
  • 网络rotation speed;Swing speed;slewing speed;rpm
  1. 按此计算公式计算的回转速度约比文献[1]的计算公式所得的相应值高11%。

    According to this calculation , the swing speed is about 11 per cent higher than that in the reference [ 1 ] .

  2. 这种新工艺对主轴回转速度的平稳性有较高的要求。

    The rotary stability of the spindles is highly demanded .

  3. 关于液压挖掘机回转速度及回转循环时间计算的探讨

    Exploration on the Calculation of Swing Speeds and Swing Cycle Time for Hydraulic Excavator

  4. 水泥土的加固,可用调节搅拌轴回转速度来控制搅拌效果。

    Fastened by cement , the agitation effection can be controlled by adjustment the rotation rate of agitation axis .

  5. 并且适当降低了各机台部件的回转速度,既可以减少对纤维的损伤,又可以保证纱线条干,提高纱线的制成率。

    It can reduce the damage of fibers , also can ensure the stem of yarn , increase the rate of finished products .

  6. 通过分析茶叶颗粒流筛分过程的数值模拟试验获得的数据,得出了回转速度的控制模型。

    Furthermore , through analysis of the data retrieved from the simulation process , it successfully obtained the control model of the rotational velocity .

  7. 提高砂轮磨削速度、加大切削深度、提高工件回转速度均可提高磨削效率,减少节拍。

    Improve grinding wheel speed , greater depth of cut , enhance the speed of the workpiece can improve grinding efficiency and reduce the beat .

  8. 本文对液压挖掘机回转速度及回转循环时间的计算,提出了新的计算方法.导出了合理的计算公式。

    In this paper a new calculation method of swing speeds and swing cycle time is presented for hydraulic excavator , and reasonable calculating formulas are also derived .

  9. 利用该方法分析了前进速度、刀轴回转速度及斜置角对斜置式旋耕的碎土程度的影响。

    The influence of forward speed , rotary speed of rotor and oblique angle on the distribution of clod size formed by oblique rotary tiller was analyzed by using the relationship .

  10. 发现一个牙轮钻头中的三个牙轮回转速度不相同。而不同类型牙轮钻头的牙轮转速也不相同。

    It was found that the rotation speeds of3 cones in one rotary bit are different , and the speeds of rotation are also different for different types of rock bits .

  11. 介绍了旋喷钻机钻进过程中几个重要工作参数的检测方法,包括钻机的钻进深度、动力头的回转速度以及摆喷的角度等。

    Described the methods of detecting for some vital operating parameters of the jet-grouting drilling rig when it worked , including the drilling depth , the rotating speed and the swinging angle .

  12. 通过连续喂料试验,探明了回转速度、喂入量、出料口直径等因素对谷糙分离效果的影响,以及优化的操作条件。

    Through the test of continuous feeding process , the effect of rotating sepeed , feeding rate and the diameter of unloading on the paddy rice separation and the optimum operating condition were found out .

  13. 讨论了锥筒的回转速度、填充率、回转时间、轴线倾角、内表面状态等因素对稻谷和糙米产生偏析和分离的关系。

    The relationships between separation of paddy rice and the rotating speed of conical vessel , the filling rate , the rotating period , the inclined angle of the shaft , the vessel inner surface condition were discussed .

  14. 回转角速度指示器在船舶操纵中的应用

    The Application of Rot Indicator for Ship 's Manoeuvring

  15. 自回转刀具速度方向后角和临界倾斜角的研究

    Investigation on velocity relief angle and critical oblique angle of the self-propelled rotary cutting tool

  16. 穿越动作、提早用刃以及在滚落线处提早释放压力相结合,可以在大小回转中提高速度。

    Combination of a cross movement , early edge set and pressure in the fall-line with early release are used to produce acceleration in Slalom and GS turns .

  17. 跨音速透平叶栅在回转面上的速度图法设计

    The hodograph method design for transonic turbine cascade in revolutionary surface

  18. 为了使卸料能力保持恒定值,本文对大车运行速度、臂架回转及机头回转速度三者的匹配推出了计算公式,并介绍了计算实例。

    In order to keep constant unloading rate , a calculation formula is proposed to make gantry travelling speed , boom swivelling speed and reclaiming head revolving speed compatible . A calculation example is given .

  19. 本文采用二维不可压理想流动和湍流边界层的流动模型计算了多叶风机的内部流场,子午面和回转面的位流速度计算采用积分方法;

    This article adopts the flow model of 2-D non-compressible ideal flowing and turbulent flowing boundary layer to compute the internal flow field for a multiblade fan , while potential flow speed for meridian plane and rotational plane uses integrated method ;

  20. 一般来说,慢速飞机的回转率优于快速飞机。每一架飞机有各自的最佳回转速度。

    In general , though , a slower-flying aircraft will out-turn a faster-flying one . Every ship has a speed at which maximum-performance turns are possible .

  21. 根据此原理,摇盘回转时,刀尖圆上给定点的切线向量、绕摇盘回转的速度方向和法矢这三个向量共面。

    According to the calculation theory , the tangent vector , the velocity and the normal vector on a given point of the circle of tool nose are coplanar .