
  • 网络natural period;natural frequency;natural vibration period;period
  1. 试验结果分析表明:FPS摩擦摆隔震装置能够有效地延长上部建筑物的自振周期,减少地震作用对上部结构的影响,隔震效果明显,不失为一种有效的隔震装置。

    The experiment 's results indicate that FPS is an effective isolated device which can length the natural period and reduce the earthquake effect on upper structure .

  2. 体系延性系数、阻尼比、自振周期是影响双线性SDOF体系能量谱的重要因素。

    Moreover , the ductility level , damping ratio and natural period of systems produce important effects on the energy spectra of bilinear SDOF systems , and the effect of yield stiffness ratio can be neglected .

  3. 基于Matlab对结构自振周期和振型的求解

    Solution to the natural vibration of structure and oscillation model based on Matlab

  4. Zn的塑性变形改变材料的自振周期,同时吸收地震能量。

    Plastic distortion of Zn can alter composite vibration cycle , and absorb earthquake energy .

  5. 使用通用有限元程序ANSYS进行结构的模态分析得到结构的基本自振周期,有限元分析结果和公式计算结果吻合良好。

    ANSYS is employed to determine the modal analysis . The results obtained from finite element analysis are consistent well with those obtained from formula .

  6. 用MARC软件对传输塔进行模态分析,求出结构的自振周期;

    A model of the tower is established with the software of MARC and analyzed by dynamic model analyzing , and natural frequencys of the tower are obtained .

  7. 对GBJ9-87阶形高耸结构自振周期计算公式的讨论

    Discussion on approximate calculation formula for natural vibration period of step tower structures

  8. 试验表明,该桥横向自振周期和水平挠跨比的试验值与采用SAP程序的计算值符合良好,该桥的横向刚度满足要求。

    Tests show that the test values of the lateral natural vibration period and the horizontal deflection to span ratio for the bridge agree well with the calculated ones by the SAP program . The lateral stiffness of the bridge fulfills the code requirement .

  9. 以纤维模型模拟双向地震作用下混凝土柱的双轴弯曲,考查刚度偏心es、强度偏心ep和自振周期T等因素对结构扭转的影响。

    Fiber model is used to calculate the interaction of biaxial bending deformation in reinforced concrete columns . The effect of the system parameters on inelastic torsional response is evaluated : stiffness eccentricity es , yield strength eccentricity ep and lateral period T.

  10. 第一自振周期:混凝土结构2.9s,混合结构2.7s;

    The natural vibratory period is 2.9s for concrete structure and 2.7s for composite structure ;

  11. 研究得到的主要结论有:①当结构的自振周期不很长,TLD中液体的晃动频率与结构的第一阶自振频率接近时,TLD对结构控制效果比较好。

    Below are the conclusions : ① U nder the situation that the natural period is not long , the control effect to the structure is well when the slosh frequency the liquid in TLD is closed to the first natural frequency of the structure .

  12. 高层建筑抗震设计中适宜自振周期的确定

    Determination of Reasonable Natural Period of High-Rise Building in Seismic Design

  13. 结构自振周期的模糊随机统计方法

    A Random Fuzzy Statistical Method of the Structural Natural Period

  14. 一个塔箍的等壁厚塔器自振周期的计算

    Calculation of Vibration Period of Columns with Same thickness and One Hoop

  15. 高层建筑结构的自振周期的计算与实测

    Calculation & actual measurement method on natural vibration period of tall buildings

  16. 多跨等高单层厂房纵向结构基本自振周期的计算

    Calculation of Natural Period in Longitudinal Direction of Single-Storey Multiple-Span Factory Buildings

  17. 直立设备自振周期的计算

    Calculations of the self - vibrating cycle of vertical columns

  18. 关于框架-剪力墙结构自振周期计算的讨论

    The Discussion on the Natural Vibrational Period Computation of the Frame-Shear Structure

  19. 均质岩石边坡自振周期及其估算方法研究

    Study on natural period of homogeneous rock slope and its estimation method

  20. 考虑自振周期的高层混凝土建筑结构动力优化设计

    Dynamic Optimal Design to Limit Natural Period of Tall Reinforced Concrete Buildings

  21. 地脉动测试自由场地自振周期的机理研究

    Study on Mechanism of Vibration Frequency of Free Site in Microseism Test

  22. 短肢剪力墙结构自振周期的能量变分解

    Energy variation solution of natural vibration period of short column shear wall

  23. 多层框架结构自振周期一种简便计算方法&相当刚度相当质量法

    A simple method for calculating the natural period of multistory frame structures

  24. 底层框架砖房自振周期计算公式的探讨

    Research on the Formula of Vibration Period about Masonry Structure Supported by Frame

  25. 结构自振周期较大的浅水平台应进行详细疲劳分析

    The detailed fatigue analysis to shallow water platform structures

  26. 钢制塔式容器自振周期的传递矩阵法计算

    Calculation of Natural Periods for Steel Vertical Slender Vessels With Transfer Matrix Method

  27. 多层房屋自振周期的比较

    Comparison of natural periods for multi - story buildings

  28. 悬挂式塔设备自振周期的数值解法

    Numerical Solution for the Natural Frequencies of Hanging Tower

  29. 建筑自振周期经验公式一些问题的探讨

    A Study on Some Problems in Empirical Formulas for Estimating Structual Natural Periods

  30. 延性自振周期的抗震结构多目标的优化设计

    Multi-objective optimal design of earthquake resistant structure considering tensility and natural vibration period