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měi tán
  • a story passed on with approval
美谈 [měi tán]
  • [a story passed on with approval] 使人称颂的故事;对某件好事的美好谈论

美谈[měi tán]
  1. 她在敌后的英勇斗争业迹现在已是传奇美谈。

    Her daring work behind the enemy line is now legend .

  2. 从足球精神美谈足球的社会效应

    On Soccer 's Social Effect from the Perspective of its Spiritual Beauty

  3. 古人更有珍惜寸阴、分阴的美谈。扩散光源:造成朦胧,边缘柔和浅色阴影的光源。

    Diffused light source : Any light source which produces indistinct and relatively light shadows with a soft outline .

  4. 相反,他俩的结合成了众所周知的美谈。因为事无巨细,方方面面,她都对她的丈夫言听计从。

    To the contrary , it became proverbial how fine that marriage was and how obedient the wife was to her husband in all respects .

  5. 这不仅是20世纪中国现代史学发展史上的一段美谈,而且也可为新一代的史学工作者带来启迪。

    This was not only an instructive anecdote of the Chinese modern history in 20th centuries , but could offer enlightenment to the new generation the worker of history .