
wài chǎng
  • out-field;external field;forestage


wài cháng
  • the behaviour of being good at social intercourses and concerned about face-saving
外场 [wài chǎng]
  • (1) [outfield]∶棒球或垒球边线以外的场地

  • (2) [forestage]∶戏曲舞台上桌子前面的区域

  • 外场椅

外场[wài cháng]
外场[wài chǎng]
  1. 而在激光通信外场实验中,该项目实验对环境要求高、人力耗费量大、不确定因素多等缺点。

    And in the out-field laser communication experiments , the project demand a high standard of the environment , large human consumption , and much uncertain factors such as defect .

  2. 在开发针对低空飞行及地面机动目标的声被动定位系统时,常常需要进行多次外场实验,以得到不同运动状态下以及不同声场环境中阵列接收到的数据,从而检测系统的准确性和可靠性。

    When develop passive acoustic localization system directed mainly at targets flying low and maneuver targets on the ground , in order to gain data received by array elements under different motion states and acoustic field to demonstrate system reliability and accuracy , it needs large number of out-field experiments .

  3. 他将球击向左外场而跑上了二垒。

    He doubled to left field .

  4. 那球腾空而起,飞到了右外场。

    The ball soared to right field .

  5. 她是个外场人儿,人头儿挺广。

    She 's a good mixer and has a large circle of acquaintances .

  6. 利用校准卫星进行USB外场试验的方法

    Field Calibrations and Tests of the USB with Orbiting Satellites

  7. 提出了具有内场或外场的a-Si∶H光电发射模型。

    A-Si : H photoemissive model with internal or external electric field is presented .

  8. 双通道脉间变频外场RCS测试雷达的研究

    Research on Two-Channels Pulse to Pulse Frequency Shifting Outdoor RCS Measurement Radar

  9. 在复合外场中形成HDPE双向拉伸自增强片材

    Study on Preparation of Biaxial Stretching Self-reinforced HDPE Sheets at Complex Stress Field

  10. 本文针对ISAR外场实验数据,提出一套改进的运动补偿方法。

    This paper presents an improved method of motion compensation for ISAR .

  11. 强红外场作用下BCl3振动态传能动力学研究

    The study of vibrational energy transfer dynamics in bcl_3 excited by an intense infrared field

  12. 阐述在USB设备研制过程中,利用卫星对USB进行外场试验的必要性和可行性。

    The necessity and feasibility of the field calibrations and tests of a USB system during the development of USB are described .

  13. 外场中超导体/半导体/超导体结的直流Josephson电流

    DC Josephson Current of Superconductor / semiconductor / superconductive Junction in External Field

  14. 外场下Koch曲线上Ising模型的临界性质

    Critical Phenomena of the Ising Model on Koch Curves in External Field

  15. 该系统能够提高外场RCS测试的精度,并且双通道的设计使测试效率提高一倍,具有较高的实用价值。

    The system can increase the accurate of outdoor RCS testing and the design of two-channel architecture can double testing efficiency .

  16. 提出了一种外场驱动下在腔QED中实现量子纠缠交换的方案。

    We propose a scheme for quantum entanglement swapping in driven cavity QED .

  17. AlF分子外场效应的量子化学研究

    Study on quantum chemistry of AlF molecular properties in the external electric field

  18. 通过X射线衍射、红外光谱扫描、偏光显微镜等微观测试分析,研究了超声外场作用对制件成型过程中的分子结晶、取向和降解的影响规律。

    By the test of X-ray diffraction , infrared spectroscopy scanning , polarizing microscope , the impacting relationship of ultrasonic field on the crystallization , orientation and degradation of the micro-parts is studied .

  19. 针对IPC体系多相多组分的特性,我们对其相形貌在外场作用下的演化也进行了深入研究。

    Considering the multi-composition and multi-phase characteristic of IPC , the evolution of phase morphology under external fields has also been systematically investigated .

  20. 采用MonteCarlo方法对离散混合经典Heisenberg自旋体系在周期性外场驱动下动态相变行为进行了模拟计算。

    The Monte Carlo method was employed to perform the numerical simulation for classical discrete diluted Heisenberg spin system driven by an oscillating external magnetic field .

  21. 结果表明:Bsplines与复坐标旋转方法相结合可以有效地用于强外场中原子自离化态的计算。

    Our results show that the B splines technique combined with complex coordinate can be widely used in the calculation of autoionization resonances of atoms in strong magnetic fie 1ds .

  22. 利用重正化群变换方法,在一种特殊钻石型等级晶格上研究了有外场存在时Gaussian模型的临界性质。

    Using the renormalization group method , the critical behavior of the Gaussian model is studied on a particular diamond-type hierarchical ( or DH ) lattice in an external magnetic field .

  23. 铁基对垂直作用于MgB2/Fe超导带材外场的影响

    Influence of Fe Sheath on MgB_2 / Fe Tapes in a Perpendicular Magnetic Field

  24. FY-2多通道扫描辐射计的可见光外场定标

    Visible outfield calibration for FY-2 multi-channel scan radiometer

  25. 基于标准探测器的FY-2(05)星扫描辐射计可见通道外场定标

    Detector Based Field Radiometric Calibration for the Visible Band of Multi-channel Scanning Radiometer of Satellite FY-2-05

  26. 外场驱动对Tavis-Cummings模型中量子态保真度的影响

    Effect of external field on the fidelity of quantum states in the two-atom Tavis-Cummings model

  27. 然后提出了一种基于Matlab软件平台的PC机组网准实时信号处理系统,并以此系统为依托,通过外场试验对外辐射源雷达测向算法进行了验证。

    Then , a network of PCs quasi-real time processing system based on Matlab software platform is proposed . Depending on this system , direction find arithmetics in external illuminator radar are verified by real data through outfield experiments .

  28. 现在鸵鸟们就在ReadingFightinPhils棒球队俱乐部外场上以最高40英里每小时的速度奔跑。

    Ostriches are roaming the Reading Fightin Phils outfield with a top speed of 40 miles per hour .

  29. Rydberg原子外场效应光谱研究是原子分子光物理研究的重要课题之一。

    Study on spectroscopy of Rydberg atoms in strong external fields is one of the most important issues in atomic molecular and optical physics .

  30. 进一步探讨和研究非线性扫描外场对Landau-Zener隧穿的性质及影响。

    Discuss about how the nonlinearity of driven field infects the properties of Landau-Zener tunneling . 5 .