
  1. 而基于IE传播的网页病毒已经成为影响网络安全的主要问题之一。

    Meantime , Web page virus propagated by IE has become one of the most important network security problem .

  2. 如何识别、预防和排除网页病毒

    How to distinguish 、 Prevent and Remove Webpage Virus

  3. 网页病毒防御系统的设计

    Design of Web Page Virus Defense System

  4. 随着网络应用的普及,网页病毒无论是种类变化还是对计算机的攻击都呈现出快速发展的态势,对网络管理人员和计算机用户来说,掌握对付网页病毒的相关知识已显得非常重要。

    With the popular application of the network , the webpage virus and its change of varieties to attack the computer have presented a situation of fast development . For the administrator and computer users , grasping the related knowledge to deal with webpage virus have looked very important .

  5. 网页反病毒不会对你下载的相关文件进行提示。

    Web Anti-Virus does not notify user about the downloaded files .

  6. 但是,随之产生的各种网络威胁如网页蠕虫病毒,恶意脚本程序、钓鱼网站、垃圾邮件等也正在扰乱互联网的正常秩序,威胁网民的信息、财产安全。

    However , the variety of network threats , such as web worms , viruses , malicious scripts , phishing sites and spam , are disturbing the order of Internet , which do a great harm to users ' privacy and property safety .

  7. 网页提供香港爱滋病病毒感染等统计、全球及中国爱滋病等数字。

    Its website provides HIV / AIDS statistics for HK , China and world .