
  • 网络network poem
  1. 网络诗歌的大众文化特征分析

    Analysis about the people 's culture characters of the network poem

  2. 网络诗歌应该强化文体意识,服从诗歌的艺术规范;

    Network poem should enhance style consciousness and submit to artistic criterion ;

  3. 最后以展望网络诗歌的前景作结。

    The ending is to prospect the network poetry 's foreground .

  4. 第三章分析网络诗歌的特征和价值。

    The third chapter analyses the network poetry 's character and existence value .

  5. 网络诗歌:边缘处的呼喊

    Cyber Poem : a Shout Raising from Borderline

  6. 本文从以下三个层面,对网络诗歌这一新兴的艺术形态作了全方位的观照和研究。

    This text will analyze and study the network poem from three following respects .

  7. 网络诗歌的优势与面临的挑战

    The advantages and challenges of network poem

  8. 透过暗夜的光辉&论当下网络诗歌中的星星意象

    Radiance through the Dark Night & On the poetry of the present network stars image

  9. 网络诗歌已经成为传统刊物选稿的重要传送带。

    Network poetry has already become the important conveyer belt for traditional publication to select materials .

  10. 正是在这些文化精神的层面上,网络诗歌凝聚着解不开的后现代情结。

    It is on the range of these cultural spirit , network poetry condensed inextricable postmodern complex .

  11. 戴着面具跳舞,其双刃互生的矛盾本质属性使网络诗歌的发展充满悖论式的张力。

    The contradictory nature of Dance with a Mask has developed the network with a paradoxical vitality .

  12. 网络诗歌从诞生之日到现在兴盛之时,经历了从误解到误读的过程。

    The network poetry experienced a process from misunderstanding to misreading on its way from birth to prosperity .

  13. 飞入寻常百姓家&浅谈网络诗歌中诗人身份的变化

    Flying into the House of Common People & Analyzing the Change of Poet 's Status in the Cyber Poetry

  14. 网络诗歌的兴起是20世纪末的一种大众文化现象。

    The rising of the network poem is one kind of people 's culture phenomenon in the 20th century .

  15. 21世纪初,汉语诗歌革命性的变化是网络诗歌的兴盛。

    In the beginning of 21 century , the revolution of Chinese poetry lies in the flourishing of Network poems .

  16. 当诗人们哀叹文学死亡,诗歌的边缘化、私人化与平庸化时,网络诗歌却呈现出诗歌的世纪复兴。

    When poets lament literature 's death , poetry 's marginalization , privatization and mediocrity , Internet poetry shows a centurial regeneration .

  17. 这一章首先梳理并界定了网络诗歌的定义,接下来便呈现和描述了网络诗歌的基本生存图景和艺术形态。

    This chapter has defined network poem at first , then has described the basic existence current situation of the network poem .

  18. 网络诗歌是运用网络这个新的媒介和载体,来创作、传播、存储和阅读的新的诗歌样式。

    Online verse is a new poetic pattern written , disseminated , stored and read by means of network , a new medium .

  19. 网络诗歌阵地恢弘,诗写者的先锋姿态和现代性审美表达,都表明诗歌是一种高度自觉的文学活动。

    The pioneer posture of the poetry writers and the expression of modern aesthetic appreciations indicate that poetry is a highly self-conscious literary activity .

  20. 尽管网络诗歌还存在着很多不足,但这并不妨碍网络诗歌成为与纸质诗歌并存的诗歌形态。

    Although there are some defects in the network poetry , it doesn 't hinder the coexisting of the network poetry and the paper quality poetry .

  21. 经过十余年的发展,网络诗歌已逐渐成为当下诗歌的一种重要形态,从而受到越来越多研究者的关注。

    After over ten years development , network poetry has gradually become one important form of nowadays poetry and caused concerns from more and more researchers .

  22. 网络诗歌是大众文化和新媒质发展的产物,是广场性、狂欢化的诗歌写作形态。

    Internet poetry is the product of the development of popular culture and new intermediary . It is a kind of poetry that is carnival and public square .

  23. 网络诗歌和民刊的发展不但预示了新世纪诗歌发展的多元化,而且还能够在后现代的视野下张显诗歌写作者的自我个性。

    The development of network poetry and folk periodical can not only indicate the development pluralism of new century poetry , and also publicize the poetic writers ' ego individuality under the field view of post modernization .

  24. 新时期以来,湖北诗歌中的现实主义诗歌与乡土诗歌得到了长足的发展,先锋诗歌异军突起,网络诗歌方兴未艾。

    Of the Hubei Poetry , from a new era , the realistic verse and the rustic verse have made rapid progress , the pioneer verse has risen suddenly and the network verse creation has been in the ascendant .

  25. 在消费社会里,消费的文化化与文化的消费化是一体的两面,这种社会表征在促进了网络诗歌加速繁殖的同时,也成为了网络诗歌美学升华的天然瓶颈。

    In the consuming society , the consuming civilization and cultural consumption are regarded as a whole with two aspects . This social indication accelerates the reproduction of network poetry , meanwhile , it turns into the natural bottleneck of network poetry esthetic sublimation .

  26. 网络诗歌的诞生,与世纪之交的市场化、全球化浪潮有关,与价值多元的后现代文化语境有关,更与高速发展的网络信息技术有关,是九十年代诗歌自身发展的必然结果。

    The emergence of network poetry is the inevitable consequence of Chinese poetry in 1990 ' s. It concerns with the tide of marketization and globalization at the turn of the century , with the postmodern cultural context of multi-values and with the rapid developing network information technology .

  27. 网络诗歌发展到今天,已经脱去误解的抵制,经由集体狂热的追逐,最终走向理性的崭新诉求,即网络诗歌向传统与主流的必要回归,重建精神的伊甸园。

    Fortunately , today it has already got away from the resisting of misunderstanding . After the massive fever and blind pursuit , it eventually goes towards a kind of rationality , namely , the necessary return to tradition and main stream and the reestablishment of the spiritual Eden .

  28. 诗性拓展:网络时代诗歌的内在变化

    The Internal Change of Expansion of Poetic Essence in Internet Times

  29. 网络体诗歌适应了消费文化时代的审美表达,同时也消解了诗歌语言的美学意蕴。

    The network form poetry adapts the aesthetic expression of the consuming culture era , meanwhile , it clears up the esthetic connotation of poetic language .

  30. 接着论述网络对口语诗歌发展的作用,并探讨诗歌与歌词之区别;

    And moreover , the text tells what the difference between the lyric and the poem .