
huí yì
  • retroversion
回译[huí yì]
  1. 方法将D型人格量表译成中文,并回译。205例情绪障碍儿童和少年,正常儿童和少年组156名完成D型人格量表,EPQ人格问卷测评。

    Methods 361 adolescents , including 205 adolescents and children with emotional disorders and 156 normal controls were tested with the type D personality scale , EPQ respectively .

  2. [方法]采用翻译与回译两个步骤开发SF-8中文版本;

    [ Methods ] The Chinese version of SF-8 was developed by translation and back translation .

  3. 较之顺译,回译有其自身特点和难点。

    Compared with forward-translation , back-translation has its own features and difficulties .

  4. 在翻译过程中用到的翻译方法主要有:意译、转换法、回译和补充说明。

    The methods include : free translation , backtranslation , conversion and supplementation .

  5. 人名冠名术语的形式及回译

    Expressions of the Terms Preceded by People 's Names and Their Back Translation

  6. 本文着重分析回译在翻译教学中的应用。

    This thesis mainly tries to analyze the application of back-translation in translation teaching .

  7. 在第5章的回译实验中,我们仅获取了6篇回译文本。

    We only obtain 6 back-translated versions in a test of back-translation in Chapter 5 .

  8. 商务词汇翻译中的回译与借用

    Back Translation and Borrowing in Business Translation

  9. 第二章构建本文的理论基础,将关联理论及互文性理论引入回译研究。

    It introduces the relevance theory and the intertextuality theory into the study of back-translation .

  10. 回译是翻译的一种特殊形式,并能有效提高英语学习效率。

    As a special kind of translation , back-translation can improve English learning a lot .

  11. 将其译为中文时会出现一些特殊的问题,譬如回译。

    Special problems will occur during its translation into Chinese , one of which is back-translation .

  12. 从而使回译从语言到风格都得到一个客观、量化的评价。

    Through the comparison , an objective and quantified evaluation will be made on the back-translation .

  13. 互文性在源文本构成中起着举足轻重的作用,回译是典型的互文翻译。

    Intertextuality plays an important role in the organization of Source Text . Back-translation is a typical intertext translation .

  14. 由小说《喜福会》浅析美国华裔文学中的回译问题与作者风格再现

    Back Translation and Reproduction of Author 's Style in Chinese American Literature-A Case Study of the Joy Luck Club

  15. 美国华裔英语文学翻译中的回译问题&《喜福会》及其中译本个案研究

    Back-translation in the Translation of Chinese-American English Literature & A Case Study of The Joy Luck Club and Its Chinese Translations

  16. 从关联理论角度来看,回译的标准与最佳关联原则联系最为紧密。

    The criteria of back-translation , seeing from the perspective of the relevance theory , are closely associated with optimal relevance .

  17. 作为回译最基本的标准,忠于靶原文遵循了最佳关联原则。

    As the fundamental criterion of back-translation , " being loyal to the Target Original " obeys the principle of optimal relevance .

  18. 然而遗憾的是,这篇原计划三部分共百万字的巨著,中文版的最后13章原文亡佚,目前我们读到的是英文缩写本的回译。

    However , it is a serious loss that this novel , originally planed with one million words and one hundred chapters , lost the last 13 chapters .

  19. 通过英汉语间的回译练习,学习者可以全方位地对比英汉语语言,提高自身的英语语言能力和跨文化交际能力。

    Through E-C and C-E back-translation exercises , learners can contrast the two languages in an all-round way and improve their English as well as cross-cultural communication ability .

  20. 从最佳关联的角度来看,对于回译来说达到最佳关联的方法就是找到靶原文。

    Seen from the perspective of optimal relevance , in the process of back-translation , the best way to reach optimal relevance is to find the Target Original .

  21. 先是界定无根回译的概念,区分容易混淆的回译、古本复原、伪译等相关翻译概念。

    First , the definition of rootless back translation is given , with the distinction of other similar concepts such as back translation , text restoration , false translation .

  22. 中医著作的翻译趋势是语言简洁,内容准确,可读性强,同时兼顾回译性以便国际间交流。

    The trend in translating TCM classical works is towards brevity in language , adequacy in content , readability for target readers , and back translatability for international communication .

  23. 运用这些术语本文将回译定义为源原文将靶原文回抄到靶译文的过程。

    With these terms , the thesis defines back-translation as the translating process of the replicating retroversion of the Source Original to the Target Original as the Target Version .

  24. 在第二章的基础上,第三章提出回译就是克服这些困难,重构原文同读者间文化亲缘关系的过程。

    Building from Chapter Two , Chapter Three defines back-translation as a process in which the translator tries to overcome the above-mentioned difficulties and reestablish cultural connections between ST and its target readers .

  25. 随着中国国力增强,更多的中国文化典籍被翻译为英语,而中国译者在今后的翻译实践中会遇到更多的回译问题,这是文化交流带来的必然结果。

    With the strengthening of China ' snational power , more and more Western works on China Studies have been translated into English , and Chinese translators will encounter more back-translation problems in this field .

  26. 回译往往是检验翻译质量的一种方法手段,那么在原文亡佚的情况下如何去评价一篇回译作品呢,这恐怕就要从文体学的方面去入手了。

    Back-translation is often used as a method to examine a translational work , but how to evaluate a back-translation without the original text ? It is likely that literary stylistics should be introduced into it .

  27. 在第四章里,笔者就译者在整个翻译过程中扮演的角色进行探讨,指出译者在回译时应当尊重原文,避免自身母语文化的过度彰显。

    In the last chapter , the author discusses the role played by the translator in the whole process and points out that the translator should respect ST and reign in his own native cultural cognition while back - translating .

  28. 其次通过新闻翻译的实例揭示了新闻词汇翻译的具体应对策略,例如对词汇文化内涵的处理,复合词的翻译,缩略语的表达,以及回译法的应用,外来词的翻译。

    Furthermore , the practical rendering strategies are demonstrated by studying the authentic examples in news translation , with the emphasis on tackling cultural connotations , compound words and contractions as well as the application of back translation and loan translation .

  29. 通过深入细致的分析,本文认为:中译本《女勇士》在回译中华文化元素方面尽管存在一些不足,但在理论上基本是科学的,在实践上基本是成功的。

    Through a careful analysis , this thesis comes to a conclusion : The use of back translation in the Chinese version of The Woman Warrior is scientific in theory and successful in practice though it has some defects in some way .

  30. 在英汉互译中存在一种特殊的翻译现象,即当内容是叙述中国特有事物和文化的外文作品需要被译成中文时,常常涉及到文化还原问题,这便属于一种特殊的回译。

    In translation between Chinese and English , there is a special phenomenon , that is . when English literary works concerning Chinese-specific items and cultures are translated back into Chinese , it is often related to cultural reconstruction , which is a special case of back-translation .