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  1. craiglist网站公告板上登广告,用这种方法寻找O+血型的好心人为她捐献肾脏。

    In an ad on an Internet bulletin board called craigslist she appeals for a Good Samaritan with O-positive blood .

  2. 你登上山,用套索下降,跳到山的另外一侧,降落在一条冰冷的溪里,里面有很多彩虹鱼和金块。

    You climbed it , rappelled over it , and bungee jumped off the other side , and landed in an icy cold stream filled rainbow colored fish and gold nuggets . Of course .

  3. 我要求过“地球上150种最健康食品”的作者鲍登博士,用一些很容易找到、但并不总是进入我们购物车的最喜爱的食物,来更新他的单子。

    Bowden , author of " The150 Healthiest Foods on Earth ," to update his list with some favorite foods that are easy to find but don 't always find their way into our shopping carts .

  4. 太空人苏珊穿上太空衣,准备登上紧急逃生用的联合号太空舱。

    Astronaut Susan suits up to prepare to enter the emergency re-entry Soyuz capsule .

  5. 你首先会问到的问题,也是我必须试图回答的问题是,“登珠峰有什么用?”

    The first question which you will ask and which I must try to answer is this ," What is the use of climbing Mount Everest ?"