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  • right to self-determination
  1. 他说共和国现在拥有不可剥夺的自决权。

    He said the republic now had an inalienable right to self-determination .

  2. 这是对我的自决权的践踏,我不希望为这个行为提供合法性。

    " I don 't want to legitimise the process of my right to self-determination being trampled ," he says .

  3. 自决权理论的三种版本:比较与评价

    A Comparative Study of the Three Versions of the Self-Determination Theories

  4. 女权主义者写论文论述赫敏的自决权。

    Feminist scholars write papers on Hermione 's road to self-determination .

  5. 这些相互继承遗产的权利加强了氏族的自决权。

    These mutual right of inheritance strengthened the autonomy of the gens .

  6. 各民族享有平等权利与自决权之原则

    Principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples

  7. 性道德是婚姻伦理的基础,婚姻伦理的进步主要表现在性自决权的个体化趋势。

    The advance of marriage ethics mainly lies in the individuation trend of sex autonomy .

  8. 在国际政治和国际法领域里,自决权是一个难以明确界定的有争议的概念。

    Both in international politics and international law , self-determination is a contentious and hard-to-define concept .

  9. 联邦政府实行文化平等与民族理解的教育,尊重各共和国的教育自决权。

    The federal government carries out education in cultural equality and national tolerance and respects different republics'autonomy in education .

  10. 首先分析了自决权是国际法的一项原则。

    First , the thesis analyses that the right of self-determination is one of the principle of international law .

  11. 人民自决权的现代意义探索&透析后殖民时代的民族分离现象

    Study on the Modern Connotation of Right of People 's Self-determination & An Insight into National Separatism in the Post-colony Age

  12. 但国际社会克服了旧日的分歧,支持经过谈判达成的给予南苏丹自决权的协议。

    But the international community overcame old divisions to support the agreement that had been negotiated to give South Sudan self-determination .

  13. 相较于那些我们喜欢告诉自己的关于美国的艰苦工作和自决权的故事,

    when it comes to all those tidy stories of hard work and self-determination that we like to tell ourselves about America ,

  14. 隐私权所保护的内容包括对个人生活方面的自决权,通常被称为自决隐私。

    The protection of privacy of the contents of the life of the individual right to self-determination , commonly known as " self-determination privacy " .

  15. 通过给顾客一些自决权,餐馆经理创造了一种小费机制,向小气的顾客少收点,对钱包丰满的则多收些。

    By leaving the customers some discretion , the restaurant manager creates a way of charging less to stingy customers and more to fat-walleted ones .

  16. 正如其他的油井一样,他们有着即使是独立的代表他们的政府也无法剥夺的基本权利!油井们按自己的规则享有自决权!

    They , like any other free oil well , have the basic , inalienable right to independent representational government and self-determination under their own rule .

  17. 可这种文化内部的执行者和拥护者却认为,实行割礼的民族应有自己的文化自决权,外界无权将与之相反的价值标准强加于该社会。

    However , the advocators inside the culture hold that they should enjoy their right of self-determination and the outside world should not impose other values upon them .

  18. 绑架罪的犯罪客体是他人的人身自由权和第三人的自决权。

    In this paper it is considered that the criminal object of the kidnapping offence is other party 's personal freedom right and the third party 's self-determination right .

  19. 在和平与发展成为当代主题的背景下,将自决权理解成发展权成为主流。

    In peace and development have become the theme of the contemporary context , the right to self-determination will be interpreted as the right to development into the mainstream .

  20. 文化权的主体是拥有、认同该文化的少数民族全体,主要包括文化自决权、文化发展权和文化使用权。

    The subject of cultural rights , consisting of the rights of cultural self determination , development and employment , is the ethnic minorities as a whole , which possess the identified culture .

  21. 然而,阵营间对抗的终结和随后发生的大量行使自决权及重划边界的事件,都严重侵蚀了该协议的原则。

    However , the end of the bloc-to-bloc confrontation and the subsequent avalanche of events whereby the right of self-determination was exercised and borders were redrawn has badly eroded the principles of the accords .

  22. 而自主原则也是基于生命自决权的延伸,意在表明在医疗进程中,作为医疗对象的患者有权对整个医疗诊断、医疗措施以及医疗效果做出选择,拥有独立的决定权。

    The principle of autonomy is based on the right to self determine , and shows patients have the independent right to make choices for the medical diagnosis , medical treatment and medical effect in medical process .

  23. 社会契约理论为刑事和解制度中个人自决权和社会自治权的存在,提供了理论根基,同时也为刑事和解制度中当事人的处分权限定了范围。

    Social contract theory provides theory foundation for the existence of individual determination rights and social autonym rights in the criminal reconciliation system , and defines the scope for the punishment rights of party involved in this system .

  24. 苏联解体,不是因为其难敌美国的经济和军事实力,而是由于数以百万计的苏联公民要求自决权&列宁曾作出承诺,但苏联政权从未兑现这个承诺。

    The Soviet Union did not buckle beneath the weight of US economic and military might . It was pulled apart by millions of Soviet citizens who demanded the self-determination that Lenin once promised and Soviet power never delivered .

  25. 指出国际法上自决权的主体是殖民地人民、作为整体的人民或民族,而非一国之内的族群、少数人或土著人等;最后,分析了实现自决权的手段和方式。

    It pointed out that the subject of self-determination should be people of a colony , people or a nation rather than a ethnic group , the minority or aboriginals . Finally , it analyses the means and methods to achieve self-determination .