
  1. 外延生长工艺过程由计算机控制。

    All the procedure for epitaxy growth was controlled by a computer .

  2. 通过改变外延生长工艺来调节两层薄膜的折射率,可在一定波导的厚度范围内实现单模传输。

    By adjusting the difference of refractive index of the double layer film , single mode operation can be realized with a certain waveguide thickness .

  3. 熔体外延具有创新的生长工艺,不同于液相外延等常规的晶体生长方法。

    Melt epitaxy have creative growth technology , which is distinct from the normal crystal growth method , such as liquid phase epitaxy etc.

  4. 通过实验,分析了InP外延生长的影响因素,对所用的MOCVD生长工艺进行了优化,确立了合适的外延生长工艺流程。

    Based on the experimental results , the growth condition used in this our work for InP growth by LP-MOCVD was optimized .