The quantal symmetry property in the CP 1 non-linear sigma model with Maxwell-Chern-Simons ( MCS ) term in ( 2 + 1 ) dimensions is studied .
This maximum will last nearly one year and begin to drop gradually in2002 .
As the diversity of the data collection , it is necessary to enhance the flexibility of the algorithm when reduce the dimensions of the data sets .
During the feature dimension reduction , a companion state tree ( CST ) algorithm is proposed to eliminate the linear correlation of node energy and avoid the singular problem of the within-class scatter matrix .
In the course of vinylon dissolution , yarn tension should be adjusted in time , concentration of vinylon dissolving in water should be taken attention , waste water should be exhausted and new hot water should be input .
By using two orthogonal seismic waves and changing the angle of seismic waves , the bridge is analyzed with two-dimensional Time-History analysis method . The single dimensional Time-History analysis results are compared with the two-dimensional Time-History analysis results .
If E is a finite-dimension space , then F is relatively compact iff F is both equicontinuous and uniformly bounded .
When PCA is used to deal with dimension reduction , a problem which usually be considered is the number of reservations eigenvectors .
Thirdly , FCM deals with high dimensional data objects in low efficiency which is due to an iterative climbing search algorithm .
In detail , the chained system is divided into a scalar subsystem and a ( n-1 ) - dimensional LTV subsystem , then the controllability of the LTV subsystem which has a time-varying function system matrix is proved .
By experimental verification , the program using 4d as the embedded dimension for forecasting could result in a 85 % degree of accuracy in the judging through continuous optimization .
Based on NSGA_ ⅱ, this paper carried on careful analysis and research . To solve the discontented representation of NSGA_ ⅱ when it is used in high dimensionality and non-dominated sorting in NSGA_ ⅱ used more time , this paper proposed the corresponding improved strategy .
A constant dimension varied time scale simulation terminal principle is developed .
Precise time-integration method with augmented matrix for analysis of non-stationary random responses
A study of reduced-rank STAP an empty house
It is shown that when D > 2 , there exists exponential-type inflation .
The electromagnetic propagation solutions of point source in a time-varying media of higher space were studied .
In addition , a novel performance evaluation criterion for comparing different algorithms is constructed in the paper .
Discovering that the palace is a cruel and harsh place , Zhen learns how to survive on her own .
Many studies have shown that rule-based classification algorithms perform very well in classifying both categorical databases and sparse high-dimensional databases .
Due to its fast convergent speed , it is easily trapped into a local optimum when optimizing multi-modal high dimensional problems .
The above results indicated the propose algorithm have considerable optimize ability especially to multi-dimension complex problem that has a certain reference value .
Clustering results often depend on density and similarity critically , and its complexity often changes along with the augment of sample dimensionality .
The non-stationary random seismic responses of structures are computed by means of the precise time step integration scheme combined with the pseudo-excitation method .
The individual characteristics of cultural connotation in two-part allegorical sayings have made cultural vacancy because of the cultural difference between Chinese and Uyghur .
The correlation wavelet transfer method analyzes the signal by decomposing it into two-dimension space of time-frequency . It is good for non-stationary and transient dynamic signal .
However , wavelet analysis has a point of singularity , so it could not use geometrical features of data to get sparse representation of the signal which is two-dimensional or higher dimension .
In Chinese translation " green " Virginia , first of all , should according to the specific context define its concrete semantics , then in dimension when the correct translation to reproduce .