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  1. 该算法将模式识别中的核方法加入AAM建模过程,使得在对形状和纹理降维时,依然可以保留原有图像的高维信息。

    Put the kernel method of pattern recognition into the AAM modeling can still retain the high-dimensional information of the original images while doing the reductions on the shape and texture .

  2. 对于欧氏空间(一种特殊的度量空间),相似性搜索算法中基于R-tree的方法,在低维时是高效的,当维数增加时,R-tree的方法将退化为线性扫描。

    For Euclid space ( a special metric space ), similarity search algorithms based on R-tree are efficient in low-dimensional space , but degenerate into linear scan for high-dimensional space .

  3. 在(2+1)维时空中研究了含MaxwellChernSimons(MCS)项的CP1非线性σ模型的量子对称性质。

    The quantal symmetry property in the CP 1 non-linear sigma model with Maxwell-Chern-Simons ( MCS ) term in ( 2 + 1 ) dimensions is studied .

  4. 今次极大值会维时接近一年,在2002年开始减少。

    This maximum will last nearly one year and begin to drop gradually in2002 .

  5. 在进行降维时数据集合的多样性要求降维算法求解问题具有灵活性。

    As the diversity of the data collection , it is necessary to enhance the flexibility of the algorithm when reduce the dimensions of the data sets .

  6. 在采用结点能量作为特征进行特征降维时,提出了一种伴随状态树的方法来消除结点能量的线性相关性以避免类内离散度矩阵奇异问题。

    During the feature dimension reduction , a companion state tree ( CST ) algorithm is proposed to eliminate the linear correlation of node energy and avoid the singular problem of the within-class scatter matrix .

  7. 在退维时,应及时调整纱线的退维张力,并密切注意水中维纶溶解的浓度,及时排出废水,输入新的热水。

    In the course of vinylon dissolution , yarn tension should be adjusted in time , concentration of vinylon dissolving in water should be taken attention , waste water should be exhausted and new hot water should be input .

  8. 采用相互正交的两列地震波,改变地震输入角度对结构进行双维时程分析,对比了单双维地震输入结果。

    By using two orthogonal seismic waves and changing the angle of seismic waves , the bridge is analyzed with two-dimensional Time-History analysis method . The single dimensional Time-History analysis results are compared with the two-dimensional Time-History analysis results .

  9. 然后指出当E是有限维空间时,F是相对紧的当且仅当F是等度连续且一致有界,这推广了AA定理。

    If E is a finite-dimension space , then F is relatively compact iff F is both equicontinuous and uniformly bounded .

  10. 当使用PCA进行降维处理时,一个常考虑的问题就是该保留多少个特征向量。

    When PCA is used to deal with dimension reduction , a problem which usually be considered is the number of reservations eigenvectors .

  11. 第三,由于FCM算法是一种迭代爬山的搜索算法,它在处理高维数据时效率比较低。

    Thirdly , FCM deals with high dimensional data objects in low efficiency which is due to an iterative climbing search algorithm .

  12. 首先将n维链式系统分解成一个标量子系统和一个n?1维线性时变子系统,证明了一定条件下该时变子系统的能控性。

    In detail , the chained system is divided into a scalar subsystem and a ( n-1 ) - dimensional LTV subsystem , then the controllability of the LTV subsystem which has a time-varying function system matrix is proved .

  13. 通过实验验证,算法在以4d为嵌入维预测时,通过不断优化可以使升降判断的准确率达到85%以上。

    By experimental verification , the program using 4d as the embedded dimension for forecasting could result in a 85 % degree of accuracy in the judging through continuous optimization .

  14. 本文对NSGAⅡ进行了仔细的分析与研究,针对其在解决高维问题时表现不佳以及存在的非劣分层耗费时间过长的问题,提出了相应的改进策略。

    Based on NSGA_ ⅱ, this paper carried on careful analysis and research . To solve the discontented representation of NSGA_ ⅱ when it is used in high dimensionality and non-dominated sorting in NSGA_ ⅱ used more time , this paper proposed the corresponding improved strategy .

  15. 发展了定维变时长的仿真结束原则;

    A constant dimension varied time scale simulation terminal principle is developed .

  16. 结构非平稳随机响应的增维精细时程积分

    Precise time-integration method with augmented matrix for analysis of non-stationary random responses

  17. 降维空时自适应处理研究

    A study of reduced-rank STAP an empty house

  18. 结果表明,在D维空时(D>2)中,存在指数型的暴涨解。

    It is shown that when D > 2 , there exists exponential-type inflation .

  19. 研究点源激励电磁波在高维空间时变媒质中的传播解。

    The electromagnetic propagation solutions of point source in a time-varying media of higher space were studied .

  20. 同时提出了一种算法性能评价准则,以比较不同算法在优化高维函数时的性能。

    In addition , a novel performance evaluation criterion for comparing different algorithms is constructed in the paper .

  21. 当意识到在残酷无情的后宫中举步维艰时,甄嬛学会了自己的生存之道。

    Discovering that the palace is a cruel and harsh place , Zhen learns how to survive on her own .

  22. 大量研究表明,基于规则的分类系统在处理分类数据库和稀疏的高维数据时都有很好的效果。

    Many studies have shown that rule-based classification algorithms perform very well in classifying both categorical databases and sparse high-dimensional databases .

  23. 由于其收敛速度较快,在优化一些多峰高维问题时易陷入局部极值点。

    Due to its fast convergent speed , it is easily trapped into a local optimum when optimizing multi-modal high dimensional problems .

  24. 上述实验结果表明,本文所提的优化算法在优化复杂高维问题时具备可观的优化性能,对现实优化问题具有一定的参考价值。

    The above results indicated the propose algorithm have considerable optimize ability especially to multi-dimension complex problem that has a certain reference value .

  25. 聚类效果往往依赖于密度和相似度的定义,并且当数据的维增加时,其复杂度也随之增加。

    Clustering results often depend on density and similarity critically , and its complexity often changes along with the augment of sample dimensionality .

  26. 对于不同形式的均匀调制演变随机激励,给出计算线性多自由度体系非平稳随机响应的增维精细时程积分法。

    The non-stationary random seismic responses of structures are computed by means of the precise time step integration scheme combined with the pseudo-excitation method .

  27. 汉语歇后语独特的文化内涵,在维译时会在目标语中造成文化空缺现象,这是由于汉维文化差异所造成的。

    The individual characteristics of cultural connotation in two-part allegorical sayings have made cultural vacancy because of the cultural difference between Chinese and Uyghur .

  28. 小波分析可以将信号分解到两维的时-频域空间,对非平稳、瞬变的动态信号分析的能力强。

    The correlation wavelet transfer method analyzes the signal by decomposing it into two-dimension space of time-frequency . It is good for non-stationary and transient dynamic signal .

  29. 但是,对于图像信号,小波分析方法还存在一些缺陷:它具有点奇异性,在处理二维或更高维信号时,不能充分利用数据本身特有的几何特征对图像信号进行高效的表示。

    However , wavelet analysis has a point of singularity , so it could not use geometrical features of data to get sparse representation of the signal which is two-dimensional or higher dimension .

  30. 在汉语中维译青时,首先应根据具体语境确定它的具体语义,然后在维译时正确将之予以再现。

    In Chinese translation " green " Virginia , first of all , should according to the specific context define its concrete semantics , then in dimension when the correct translation to reproduce .