
hé jì
  • amount to;add up to;total;summation;think over


hé ji
  • think over;figure out
合计 [hé jì]
  • (1) [total;add up to;amount to]∶总计;共计

  • 把这一栏数字合计一下

  • (2) [think over]∶盘算

  • 他心里老合计这件事

合计[hé jì]
合计[hé ji]
  1. 全部费用合计一百元。

    The total expenses amount to a hundred dollars .

  2. 重量合计为七万八千镑。

    The weights amount to 78,000 Ibs .

  3. 他在脑子里把所有费用都合计了一下。

    He reckoned up the cost of everything in his mind .

  4. 此次得分与第一轮所得总分合计决出胜者。

    The scores were aggregated with the first round totals to decide the winner .

  5. 两大右翼反对党合计赢得29.8%的选票。

    The two main right-wing opposition parties together won 29.8 per cent

  6. 这使灯泡与电费合计为27英镑。

    This makes the total cost of the bulb and energy £ 27

  7. 接种疫苗的成本合计约60万美元。

    The cost of the immunizations was about $ 600,000 all told .

  8. 我终于坐下来把我的全部债务合计了一下。

    I finally sat down to tot up the full extent of my debt

  9. 每磅价格合计3.20英镑。

    The price per pound works out at £ 3.20

  10. 银行合计所有利息和其他费用。

    Banks add all the interest and other charges together

  11. 她一天到晚心里老合计这件事。

    She thought the matter over and over all day .

  12. 这屋的造价合计一万元。

    The cost of the building amounts to 10000 yuan .

  13. 把这一栏的数字合计一下。

    Add up the figures in this column .

  14. 参观者合计一千人。

    The visitors totaled 1000 .

  15. 晚上,他们反复合计,唉声叹气,几乎没睡。

    Sighing and groaning as they discussed ways and means , they hardly slept all the night .

  16. 大伙儿凑拢点儿,合计合计明天的工作。

    Come closer , everybody . let 's discuss what to do tomorrow .

  17. 将详细信息打印到账单并将项目合计添加到采购总计(Sumtotal)。

    Print the details into the bill . Also , add the item total to the sumtotal .

  18. 然而,报告将正确执行并生成输出,该输出包含想要查看的Canada和UnitedStates的收入合计。

    However , the report would execute without any errors and produce output , containing the desired combined revenue for Canada and United States .

  19. 该地区人口超过6亿,合计国内生产总值(GDP)超过巴西或印度。

    The region has a population of more than 600m and collective gross domestic product greater than Brazil or India .

  20. 联想与摩托罗拉的合计市场份额目前在智能手机市场排名第三,仅次于苹果(Apple)和三星。

    The combined market share of Lenovo and Motorola today puts it in third place in the smartphone market , behind Apple and Samsung .

  21. 按购买力平价计算,1973年,日本、中国和印度的国内生产总值(GDP)合计占世界的15%。

    In 1973 , Japan , China and India together accounted for 15 per cent of global gross domestic product in purchasing power parity terms .

  22. 下一步,获取item元素的code属性以及price和qty元素的文本值,然后计算项目合计(Total)。

    Next , get the item element 's code attribute and the text value of the price and qty elements and calculate the total for the item .

  23. 结果:饮用水MC暴露等级与男性胃癌和男性各部位合计恶性肿瘤的直接和间接标化死亡率呈现正相关;

    Results : MC in drinking water was positively correlated with the male overall cancer mortality and male stomach cancer mortality ;

  24. 这两个城市GDP合计规模与广州相当,而且作为工业生产基地,其地位比广州更为重要。

    These two cities combined are as important as Guangzhou in terms of the size of their GDP and much more important as industrial production base .

  25. 对于合计功能SUM,让目标字段数据类型长度大于源字段的长度,避免溢出。

    For the aggregate function SUM , make the data type of the target fieldlonger than the data type of the source field , to allow for overflow .

  26. 合计检测流感样病人咽拭子1038份,分离出流感病毒73株,阳性率为7.03%,其中A亚型的H1N1和H3N2分别为7株、65株,B群1株。

    038 throat swab samples from influenza-like patients were tested and 73 strains of influenza virus were isolated . Positive rate was 7.03 percent .

  27. 据报道,像红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)、老虎环球资本管理公司(TigerGlobalManagement)、KhoslaVentures合伙人凯斯•拉博伊斯和投资人罗恩•康威等支持者至今已合计投资8000万美元。

    Backers like Sequoia Capital , tiger global management , Khosla ventures partner Keith rabois , and Ron Conway have chipped in a reported $ 80 million to date .

  28. 美国银行(bankofamerica)和花旗集团(citigroup)本周正面临投资者最为巨大的压力;两家银行聘用的员工总数合计超过50万人。

    And then there are Bank of America and Citigroup , the two banks facing the most intense pressure from investors this week ; together they employ more than half a million people .

  29. 而索尼(SonyCorp.)、松下(PanasonicCorp.)、夏普(SharpCorp.)、富士通(FujitsuLtd.)等日本厂商合计所占的份额只有8%。

    The combined share for Sony Corp. , Panasonic Corp. , Sharp Corp. , Fujitsu Ltd. and other Japanese manufacturers : 8 % .

  30. 亚太地区GDP合计占世界的近60%,而本地区是着手解决我们今天所面临的几乎所有国际挑战的关键。

    Taken together , the Asia Pacific region accounts for almost 60 percent of the worlds GDP and this region is critical to addressing nearly every international challenge that we face today .