
dēnɡ wèi
  • ascend the throne
登位 [dēng wèi]
  • [ascend the throne or seat] 登上皇位;晋升职位

  1. 预计他将于明年年初登位,成为英国国教的精神领袖。

    He is expected to be enthroned early next year as the spiritual leader of the Church of England .

  2. 乔治内维尔就任约克大主教的登位典礼。

    The enthronement of George Neville as archbishop of york .

  3. 玄武门之变,李世民登位。

    Li Shimin ascended the throne upon the " Xuanwu Gate Coup D'Amato . "

  4. 她的专属风格从她登位之时形成,至今都未曾改变——因此也就不存在什么令人懊悔的70年代印刷或缺乏考虑的装饰与荷边。

    Her signature style originated at the start of her reign , and she has steadfastly refused to deviate - so no regrettable ' 70s prints or ill-judged ' 80s frills and flounces .

  5. 相传唐朝,武则天登位做了皇帝,玉帝大怒,命令龙王三年之内不能降雨。

    When Wu Zetian , the empress , in the Tang Dynasty came into power , the Heaven God was so angry that he ordered the dragon kings to stop raining for 3 years .

  6. 一旦条件成熟,诸葛亮本人,抑或其子孙极有可能易代更祚,登上帝位。

    Once conditions permitted , it 's very possible that he or his offspring would get enthroned .

  7. 武帝16岁登上帝位,但是直到公元前131年才执掌朝政。

    He came to the Han throne at the age of 16 but did not take the government into his own hands until 131 B. C.

  8. 舜登天子位后,去看望父亲,仍然恭恭敬敬,并封象为诸侯。

    After Shun ascended the throne as the Son of Heaven , he still called on his father respectfully , and granted the leud title to Xiang .

  9. 并且所罗门登了国位。

    And now Solomon is seated on the seat of the kingdom .

  10. 我打电话是想询问一下有关你们登广告招聘一位初级秘书的事。

    I 'm phoning to enquire about your advertisement for a junior secretary .

  11. 他正为重登世界排名第一位而努力。

    He is making a bid to regain his World No. 1 ranking .

  12. “不道德”作家登上第九位。

    " Immoral " writers is the ninth .

  13. 我的秘书下星期要走,所以我们现在正登广告招聘一位替代者。

    My secretary leaves us next week , so we is advertising for a replacement .

  14. 而且对于外国人来说,在日本管理一家企业是很大的挑战,因为在该国登上总裁之位的往往是资深的公司内部人士。

    And running a company as a foreigner is a challenge in a country where long-time company insiders often rise to the top .

  15. 如今,53岁的温芙瑞又登上“20位最富有的电视名人榜”榜首。这是福布斯网站新发布的众多名人榜之一。

    Winfrey , 53 , now leads Forbes . com 's list of the20 richest celebs on television . It 's one of many new celebrity lists being issued by the Web site .

  16. 在今年首次登榜的97位富豪中,有62位来自亚洲。中国富豪数量首次位居第二,仅次于美国。

    Of the 97 billionaires making their debut on the Forbes list , 62 are from Asia , while for the first time China is now home to the most billionaires outside of the United States 。

  17. 正因翰林学士所具备素质及处于宫禁,与帝王关系较深,其升迁较快,往往有不数年而登宰辅之位,成为北宋文士企望的清要官职。

    Because of the Imperial Academicians in the palace with quality and , deeper relationship with the emperor , the promotion of rapid , often do not register prime minister few years and the place of the Northern Song scribes expectant clear to office .