
  • 网络informationalism;informationism
  1. 历史观信息主义:从媒介决定论到信息方式

    Historical Informationalism : From Media Determinism to the Mode of Information

  2. 信息技术决定论:从信息社会到信息主义

    IT Determinism : from " Information Society " to " Informationalism "

  3. 后新教伦理:一种被信息主义强化的新教伦理

    Post - Protestantism Ethics : A Protestantism Ethics Strengthened by Informationism

  4. 信息主义视角体现了技术哲学正在走向研究方法与理论成果的多样性和丰富性。

    Seeing things in an informationalistic perpective shows that the philosophy of technology is going to diversity and plenty in both research methodology and theoretic achievements .

  5. 对全球信息化做伦理分析,目的是提倡不同文化的伦理共鸣,以消解信息帝国主义的话语霸权;促进信息资源的分有与共享,以避免信息富有与信息贫穷的两极化趋势。

    The desertification of global information ethics which aims to promote cultural resonance of ethics to digestion " information imperialism " hegemonic discourse ; in order to avoid the information rich and information poor , we should the promote to share the information resources with sub-sharing .

  6. 信息时代马克思主义哲学育人价值的实现

    The realization of Marxism Philosophy education value in information age

  7. 与乔姆斯基为代表的形式主义相比,语言信息研究的功能主义观是一大进步。

    Compared with Chomsky 's formalism in linguistic study , the functionalism in linguistic information study is a giant step forward .

  8. 利用信息概念发展马克思主义内容理论既是信息时代时代精神的要求,又是由马克思主义自身特点所决定的。

    That we can develop Marxist theory of content by using the information concept , is not only the requirement of the spirit of the times , but also is determined by Own Characteristics of Marxism .

  9. 在信息技术对认识方式深刻作用的背景下,导致了认识论信息主义的出现,而当代认知科学的发展使得认识论信息主义获得了更多的支持。

    With the profound effect of information mode , there appears a new trend of thought : epistemology informationalism which also gets the support from the development of modern cognitive science .