
wài jiāo tuán
  • diplomatic corps
  1. 北京外交团的发展及其以条约利益为主体的运作

    The Development of the Peking Diplomatic Corps and Its Activities Centered on Treaty Interests

  2. 外交使节团及实业家们居住的高级地区。

    The smart areas where the diplomatic corps and the industrialists live .

  3. 美国派出一个外交代表团参加。

    The United States is sending a diplomatic delegation .

  4. 反正外交使节团肯定不会要我吧。

    Diplomatic corps wouldn ` t take me .

  5. 英国国防大臣宣布,一个小规模英国外交代表团正在利比亚东部,尝试和当地的叛军谈判。

    Britain 's defense secretary says a small british diplomatic team is in eastern Libya to try to talk to rebels there .

  6. 香港&在对中国污染数据进行报告数年后,美国表示将在部分海外外交代表团驻地增加空气质量监控。

    HONG KONG & The United States says it will expand air-quality monitoring at some overseas diplomatic missions , following several years of reporting pollution data in China .

  7. 香港——在对中国污染数据进行报告数年后,美国表示将在部分海外外交代表团驻地增加空气质量监控。

    HONG KONG - The United States says it will expand air-quality monitoring at some overseas diplomatic missions , following several years of reporting pollution data in China .

  8. 利亚姆·福克斯周日对英国广播公司透露,英国正与在班加西的一个小型外交代表团保持联系,但目前仍不适合做更多评论。

    Liam Fox told BBC radio Sunday that Britain was in touch with a small diplomatic team in Benghazi , but said it would be inappropriate to comment further .

  9. 1927年初李大钊的外交活动&从《关于最近外交团的态度的报告》来看

    Li Dazhao 's diplomatic activities in early 1927