
  • 网络army life
  1. 新兵训练结束转入正常部队生活1年后,月经周期异常率、经期异常率、痛经发生率均有明显下降(P0.05)。

    Having finished the training , the female soldiers transferred to normal army life . After one year , the occurrence rates of abnormal menstrual cycle , abnormal menstrual period and dysmenorrhea all significantly declined ( P 0.05 ) .

  2. 他的部队生活改掉了他懒惰的坏毛病。

    His army life has cured him of his laziness .

  3. 谈联勤部队生活费的供应与管理

    Supply and management of living expenses in the joint - service units

  4. 一年的部队生活会使他坚强起来。

    A year in the army will toughen him up .

  5. 三年的部队生活很快会把那孩子管教好。

    Three years in the army would soon lick that boy into shape .

  6. 这是关于部队生活的彩色故事片。

    It 's a color feature about the army .

  7. 旅团部队生活费规范化管理考评探讨

    The examination and evaluation of living expenses standard management in brigade and regiment

  8. 坚持五抓提高旅团部队生活费保障效能

    Briefly on improving the support efficacy of the living expenses in brigade and regiment

  9. 在部队生活了18个月后继续做

    after an 18-month stretch in the army .

  10. 随着部队生活设施的逐步改善和办公自动化的发展,军队的维持性支出增大。

    With the gradual improvement of living facilities and progressive office automation , expenses of a maintenance nature have kept rising .

  11. 目的通过对用于生活饮用水的自备井水质的调查,为改善部队生活饮用水的水质提供依据。

    Objective Though investigating the water quality of the well provided for oneself , evidences were provided to improve the troops drinking water quality .

  12. 饮食社会化保障是部队生活社会化保障的重要内容,保障工作的好坏,直接关系到部队建设的发展大计。

    Diet socialization secure is an important content of socialization secure in the army life . It is of vital importance to development of army constrution .

  13. 诗歌不再囿于部队生活,拓宽题材和主题内容,艺术手法也得以创新。

    Poetry is no longer confined to military life and , the content of subjects and theme was broaden , have been made an artistic innovation .

  14. 军旅作家阎连科除了书写部队生活之外,还写了不少农村生活题材的小说和描写市井文化风情的小说。

    The army writer Yan Lianke not only writes stories about the army life , but also novels about life in rural areas and of common people .

  15. 然而,随着军队现代化建设的发展,部队生活服务中心在体制和管理上还存在着不够健全、不尽合理和不很科学的地方。

    However , with the development of the military modernization , there are still some not quite reasonable and not very scientific points in military living service center .

  16. 部队生活服务中心是军队后勤和军需保障系统的一个重要组成部分,为军队适应社会主义市场经济的伙食保障起到了巨大的作用。

    Military living service center is an important component of our military logistics and military supplies support system , and plays a huge role on meeting the demand of mess support in socialist market economy .

  17. 部队生活可以说是“团结、紧张、严肃、活泼”,全体官兵都是亲密战友,我们互相关心,互相爱护,互相帮助。

    The life can be described as " Be united , alert , earnest and lively " . All the officers and soldiers are close comrades-in-arms . We care for each other , love and help each other .

  18. 驻城市部队生产生活存在的问题及解决办法

    Production of troops stationed in cities : problems and Solutions

  19. 这些部队的生活条件比较舒适。

    Living conditions for the troops are relatively comfortable .

  20. 师改旅部队生产生活保障的基本思路

    The Countermeasures of living support in Brigade

  21. 他常常谈到他在部队时的生活。

    He often spoke of his days in the army .

  22. 从小在部队的那段生活,爸爸对我的教育。

    Since childhood in army 's that period of lives , my father educates me .

  23. 这些主要是为了解决随军家属和子女就业,改善基层部队物质文化生活,支援国家经济建设。

    These activities are primarily undertaken to provide employment for the families of military personnel , to improve life culturally and materially in grass-roots units and to support the nation 's overall economic construction .

  24. 提倡战士写信回家,告诉自己在部队的愉快生活,宣传家属抗日救国。

    We should encourage the new soldiers to write to their families , telling about their pleasant life in the army and urging their family members to resist Japanese aggression and save the nation .

  25. 军事新闻宣传传统的宣传模式和新闻理念面对不断发展变化的受众群体显露出强烈落差和不足:宣传报道面窄,难以全面反映部队丰富多彩的生活和官兵的精神风貌;

    Faced with continuously changing receptors , traditional patterns of propaganda and concept of military news dissemination has revealed its weakness : the narrow coverage can hardly mirror the colorful life and mental attitude of officers and men in basic units ;

  26. 但是派驻这样一支部队需要花费时间。旅团部队生活费规范化管理考评探讨

    But raising such a force will take time . the examination and evaluation of living expenses standard management in brigade and regiment

  27. 目的:从社会医学角度分析部队慢性胃肠道疾病的社会心理危险因素,促进部队成员改变不良生活方式,降低慢性病发病率,提高部队健康水平。

    Objective : To research into the social and psychological risk factors of chronic gastrointestinal diseases in armymen .

  28. 部队干休所的丧偶老年人以离休干部遗孀为主,目前尚未发现关于部队离休干部遗孀生活质量的文献报道。

    The majority of the widowed old people in the army sanatoriums are the widows of retired cadres , it has yet found out reports about the quality of life for the widows of retired veteran cadres in the army sanatoriums .