
  1. 为了提高局部观察点的辐照功率密度,在辐照喇叭口采用了低损耗聚四氟乙烯微波透镜以聚焦微波能量。

    In order to increase the irradiation power density of local view point , the low loss Teflon microwave lens focusing energy of microwave is used near the irradiating horn .

  2. 在此模型基础上实现了施工过程的三维动态演示、三维场景沿河流巡航、施工总布置可视化信息查询和局部观察。

    Dependent on this model , 3D dynamic demonstration of construction processes , cruising alone river , visual information inquiring and analyzing of construction site layout and local observing are realized .

  3. 乙型肝炎核酸疫苗NV-HB/s肌注小鼠后HBsAg的表达和抗-HBs的诱生及局部病理观察

    HBsAg expression , anti HBs induction and pathological observation in the mice inoculated with DNA vaccine against Hepatitis B

  4. 前列腺增生腺体的局部解剖观察和临床应用

    An anatomical study of benign prostatic hyperplasia and its clinical application

  5. 接种后进行连续三天全身和局部反应观察并用血凝抑制试验作免疫前后抗体测定。

    The infuenza HI antibody was determined by hemagglutination inhibition test before and after immunization .

  6. 方法选用环丙沙星、双氯芬酸钠作为抗菌、抗炎药物,甲壳素、卡波姆作为缓释药物的骨架材料,直接压片法制得药物缓释片,并应用于伤道局部,观察伤道组织的抑菌效果;

    Metheds The tablet which contains ciprofloxacin and diclofenac sodium was made by direct mechanical compression , in which Chitin and Carbomer as framework material were used for constant release of the drugs .

  7. 异硫氰酸荧光素标记红细胞(FITCRBC)技术对胰腺活体进行局部微血管观察。

    FITC-RBC was used to observe blood flow in pancreatic microvessels in rats with AEP .

  8. 灌肠剂用于灌肠的液体蟾酥注射液保留灌肠对低位直肠癌Dixon术后局部复发的观察

    The fluid so injected . Dried Toad Venom Inoculation Fluid Retention Sausage after Low Position Rectal Cancer Dixon Technique Partial Recrudescence Influence

  9. 多模式镇痛用于开颅术后切口局部疼痛疗效观察

    Effect of Multimodal Analgesia on Incision of Scalp Pain after Craniotomy

  10. 深静脉置管后局部感染的观察及护理对策

    Nursing Strategies for the Local Infection After Deep Vein Indwelling Catheter

  11. 脑胶质瘤患者的全身和局部免疫功能观察

    The systemic and local immune status of Patients with gliomas

  12. 直肠腺癌47例局部切除疗效观察

    Clinical Studies in 47 Patients with Rectal Cancer Treated by Local Excision

  13. 52例开胸术后采用布比卡因局部镇痛临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Local Analgesic Effects of Bupivacaine in 52 Patients after Thoracotomy

  14. 对患者异丙酚注射痛程度和局部炎症进行观察记录。

    The patients'pain reaction on injection of propofol and local inflammation was recorded .

  15. 肢端恶性黑素瘤局部切除疗效观察

    Therapeutic effect of local resection for acral malignant melanoma

  16. 布比卡因在眼部手术的局部麻醉效果观察

    Local anesthetic effect of bupivacaine in ophthalmic operations

  17. 不同部位静脉注射丙泊酚局部疼痛的观察

    Observation on local pain of patients caused by intravenously injecting of Propofol at different locations

  18. 新发病的特发性全面强直阵挛发作患者局部脑血流观察

    Observation of Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in New-onset Patients of Idiopathic Generalized Tonic Clonic Seizure

  19. 术后10天进行局部解剖,观察手术局部的变化。

    Anatomical dissection was performed to observe the local changes at 10 days after operation .

  20. 方法:以不同浓度的蛇床子超临界萃取物局部外用,观察其对磷酸组织胺致痒反应的影响。

    Methods : The antipruritic effect on histamine acid phosphate was observed through local application of SFE .

  21. 芦荟湿敷缓解静脉补钾局部疼痛的观察

    Clinical Observation of Aloe , Saline by Wet Compressing in Alleviating Local Pain Due to Potassium Infusion

  22. 卡介苗性淋巴结结核局部用药的观察和护理

    Observation and nursing care of patients with lymphoid tuberculosis induced by BCG vaccination treated by locally using medication

  23. 术后局部伤口的观察与护理是关系到移植骨能否成活的关键;

    Post-operative observation and care of the local wound are the determinant factors for survival of the graft ;

  24. 人喉癌引流淋巴结淋巴细胞局部应用疗效观察喉癌引流淋巴结淋巴细胞在喉癌动物模型体内的分布

    Local treatment with human laryngeal squamous carcinoma draining lymph node lymphocytes in nude mice bearing human laryngeal carcinoma xenografts

  25. 采用拉丁方设计,对家兔实验性胃粘膜出血局部用药,观察补络补管汤的止血作用。

    The effect of the Buluo Buguan Decoction ( BLBGD ) on the gastric bleeding of rabbits was studied by using the method of the Latinsquare design .

  26. 方法:10例溃疡期褥疮患者采用常规清洗消毒方法加用藻酸盐敷料和标准型溃疡贴进行局部换药,观察溃疡情况。

    Methods : 10 patients with bedsore in ulcerous stage were treated by routine scavenging combined with alginate dressing and standard ulcer sticking , and the ulcer was observed .

  27. 通过对一些腰腿痛患者进行局部封闭治疗观察,发现腰脊神经后支与腰腿痛密切相关。

    A closed relationship between the posterior ramus of lumbar spinal nerves and lumbago and scelalgia was revealed through autopsy and local blockade treatment and observation of lumbago and scelalgia .

  28. 从局部生态环境观察来看,名茶产地附近多有湖、海等巨大水体,形成多云雾、富蓝紫光的高山云雾出名茶的良好生态环境。

    In terms of the local ecological environment , there are huge water bodies such as lakes and a sea near the famous tea-producing areas , where there is a good ecological environment ( foggy and rich in blue and violet light ) for famous tea production .

  29. 1例两性霉素B致严重局部反应病人的观察与护理

    Observation and nursing care of a case with severe local reaction induced by Amphotericin B

  30. PF方案化疗配合立体放疗加量治疗局部晚期鼻咽癌疗效观察

    Effect observation of PF regimen chemotherapy combined with fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy under boosting in treatment of patients with locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma