
Jiàn Shè Bù
  • the Ministry of Construction
  1. UPVC芯层发泡管材管件被列为建设部科技成果重点推广产品。

    UPVC core-layer foamed tubing and pipe fittings are listed as key products for promotion of scientific and technological achievements by the Ministry of Construction .

  2. 国家建设部在《建筑业推广应用10项新技术》中,首次列入了钢结构新技术,体现了建筑业从限制使用钢结构到大力发展钢结构的政策转变。

    The Ministry of Construction enumerated the new technology of steel structure first in 《 Popularized Use 10 New Technology in Construction Field 》, and it reflects the change of policy from " limit the use of steel structure " to " develop the steel structure energetically " .

  3. 公共建设部部长下令检查所有河道。

    The Superintendent of Public Works gives orders for all watercourses to be inspected .

  4. 住房和城乡建设部部长陈政高

    Chen Zhenggao , minister of housing and urban-rural development

  5. 二月,住房与城乡建设部副部长qiuboxing称这项工程是不可行的。

    In February , Qiu Baoxing , vice-minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development , called the project unsustainable .

  6. 关键线路法(CPM)是一种有效的网络计划工具,已被我国采纳为住房和城乡建设部行业标准。

    CPM developed into the powerful and effective tool that was a standard of construction industry by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of China .

  7. 一种适用于中小口径钢管道焊缝检测的自动爬行X射线探伤机已研制成功,并于1999年1月通过了建设部组织的技术鉴定。

    The auto - crawling x - ray welding seam detector machine has been developed successfully and it was appraised by Construction Ministry in Jan , 1999 . This machine is suitable to welding seam detecting for pipeline with small and middle diameter .

  8. 据中国新闻社报道,中国住房和城乡建设部(简称MHURC)于周四在北京正式成立。

    China 's Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction ( MHURC ) was formally launched on Thursday in Beijing , China News Service reports .

  9. 采暖散热器委员会隶属于建设部中国建筑金属结构协会(缩写为CCMSA),成立于1986年。

    The Heating Radiator Committee which was founded in1986 is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Construction , CCMSA ( China Construction Metal Structure Association ) .

  10. 振利外墙外保温新技术通过建设部评估

    Exterior Wall External Insulation New Technology Approved by MOC Evaluation

  11. 建设部关于严格建筑用海砂管理的意见

    Advice of Strictly Supervising Marine Sand for Construction in Ministry of Construction

  12. 中国住房与城乡建设部部长姜伟新谈到这次地震造成的损失。

    Jiang Weixin is China 's Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Development .

  13. 建设部2005年安全生产工作要点

    Key Point of Safety Production Work of Ministry of Construction in 2005

  14. 建设部发布关于执行两个设计规范若干问题的通知

    Notice of several questions on executing two design norms from construction ministry

  15. 该标准审定后由建设部批准发布。

    The standard is sanctioned issuing by Ministry of Construction after authorizing .

  16. 落实基本国策抓好建筑节能&建设部副部长仇保兴在全国节能工作会议上的讲话

    Carry out the basic national policy of energy conservation

  17. 建设部审批资质是需要时间的,刚刚开始启动。

    Ministry approval is required quality time just started .

  18. 建设部政务信息系统的系统分析与总体设计

    Government affair information system of China Construction Ministry

  19. 迪扎伊说,建设部对美国提出的帮助表示感谢,但是谢绝了美国的援助。

    But she said the ministry refused the much appreciated offers of American assistance .

  20. 建设部大豆重点实验室的实践与体会

    The Managerial Practice and Realization of Soybean Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture

  21. 建设部推广应用新技术管理细则

    Management Detailed Rules of Popularization and Use of New Technology in Ministry of Construction

  22. 2001年由国家质量监督局发布了新的抗震设防标准和建设部近两年也对原多项结构规范进行了全面的修改。

    The new 2001 seismic fortification code revised lots of items old structural code .

  23. 建设部透露:普通住房今明两年将推出优惠政策!

    Construction revealed : general housing policies which will be launched next two years !

  24. 让“阳光工程”充满阳光&访建设部副部长傅雯娟

    Let Sunlight Project be full of sunlight

  25. 二手房个税:国税局是火焰建设部是海水?

    Housing a secondary tax : State Administration of Taxation is flame Construction is water ?

  26. 2006年建设部首次提出了节约型园林这个概念。

    Conservation-oriented gardens were proposed for the first by the Ministry of Construction in 2006 .

  27. 项目相关技术服务需求与技术支持部、实验室建设部的协调与对接;

    Coordinate with Department of Technical Support and Lab Management about the technical and lab construct demand .

  28. 中国住房与城乡建设部组团参加了这两年一度的城市盛会。

    The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development sent its delegation to participate the biennial urban event .

  29. 可再生能源在建筑中的推广运用&建设部科技司司长赖明在可再生能源在建筑中推广使用工作会议上的讲话

    Renewable Energy in Buildings

  30. 评论:公开对阵两次央行和建设部是对“恋人”吗?

    Commentary : open race twice the central bank and the Ministry of construction of the " lovers "?