
zì xínɡ chē pénɡ
  • bicycle shed
  1. 请搭一个自行车棚。

    Please frame a shelter for bicycles .

  2. 如果真的如此,那么人们唯一需要做出的改变是,找到另一个可供藏身的自行车棚。

    The only adjustment then needed would be to find another bike shed to hide behind .

  3. 此外,盖拉特指出,如果大家都戒烟了,你还可以将吸烟棚改成自行车棚。

    Besides , as Mr GARRATT points out , if everyone does give up , you could turn the smoking shelters into bike sheds .

  4. 相反,楼梯间主要被用做一种隐秘场所,白领们躲到楼梯间,就像中学生躲到自行车棚后面抽烟,楼梯间成了给银行打电话、朝装修工人大喊大叫、或交流顶级秘密八卦的绝佳场所。

    Instead , they are mainly used as a hiding place , a corporate equivalent of going behind the bike shed , a place for phoning your bank , shouting at your builder or exchanging top-secret gossip .

  5. 北京市长和伦敦市长走在一起:北京市长步伐庄严;伦敦市长则表现得有点慵懒和淘气,带着在其老式学校跑到自行车棚后面去抽烟的神态。

    They walked together : the mayor of Beijing in stately fashion ; the mayor of London with a sort of slouch and a mischievous air , as if off for a smoke behind the bike sheds at his own old-fashioned school .

  6. 在帕金森举的例子中,一个委员会只用了3分钟就批准了核反应堆的建造,但接着却花了45分钟讨论自行车棚。

    In Parkinson 's fictional example , a committeeset up to commission a nuclear reactor spends five three minutes approving the construction of the a nuclear reactor itself , and then several hours arguing over colour to45 minutes over building paint the a bike shed .