
wài xínɡ chǐ cùn
  • overall dimension
  1. 外形尺寸可根据用户图生产。

    Overall dimension can be based on user map production .

  2. 介绍了规律变形钢丝的产生、其外形尺寸的作用及其原料选择。

    The production of regular deforming steel wire is introduced , and the role of its overall dimension and materials selection related as well .

  3. 基于DSP图像处理的微型零件外形尺寸检测技术研究

    Study on Shape Detection Technology of Mini Components Based on DSP Image Processing

  4. 作者用Visualc++完成了玻璃瓶罐外形尺寸检测的软件开发工作。

    The author has finished the software development job of the shape size detection of bottles and jars with Visual C + + .

  5. 阐述了应用面阵电荷耦合器件(CCD)测量运动热钢坯外形尺寸的测量系统。

    A measurement system using CCD to detect the size of the moving hot steel slabs is described .

  6. 本文应用可见光图像、X射线图像、X射线CT图像技术研究了红毛丹色泽、外形尺寸、果肉可食率、可溶性固形物及衰减系数。

    The evaluation methods of color , defects , edible percentage and sugar contents of Rambutan flesh were studied using visible image , X-ray image and CT image .

  7. 在不改变设备外形尺寸的前提下,应用CTST高效塔盘技术对浮阀型尿素解吸塔进行改造。

    CTST high efficiency trays was used to revamp float valve type urea desorption tower under the condition of remaining the shape and size of the tower .

  8. 讨论了计算机三维重建对于准确测量NI和其它生物显微结构外形尺寸的重要性及其在组织形态学研究中的意义。

    The significance of three-dimensional computer reconstruction for accurately measuring the dimensions of NI and other biological microstructures and for the study of histological morphology are discussed .

  9. 介绍了一种外形尺寸不变而综合性能优于F1俘阀的高效锥型浮阀。

    The efficient-cone type floating valve with unchanged overall dimensions and superior adaptability to the F1 floating valve was introduced .

  10. 该方案是利用CCD摄像机采集被测曲轴的图像信息,经过微机软件系统对采集的图像进行数字图像处理,以建立曲轴的二维标准检测图像,从而测量出曲轴的各种外形尺寸;

    In the system , the image information of crankshaft is collected with CCD and image data acquisition card , and then DIB bitmaps of crankshaft are created .

  11. 然后,依据云台外形尺寸及安装位置,完成了PCB板的设计、元器件焊接和硬件调试。

    Then , depending on the size of PTZ shape and the position of installation , complete PCB design , component welding and hardware debugging .

  12. 诱人的外形尺寸一直是刺激消费者对DTV兴趣的一个因素,而价格大幅下降对消费者的吸引力更大。

    Tempting dimensions has been to stimulate consumer interest in a DTV , prices fell sharply on consumers greater attraction .

  13. 其中,CBR过程中使用基于模糊集理论的权值临近范例检索方法,KBR过程中使用B样条拟合曲面的方法将离散、模糊的外形尺寸&定额工时值规律细化。

    Fuzzy set-based retrieve algorithm is applied in the CBR , The discrete and fuzzy rules of the shape size-man-hour are fitted by a surface of double cubic B-spline in the KBR .

  14. 分析了几种离心式冷水机组制冷量、COP值、噪声、外形尺寸及质量等性能参数,并就机组结构设计提出了自己的看法。

    Analyses the performance parameters including refrigerating effect , COP value , noise level , size and weight of centrifugal water chillers , presents author 's opinion for configuration design of these units .

  15. 采用助溶剂法,生长了外形尺寸为15mm×25mm×60mm的大尺寸PrP5O(14)单晶。

    PrP_5O_ ( 14 ) crystal with large size and high optical properties has been successfully grown by flux method .

  16. 但是,因为PAG油使用的是特殊的真空泵,所以外形尺寸和质量不同于上表。

    But , for the PAG oil , because special vacuum pump is used , the dimensions and weight of the equipment is different from the above .

  17. 利用Ф2mm电磁型微马达作为执行器设计制作了一外形尺寸为5mm×6mm的微型机器人小车,附设了粗细两级CCD摄像头来实现机器人视觉。

    The Ф 2 mm electromagnetic micro motor is used to design a 5 mm × 6 mm micro robot vehicle , with two CCD of different level .

  18. 本文在FSW产热过程理论分析的基础上,根据搅拌头外形尺寸,建立了FSW三维传热有限元模型。

    According to the physical dimension of the tool , 3D finite element heat-transfer model of FSW was made on the base of theoretical analysis of heat-transfer in this paper .

  19. 本文阐述了已通过设计定型鉴定的GOP-2×2-01型保偏光纤耦合器的技术方案选择、理论探讨、材料要求、外形尺寸。

    This paper sets forth the technical solution theory exploration , material requirements and dimentions of type GOP-2 × 2-01 polarization maintaining optical fiber coupler which has passed final design qualification .

  20. 封装形式为SOT-123的半导体元器件,其外形尺寸十分微小,针对这种半导体元器件设计了自动编带机。

    The semiconductor component of SOT-123 is very small in outline dimension . This automatic taping machine is design for it .

  21. 选用水面舰艇用945钢和潜艇用921A钢,研究了不同焊缝外形尺寸对爆炸试验中三缺口试样的中央缺口开裂行为的影响。

    Using 945 Steel and 921A steel , this article studies the effect of weld profile and size on the cracking behavior of a central notch in a three-notch specimen for an explosion bulge test .

  22. 试验研究成果表明,所设计的12M型尾水管不但有优良的综合水力性能,而且有经济的外形尺寸,适合于工程成洞的需要。

    The result of research and experiment indicate that the designed draft tube of type 12 M have not only excellent comprehensive hydraulic characteristics but also economic dimensions , adaptable to the requirements of excavating and shaping the tailrace tunnel for the underground works .

  23. 卡特匹勒32t自卸汽车差速器壳十字轴孔磨损修复GB/T5801-1994滚动轴承轻中系列滚针轴承外形尺寸和公差

    Abrasion Remedy of Cross Axle Hole of Differential Carrier of Caterpillar 32 t Dumper Rolling bearings Light and medium series needle roller bearings Boundary dimensions and tolerances

  24. 根据铝合金壳盖铸件形状复杂、壁薄、外形尺寸小等特征,选用了J1125型卧式冷室压铸机。

    J1125 type horizontal cold chamber die casting machine was used to produce the aluminum alloy housing of motorcycle based on its complicated shape , thin-wall and small profile dimension .

  25. 介绍了一种微型装配系统中的精密定位装置,该系统利用了外形尺寸为2mm的电磁型微电动机制作了5mm×6mm的微型机器人小车作为粗定位的执行器和装配机器人;

    This paper presented a precise position instrument for micro assemble system . A 2 mm micro motor is used to design a kind of micro car whose size is about 5 mm × 6 mm , which is used as the driver and assemble robot .

  26. 7电动机的安装及外形尺寸见表4。

    For the mounting and overall dimensions , see Table 4 .

  27. GB/T273.2-1998滚动轴承推力轴承外形尺寸总方案

    " Rolling bearings Thrust bearings Boundary dimensions , general plan "

  28. GB/T16940-1997直线运动支承直线运动球轴承外形尺寸和公差

    Linear motion bearings Linear motion ball bearings Boundary dimensions and tolerances

  29. 此次六端口接收机的外形尺寸是由用户给定的。

    Dimensions of the six-port receiver are given by the users .

  30. 下摇臂冲压件外形尺寸对其疲劳寿命影响的分析

    An Influence of Lower Control Arm Contour on Its Fatigue Strength