
  • 网络network access point;APN;NAP
  1. 于是一般的运算平台尤其是小型的无线设备如网络接入点(Accesspoint)就需要较长的运算时间来实现基于公钥密码的安全认证过程。

    As a result , the general platforms take a long operating time to realize the authentication process based on public key algorithm especially small wireless devices such as network Access Point .

  2. 系统硬件包括服务中心服务器(PC)、手持无线终端、无线网络接入点AP(无线路由器)等,它们为无线点餐系统提供基本的设备支持。

    The hardware of the system is composed by center server ( PC ), handheld terminal and wireless network access point ( wireless router ) . They provide the basic platform for the system .

  3. 为了满足这个需求,IETF工作组制定了移动IP协议,它可以支持移动节点访问Internet。节点在移动过程中有个很关键的问题,就是如何实现在不同的网络接入点之间的切换问题。

    To address this need , IETF has designed Mobile IP protocol to support mobile nodes operating in the Internet , which is how to handle the handoff problem different Access Points .

  4. 在所谓的“中间人”或“蜜罐”攻击中,攻击者看起来像客户端的合法接入点,使客户端与非法ap关联,而不是与合法网络接入点关联。

    In so-called " man in the middle " or " honeypot " attacks , the attacker appears to be a legitimate access point to clients , causing them to associate with the illegal AP instead of a legitimate network access point .

  5. 蓝牙网络接入点频繁路径选择切换算法

    Frequent path selection algorithm of handoff for bluetooth network access point

  6. 一种蓝牙网络接入点快速切换机制

    A Fast Handoff Mechanism for Bluetooth Network Access Points

  7. 移动性是指随着用户位置的移动,其网络接入点不断改变,并可能不断的接入不同的运营商网络。

    Mobility means user may change access point and operator from time to time .

  8. 在其他情况下,它指的是包括移动蜂窝用户的所有的网络接入点。

    In other cases it refers to all network access points including mobile cellular subscribers .

  9. 蓝牙网络接入点切换问题的研究对于解决蓝牙移动性有很重要的现实意义。

    The study of handoff for bluetooth network access point is very important to bluetooth mobility .

  10. 不要让“活”的网络接入点,远程,只是为了方便,无人防守的网站。

    Do not allow " live " network access points at remote , unguarded sites simply for convenience .

  11. 事实上只有少数几个国有的网络接入点才能把国内网络链接到国外网络上。

    This is aided by the fact that only a few state-owned access points connect the domestic Internet to the outside world .

  12. 在本篇论文中,把网络接入点负载的均衡性和业务成本的最小化作为混合的优化目标。

    In this paper , the equitable distribution of traffic load across available attachment points and service cost minimization are as the combined optimization target .

  13. 分析了无线Mesh网络中Mesh接入点移动时,快速切换认证过程中存在的问题。

    The security problem of fast handoffs in WLAN Mesh networks with mobile Mesh Access Point is analyzed .

  14. 主要研究将智能天线应用于Internet无线接入网络的中心接入点(CAP),提出了基于轮询的自适应波束形成多址接入协议(PBABFMA)。

    The application of smart antennas in the central access point ( CAP ) of wireless Internet access networks is studied in this paper . A polling-based adaptive beamforming multiple access protocol ( PB-ABFMA ) is proposed .

  15. 移动计算网络中无线接入点的原理与设计

    Principles and design of the access point in the mobile computing network

  16. 移动服务的连续性要求无线网络系统支持接入点之间频繁的、快速的切换,而接入无线网络的安全认证过程却使漫游切换时延显著增加。

    The continuity of the mobile service demands wireless networks being able to support frequent and fast handovers from on access point to another , while security authentication enhances handover latency greatly .

  17. 本论文研究无线通信网络中的接入点选择问题,具体包括异构无线网络中的接入点选择和蜂窝网中基站协同传输时的协同接入点选择。

    This thesis will study the access points selection in wireless communication networks , including the access points selection in the heterogeneous wireless network and the cooperative access points selection in base station cooperation .

  18. 无线网络中,无线接入点AP作为网络第一层安全防护起着举足轻重的作用,通过对AP的安全设计,可以进一步提高无线网络的安全性。

    In wireless network structure , Access Point ( AP ) has its own important function in wireless security defence .

  19. 该系统在802.1x增强性解决方案基础上,增加1台微机作为代理,对网络中的假冒接入点和混杂模式节点进行检测,以杜绝802.1x方案中的中间人攻击和会话劫持攻击。

    On the basis of the enhanced resolution of 802.1x , the system adds a computer as the agent and detects the counterfeit accessing point and the promiscuous node in the network to prevent the intermediator and the conversation hijacking attack in the 802.1x .

  20. 当移动用户在网络的覆盖范围内漫游时,其网络接入点也随之变化。

    The network access points of mobile terminals change as the users ramble in the coverage of the network .

  21. 传统多跳切换的缺陷在于,一旦移动终端发起到目的网络的切换连接,那么多跳连接会将对应的切换连接到新的网络接入点中。

    The defect of traditional multi-hop handover is that once the mobile terminal initiates a handover connection to the destination network , multi-hop connection will bring the corresponding handover to connect the new network access point .

  22. 蓝牙网络封装主要应用在蓝牙个人无线局域网(PAN)中,PAN应用是指由两个或者更多的设备形成一个特定网络,而且这些设备能通过一个网络接入点来访问远程网络。

    BNEP is applied to Bluetooth Personal Area Networking ( PAN ), which is an adhoc network grouped by two or more devices and these devices can access a remote network through a network access point .

  23. 移动adhoc网络是通过无线通信链路互联的自治、多跳网络,它区别于传统网络的一个最直接的特点就是不依赖于任何固定的基础设施,网络没有基站、接入点、远程服务器等。

    Mobile Ad hoc Networks are self-organized , multi-hop network through wireless communication , one of the most difference from traditional networks is that it does not depend on any fixed infrastructure ; there are no base stations , access points or remote servers .