
  • 网络circumference;girth
  1. 通过聚类分析和主成分分析得到表征人体腰臀躯干的围度指标和体重对成年女子下体体型的影响最大,其次是表征人体高度的指标。

    The cluster analysis and the principal component analysis showed that girth indexes in waist to hip and weight indexes influenced mostly on adult-female lower-body shape . Height indexes were secondly influencing .

  2. 结果如下:长度和宽度除膝关节高以外都近似服从正态分布,而围度均为左偏型分布;

    Results were as follows : ( 1 ) The distribution of lengths except knee height were accorded with normal distribution approximately , but all of the girth 's distribution were left-skewed distributions .

  3. 出血量随着鹿茸的产量和茸根围度的增加而增多,但是当收取茸根围度为(20.3±0.6)cm的畸型茸时却不存在这种明显的相关关系。

    The amount of bleeding increases along with the root of antler round and yield of the velvet antler , but there was not the relationship when the root of antler round was ( 20.3 ± 0.6 ) cm long .

  4. 南拳上肢以及前臂肌肉较为发达,各种围度指标较高,腰围/臀围、BMI指数、克托莱、肺活量、肺活量/身高指数大。

    Nanquan upper and forearm muscles are more developed , a variety of indicators of higher circumference , waist / hip circumference , BMI index , Quetelet , vital capacity , vital capacity / height indices .

  5. 围度值最小的两项分别为前臂围和上臂围,数值均小于300mm。其余项目数值适中。

    Minimum value is surrounded degree respectively the two surrounded and hiplines forearm , numerical were less than 300mm . Other projects , numerical moderate .

  6. 结果表明:练习者在运动前后其身体体重没有明显变化,但肌肉重量增加,身体脂肪比率、身体围度指标降低,安静时心率及体重指数(BMI)都有不同程度的下降。

    The result shows that there is no significant changing for body before and after exercise , but the weight of muscle increase , the rate of body fat and circumference decrease . The heart rate at rest and weight index decrease at certain degree .

  7. 服装结构设计中现有围度设定模式的分析与比较

    An Analysis and Comparison about Current Models of Girth-Designing in Pattern Making

  8. 布里亚特蒙古族成人身体围度特征分析

    Analysis of Body Circumference Characteristics of Buryat Mongolian Adults in Inner Mongolia

  9. 乌孜别克族成人围度值的年龄变化

    The Variation of Circumference Values of Uzbek Adults

  10. 基于特征信息和简化网格,第四章首先介绍了单个高度、长度和围度特征尺寸的编辑技术。

    Using the feature information , feature sizes could be edited on the simplified mesh .

  11. 各项围度、肩宽数值较大,肌肉发育水平高;

    And shoulder widths are bigger , and the growth level of their muscles is higher .

  12. 学龄前儿童体重与3项围度相关发育趋势研究

    On the tendency of correlation development about the weight and three surrounding measurments of preschool children

  13. 广东优秀青少年体育舞蹈运动员身体形态的现状研究&长度、围度、宽度

    Research on the Current Situation of Body Figure among Excellent Teenager Athletes of Sport Dance in Guangdong

  14. 研究结果表明,通过《全国健美操大众锻炼标准》(第一套)中级规定动作的锻炼,可改善身体形态和体成分结构,且对缩减大腿围度和脂肪效果尤为显著。

    The results showed that through exercise , the body shape and body composition can be improved .

  15. 身体围度因子的7个指标都非常重要,相互之间关系非常密切。

    The7indexes of body surround degree genes were very important and the relation between each other is very close .

  16. 在10个主要因子中,最重要的是身体围度因子和体育锻炼因子。

    In10major genes , it is most important to be body surround degree gene and the physical training gene .

  17. 求出了皮褶与围度间的回归方程,进行了回归系数的t检验。

    The regression equations getting from skinfold thickness and body circumferences of each age-group were given " t " test .

  18. 二维非接触人体测量系统中,围度尺寸需要通过二维至三维的数据转换间接获得。

    In the2D non-contacted body measurement , the size of body girths can only be acquired indirectly by data transform from2D to3D .

  19. 因子分析提取出4个公因子,即围度因子、长度因子、体能因子和心血管因子,其累积贡献率为70.8%。

    Common factors , namely , circumference , length , physical performance and cardiovascular factors were obtained and the cumulative proportion was 70.8 % .

  20. 结果发现:(1)随年龄的增长,男性与女性的躯干围度呈明显增加趋势。

    The results show as follows : ( 1 ) The values of trunk circumference of both males and females increase with age greatly .

  21. 在健身健美课程中采用运动处方教学对服装表演男模身体围度指标有一定程度的改变。

    The body circumference index of male model majored in fashion show has had some changes since exercise prescription teaching applied in body-building course .

  22. 当围度方向不运用面料的弹性时,针织面料比机织面料构成的衣身浮余量小;

    When the fabric elasticity is not used , the surplus between the knitted fabric and the body is less than that of the woven fabric ;

  23. 可以有效减少体脂含量,减小身体各部分的围度,改善体内脂肪的分布,显著降低血浆甘油三脂和血浆总胆固醇浓度。

    It can efficiently decrease the body fat and body round , change the distributing of the body fat , reduce the deepness of TG and TC .

  24. 肌肉疼痛度、肌肉围度、关节活动角度也没有对照组变化明显,并且较早恢复正常。

    Severe muscle pain , muscle circumference , joint activities in the perspective of the control group did not change significantly , and an earlier return to normal .

  25. 经过长期的瑜伽锻炼,腰围、臀围、上臂围度及大腿围度都有明显减少,且腰围和臀围的减少较上臂和大腿围度的减少更为明显。

    Besides the waist girth , hip girth , arm girth and thigh girth reduced significantly , the waist girth , hip girth reduced more than the arm girth and the thigh girth .

  26. 结果表明:①小腿跖屈肌横断面积、体积和小腿围度与肌肉力量之间存在密切的关系;

    The results show : 1 ) There are significant ( P0.01 ) relations between the Fmax and the volume , the maximum cross-sectional area , and the circumference of the ankle plantar flexors .

  27. 通过教学实验说明,健身健美课采用运动处方教学在提高服装表演男模身体围度各项指标方面,效果要强于传统体育教学。

    The experimental teaching shows : In body-building course , exercise prescription teaching mode is much better than conventional teaching mode to improve the body circumference index of male model majored in fashion show .

  28. 而我总是像一各督导警察,在她吃饭时站在旁边,一边不时命令她或哄骗着让她多吃一点,一边不时目测她那纤细的小胳膊的围度。

    And I had become a drill sergeant , standing over her while she tried to eat , alternately commanding and cajoling as I measured the circumference of her tiny arms with my eyes .

  29. 研究表明:影响其体质的最重要的因子为身体围度因子和体育锻炼因子,较重要的因子是呼吸因子和主要身体素质因子。

    The results show that it is most important to be body surround degree gene and the physical stuff gene , and it is more important to be breath and body stuff genes that affect their constitutions .

  30. 考虑到最大腹圆周在人体围度中的重要性,经过定性和定量地分析和讨论,最终确定身高、胸围、腰围、臀围、最大腹圆周为特征部位。

    Taking the importance of maximum abdomen circumference in human body circumferences , the height , chest , waist circumference , hip circumference and maximum abdomen circumference are selected as the typical sites after a qualitative and quantitative analysis and discussion .