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jiā mén
  • door of a house;family clan;the family of a high-ranking official;gate;family status;family;self-introduction
家门 [jiā mén]
  • (1) [gate]∶家庭住所的大门

  • (2) [family clan]∶家族

  • 家门不幸

  • (3) [family status]∶门第

  • 辱没家门

  • (4) [family]∶借指家

  • 适还家门。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  • (5) 又

  • 各各还家门。

  • (6) [self-introduction]∶戏曲中指剧中人物的家世或类型,昆曲中也指角色行当

  • 自报家门

家门[jiā mén]
  1. 假如敌人逼近家门,游击队就先应付它几招,然后纷纷钻进地道。倘若日军闯进屋里,也只有徒然四壁,空空如也。

    If the Japanese should come to the door of a house , the guerrillas would put up a brief fight and then disappear one by one into the tunnel .

  2. 许多家门被撬的人都感到自己的家被玷污了。

    Many victims of burglary feel their homes have been defiled .

  3. 换了我,早就把他赶出家门了。

    If it had been left to me I would have put him out on the street long ago .

  4. 新娘被抱进了家门。

    The bride was carried over the threshold .

  5. 她可能在试探她妈妈,看她能忍耐到什么程度才会把她撵出家门。

    She may be testing her mother to see how much she can take before she throws her out .

  6. 他是我的家门堂兄弟。

    He 's my cousin on my father 's side .

  7. 你家门牌几号?

    What 's the street number of your house ?

  8. 他父母说要把他赶出家门。

    His parents threatened to turn him out .

  9. 我走出家门时总是理所当然地把门锁上。

    When I go out of the house I lock the door as a matter of course .

  10. 该零售商还公布了2016年初将要关闭的36家门店的具体位置。

    The   retailer   also   announced   the   locations   of   36   stores   it   will   close   in   early   2016 .

  11. 走出家门不仅使一个人得到了需要的帮助,也让我的孩子尝到了帮助别人的滋味。

    Stepping out not only helped a brother in need , it also gave my kids the need taste of helping others .

  12. 据称Ascena正计划关闭至少1200家门店。

    Ascena is reportedly planning to shut at least 1200 stores .

  13. 我再也不进你的家门了。

    I 'll never cross the threshold of your house again .

  14. 该集团在美国、加拿大和波多黎各有2800家门店。

    It has 2800 locations in the United States , Canada and Puerto Rico.

  15. 车夫一进家门,妻子就提出要和他离婚。

    As soon as the coachman returned home . His wife asked for a divorce .

  16. 但是,今天晚上一辆小汽车停在他家门前,汤姆在一位警察的帮助下走下汽车。

    But tonight , a car stopped at his house . A policeman helps him get out .

  17. 我刚进家门就开始下雨了。

    As soon as I got home it started to rain outside – it was a narrow escape !

  18. MCC今年将在中国再开设4家门店。

    Four more stores will open in China this year .

  19. Gap曾有几年苦苦挣扎,关了200家门店,但随后在2013年凭借亮色牛仔裤和潮流单品大获成功。

    Gap had struggled for a few years , closed 200 stores , but then had a massive home run in 2013 with bright colored jeans and on-trend products .

  20. KeithMartin上一次走出家门是01年的9月11日。

    Keith Martin said he specifically remembers the last time he left the house was on 9 / 11 .

  21. 在上述三个东南亚国家,Collective估计最终可能会开设至少400家门店。它称它们是迄今最大的特许经营市场机遇。

    In the three south-east Asian countries Collective estimates it could eventually open at least 400 stores , in what it calls its largest franchise market opportunity to date .

  22. MediaMarkt将利用上海来试水中国市场,在2012年前,将在这座城市再开设10家门店。

    Media Markt will use Shanghai to test the Chinese market , opening ten more stores in the city by 2012 .

  23. AceHardware在全美的4600家门店在感恩节这天都不会开门,该公司摆出高姿态称,有些东西比钱更重要。

    Ace Hardware is keeping its 4,600 stores nationwide closed on Thanksgiving , taking the high ground by saying , ' Some things are more important than money . '

  24. 2011年2月至2012年11月,派克曾担任Gap北美区及其700家门店的总裁。他称自己的经历表明Gap品牌能东山再起。

    Peck , who was president of Gap North America and its 700 stores from February 2011 to November 2012 , pointed to his own experience to prove the Gap brand can strike again .

  25. 由乐队签名的40张七英寸唱片将在Oxfam遍及全英的700家门店中销售。

    Forty signed copies of the seven-inch single will also be distributed throughout Oxfam's700 shops in the UK .

  26. 但prada在整个中国内地仅有14家门店,还不及东京一个城市多。

    But Prada has just 14 stores across the entire mainland , fewer than in Tokyo .

  27. 事实上,樱桃街咖啡馆(CherryStreetCoffeeHouse)的咖啡负责人莱拉·甘巴里(LailaGhambari)把星巴克称作“咖啡中的麦当劳”。樱桃街咖啡馆在西雅图地区有10家门店。

    In fact , Laila Ghambari , director of coffee at Cherry Street Coffee House , which has 10 shops in the Seattle area , calls Starbucks the " McDonald 's of coffee . "

  28. 1300家门店的规模赋予了国美减价和与供应商协商更苛刻条件(黄光裕被称作价格屠夫)的优势,同时增加了美国百思买(BestBuy)在中国立足的难度。

    The scale that comes from 1,300 stores has allowed Gome to negotiate tougher terms with suppliers and to cut prices ( he is known as the price butcher ) . It also made it harder for Best Buy to get a foothold in the Chinese market .

  29. 该零售商还将放弃进军土耳其的尝试,关闭过去两年内开张的两家试运行门店。在中国,它将继续经营5年前收购的五星电器(FiveStar)品牌下的170家门店。

    The retailer , which will continue to run 170 stores in China under the Five Star brand acquired five years ago , is also giving up an attempt to enter Turkey , with the closure of two trial-run stores opened in the past two years .

  30. 自2015年年初,维秘母公司LBrands已在上海、成都和广州等内地城市开设和经营了20家门店。

    Since the beginning of 2015 , L Brands , Victoria Secret 's parent company , has opened and operated 20 stores in Chinese mainland cities such Shanghai , Chengdu and Guangzhou .