
  • 网络enclosure wall;retaining wall
  1. 基于监测数据的围护墙弯矩反分析研究

    Study on back analysis for bending moment of retaining wall based on monitoring data

  2. 讨论了水平支撑体系的等效刚度、内支撑与围护墙的变形协调等问题。

    Some problems are discussed , such as the mechanical mode and equivalent stiffness of horizontal bracing system , the deformation compatibility between the bracing and retaining wall .

  3. 围护墙MTMD耗能框架结构是一种安全、适用、经济的新型减震结构体系。

    The enclosure wall vibration-absorption structure is a safe , applicable and economical frame structure with MTMD system .

  4. 树根桩侧向围护墙在狭小场地基坑中的应用

    The application of lateral enclosure wall with root pile in foundation pit excavation

  5. 单层厂房围护墙裂缝分析与防治方法

    Analysis of cracks on curb wall of single-story mill building and their treatment methods

  6. 蒸压轻质加气混凝土板在内隔墙和围护墙的应用

    Application of Steam Curing Aerated Light-weight Concrete Wall Panel in Interior and Enclosure Wall

  7. 挖孔桩围护墙在工程中的应用

    Application of men dug piles in the construction

  8. 其中如何在基坑开挖过程中获得围护墙的实际弯矩,成为评判围护墙内力安全状态的关键。

    And the key process is how to obtain the real bending moment of the retaining wall .

  9. 并以远程监控管理系统为结合点,达到同时控制多个基坑围护墙内力安全的目的。

    The ' long-distance supervising and managing system ' is proposed to concurrently control the safety of its internal force .

  10. 该种结构主要形式是将主体承重结构与功能围护墙分离,填充墙通过脆性抗压件和脆性抗剪件与框架连接。

    In the structure the main load-bearing structure is isolated with enclosure walls , through the brittle compressive and shear components , enclosure walls are connected with the main load-bearing structure .

  11. 采取三墙合一(围护墙+地下室外墙+承重墙),可充分发挥地下连续墙的竖向承载力。

    With the " three walls in one "( Retaining wall + Exterior wall + Load bearing wall ), it can make full use of the vertical bearing capacity of the diaphragm wall .

  12. 着重阐述建筑非结构,包括隔墙,女儿墙及突出构件,围护墙,顶棚,家俱设备,楼梯的震害和抗震设计经验。

    This article makes a systematic exposition of non-structure seismic harms and anti-seismic design , including partion wall , parapet wall , projecting structural member , enclosing wall , ceiling , furniture equipment and stairs .

  13. 建立在古典土压力理论基础上的深基坑侧土压力计算理论和方法,没有考虑围护墙的变形过程,普遍忽视了水的渗流效应及坑底土的超固结影响。

    The theory and methods of calculating the later earth pressure on deep pit was based on classical earth pressure theory , and as a result , the deformation process of enclosure wall , the influence of water seepage effects and the over-consolidation of soil were ignored .

  14. 为此,研究了不同有限元网格划分下基坑变形的情况,提出一种非线性的、三维有限元分析手段,用于深基坑开挖过程中预测围护墙变形和地表沉降值。

    This paper studied the different element grind partitions effect on the wall deformation of the deep excavation . A nonlinear , three dimensional finite element technique for deep excavation analysis was proposed , which is used for prediction of ground surface settlement in the center section of an excavation .

  15. 劲性桩围护结构墙后侧土压力及周围地层影响范围的试验研究

    Laboratory Test on the Lateral Earth Pressure and Influenced Zone of Retaining Structure with Stiffened Piles

  16. 同时,论文还分别分析了围护桩墙刚度、支撑刚度、支撑预加轴力以及被动区土弹簧刚度对围护结构内力和变形的影响。

    And the effects of the retaining wall stiffness , strut stiffness , perforce and soil spring stiffness on the internal force and deformation of the retaining structures .

  17. 该模型考虑了自由面边界、流量边界、基坑围护连续墙、井边界、土体非线性特性、土的渗透性随应力状态的变化。

    This model considers free surface boundary , flux boundary , horizontal flow barrier , well boundary , non-linear characteristics of soils and dynamic change of permeability coefficient with stress state .

  18. 室内采暖条件下借助作用因子(算符)对围护结构(墙、窗)保温控制指标与节能控制指标的确定&建筑热环境与建筑节能研究(之六)

    Determination of the Controlling Indexes for Heat Preservation and the Controlling Indexes for Energy Conservation of Building Envelop ( Walls and Windows ) by Means of Acting Factors ( Operators ) under Indoor Heating Condition & Study for Indoor Thermal Environment and Energy Conservation ( 6 )

  19. 深基坑围护中地下连续墙变形的解析计算

    Analytic Calculation of Deformation of Diaphragm Wall for Conserving Deep Foundation Pit

  20. 基坑围护结构地下连续墙遇微风化岩施工技术优化研究及应用

    Excavation of Underground Continuous Wall Retaining Structure of Rock Encountered Breeze Optimization of Construction Technology Research and Application

  21. 推广建筑节能,主要是要提高建筑围护结构(包括墙、门窗、屋顶等)的保温性能。

    It is the primary way to popularize the energy-saving of construction that improving the heat insulation performance of the enclosed elements ( i.e. , walls , windows , doors and roof ) of building .

  22. 杭州解百商城工程,地下室外墙和基坑围护采用地下连续墙,且部分作为上部结构承重柱的三墙合一方案。

    In Hangzhou Liberation Shopping Mall project , its basement exterior wall and foundation ditch supporting adopted the structure of underground continuous wall , and part of it was used in the scheme . Three Walls into One , of upper structural bearing columns .

  23. 地震灾害表明,大多数框架结构的主体框架震害一般较轻,主要破坏发生在围护结构和填充墙,这类破坏仍然会造成严重的生命和财产损失,且震后的修复工作量很大,费用也很高。

    Earthquake showed that most of the main frame structure damage generally lighter , the main damage occurred in the envelope structure and infill walls , this kind of destruction still cause serious loss of life and property , and the post-earthquake restoration workload , the costs are high .

  24. 本文通过对四种不同外围护结构房间温度波动的计算,分别探讨了室外气温、太阳辐射、空气渗透等通过外围护结构&墙、窗对房间温度波动的影响。

    Based on the calculation results of indoor temperature fluctuation of room with 4 kinds of exterior envelopes , the influence on indoor temperature fluctuation of outdoor temperature , solar radiation and air infiltration through exterior envelopes have been analyzed in this paper .