
huí dá
  • answer;reply;response;rejoin;replication;rejoinder
回答 [huí dá]
  • (1) [answer;reply;response]

  • (2) 口头或书面的答复;对问题、呼唤、呼吁或号召的答复;对意见、争论或反对意见的答辩;回信

  • 对正当问题的诚恳回答

  • (3) 以口头或书面答复

  • 我向你提问时,请回答我

回答[huí dá]
  1. 你的问题我难以回答。

    I can 't easily give an answer to your question .

  2. 她的回答模棱两可,是典型的政客做法。

    She gave an equivocal answer , typical of a politician .

  3. 我把问题重复了一遍,等着她详细回答。

    I repeated the question and waited for her to expand .

  4. 理查德没有兴趣回答。

    Richard couldn 't rouse himself to say anything in reply .

  5. “是”还是“否”,你就不能给我个直截了当的回答吗?

    Can 't you give me a straight yes or no ?

  6. 我给你十分钟时间准备回答。

    I 'll give you ten minutes to prepare your answer .

  7. 他不爽快地回答她的问题,这就激起了她的好奇心。

    His reluctance to answer her questions simply fanned her curiosity .

  8. 我把问题重复了一遍,但是她仍没有回答。

    I repeated the question , but she didn 't answer .

  9. 她的回答简短而干脆,没有提供细节。

    Her answer was crisp , and she gave no details .

  10. 他盯着他们看了好长时间才回答。

    He stared at them for the longest time before answering .

  11. 他非常苦恼而困惑,无法回答他们的问题。

    He was too distressed and confused to answer their questions .

  12. 我的问题只需要简单地回答是或不是。

    I need a simple yes or no to my questions .

  13. 他们担心因回答这些问题而受到牵连。

    They were afraid of answering the questions and incriminating themselves .

  14. 记一下自己回答这些问题所需的时间。

    Time how long it takes you to answer the questions .

  15. 阅读下面这段文章并回答后面的问题。

    Read the following passage and answer the questions below .

  16. “无可奉告。”那位演员回答什么问题都是这一句老话。

    ' No comment , ' was the actor 's stock response .

  17. 我们的助理很乐意回答诸位的问题。

    Our assistants will be happy to answer your queries .

  18. 我拿不准该如何回答这个问题。

    I was unsure how to reply to this question .

  19. 他们异口同声地回答:“是。”

    They answered ' Yes , ' to a man .

  20. 考试将包括回答一些关于一张照片的问题。

    The test will involve answering questions about a photograph .

  21. 问题的措辞会影响人们的回答。

    The wording of questions can influence how people answer .

  22. 他拒不回答他们的问题,受到了惩罚。

    He was punished for refusing to answer their questions .

  23. “又是又不是。”她回答得很隐晦。

    ' Yes and no , ' she replied cryptically .

  24. “我不会让你失望的。”他回答说。

    ' I won 't let you down , ' he replied .

  25. 她转动了一下眼睛作为回答就走了。

    She rolled her eyes by way of an answer and left .

  26. 她拒绝回答侵犯她隐私的问题。

    She refused to answer questions that infringed on her private affairs .

  27. 先仔细阅读文章,然后再回答问题。

    Read the text carefully and then answer the questions .

  28. “我宁愿步行。”她回答他道。

    ' I 'd prefer to walk , ' she answered him .

  29. 如果回答不了问题,就空着它。

    If you can 't answer the question , leave a blank .

  30. 他竭力支支吾吾不给予明确的回答。

    He tried desperately to wriggle out of giving a clear answer .