
wài jiāo jiāo shè
  • diplomatic representations
  1. 济南惨案发生后,国民政府迫使日本将济案转入外交交涉,中日两国先后在南京、上海进行了近十次谈判,最终在秘密谈判中达成了解决的协议。

    After the Jinan Incident , the National Government forced a diplomatic settlement from Japan .

  2. 这五个部门各有分工,承担着朝鲜与清之间的外交交涉任务。

    The five departments had their own division of labor , responsible for diplomatic intervention of tasks between Chosen and Qing .

  3. 公司拒不听令,由比利时驻华公使与北平绥靖公署及外交部进行交涉,事件由商业纠纷上升至外交调处。

    But the company refused to obey . After the negotiation of Belgian Minister and Peking appeasement Corruption and the Foreign Ministry , the incident rose from commercial dispute to diplomatic mediation .

  4. 上海有自己的外事办公室,而圣保罗已经与几十个国家建立起外交关系,这些国家与首都巴西利亚的外交交涉反而不如与圣保罗的多。

    Shanghai has its own foreign affairs office , while S ã o Paulo has established diplomatic relations with dozens of states . These nations , in turn , have larger diplomatic representations there than they have in the capital Bras í lia .

  5. 据外交人士表示,至少有两个西方驻华使馆尝试向中国公安部递交正式外交信函——或进行外交交涉——以强调他们对此事的担忧,但公安部拒绝接受这些信函。

    According to diplomats , at least two western embassies attempted to submit formal diplomatic letters - or d é marches - highlighting their concerns to the Ministry of Public Security , which refused to accept them .

  6. 所谓国民外交,是指国民通过外交舆论、民众运动等手段,监督、支持、影响政府的外交决策和对外交涉,以实现自身的外交意愿和要求的活动。

    The so-called People-to People Diplomacy , is means that in order to realize own diplomatic intend and requirements , the national influence government diplomatic decision-making through diplomatic means , supervision and support .