
  • 网络building
  1. 浅议高速公路房建工程的建设管理

    The Study on the Construction Management of Expressway Building Construction Engineering

  2. 浅谈高速公路附属房建工程的总体规划与设计

    Discuss the general planning and design of Superhighway appendage building engineering

  3. 大连的商住项目是大阪地产开发商大和房建(DaiwaHouse)与一家中国公司共同开发的。

    The Dalian residential and commercial development is being built as a joint-venture between Daiwa House , an Osaka-based developer , and a Chinese partner .

  4. 大和房建同样充满信心,认为自身比中国本土开发商具备优势,因为“中国建筑商的工程质量相当低劣”,eto表示。

    Daiwa House is equally confident that it has an edge over local developers because " the quality of the work of Chinese builders is low " , says Mr ETO .

  5. 桩基在房建工程中的推广使用分析

    An Analysis of the Application of Pile Foundation in Building Engineering

  6. 房建工程是高速公路建设不可缺少的一项内容。

    House-building engineering is a indispensable item in expressway construction .

  7. 关于高速公路房建功能布局和建筑规模控制的探讨

    Discussion on Functional Arrangement of Building and Construction Dimensions Control of Freeway

  8. 大型房建工程的索赔方法研究

    Research of Claim Methodology in Heavy Buildings ' Projects

  9. 运用分类维修法提高房建设备维修质量

    Improving quality of house maintenance with assorting maintenance method

  10. 浅谈高速公路房建工程的造价控制

    A Minor Discussion on the Cost Control of Building Works in Expressway Projects

  11. 浅谈膜结构在沈大高速公路房建工程中的应用

    Simply Talking about Application of Film Structure in House Project on Shen-Da Freeway

  12. 房建设计中常见问题及其分析

    Common Problems in Building Architectural Design and Analysis

  13. 浅议我省高速公路附属房建工程建设

    Construction of expressway subsidiary building in Fujian Province

  14. 盘古氏带领其家族垫台筑巢,造房建屋。

    Pangu 's pad sets to lead his family 's nest , building housing .

  15. 高速公路房建工程造价管理中存在的问题及对策分析

    The Existent problems and Their Countermeasure Analysis Of Cost Management For Expressway House Construction Project

  16. 基于供应链的房建工程造价管理

    Supply Chain Based House-Building Cost Management

  17. 房建工程已经完成,但所有设备材料尚未采购。

    The building works have been completed , but all equipment and materials have not been procured yet .

  18. 研究表明,它在大体积工程及房建工程等方面有着广阔的应用前景。

    The study shows that Power Coal Ash concrete has a vast range in large volume concrete and House building .

  19. 房建设备(房屋、建筑物的简称)是铁路运输生产的重要的设备。

    The real estate equipment ( abbreviation of the house and building ) is very important for the railway transportation .

  20. 是马尔代夫有史以来最大的房建项目。

    The housing project being mentioned is said to be the biggest public housing project in the Maldives ' history .

  21. 大和房建是最早进入中国市场的日本开发商之一,1985年就建设了在华的首个住宅楼盘。

    Daiwa House was a pioneer among Japanese developers in China , where it built its first residential units in 1985 .

  22. 本文主要从建设单位角度分析了房建项目施工阶段造价控制。

    This paper aims to make an analysis of control cost on the construction phase from the perspective of construction unit .

  23. 主要介绍了工程综合技术在矿建工程、房建工程以及其他工程中的应用。

    This paper mainly introduces the application of engineering comprehensive technique in mine construction engineering , building construction engineering and other engineering .

  24. 研究表明,碳纤维加固在工程抢修、房建及桥梁工程改建、工程事故处理等方面有着广阔的应用前景。

    The study shows that the strengthening-function of carbon-fibre will have extensive perspective on construction emergency reparation , housing building and bridge engineering .

  25. 大和房建近期在大连完成了另一个有852套住宅的项目,目前正在苏州开发一个包含902套住房的楼盘。

    Daiwa House recently completed another 852-unit residential project in Dalian and is working on a development in Suzhou that will comprise 902 residential units .

  26. 目前已完成码头水工建筑物主体工程,码头港机安装以及房建工程的主体结构。

    Encouragingly , the main work of the hydraulic structure , the installation of the equipment and the frame work of port buildings are already finished .

  27. 为了在激烈的行业竞争中求得生存与发展,众多的房建施工企业采用成本领先的战略导向,加强成本管理显然是房建施工企业关注的焦点。

    In order to survive and develop in vehement industry competition , most of house-building companies adopt cost-leading strategies under the focus of strengthening cost management .

  28. 制定企业发展战略,实施战略管理己经成为铁路房建施工企业适应环境变化的重要应对之策。

    Development of enterprise development strategies , the implementation of strategic management has become the Railway Housing Construction Enterprise adapt to environmental change , an important countermeasures .

  29. 为此针对大型房建的特点,提出了对大型房建工程进行索赔的一套科学管理方法,并以实例说明了其具有较好的应用效果。

    According to the character of heavy buildings , the paper has proposed a set of scientific management methods about claim and show the effect in examples available .

  30. 新本系列合同包括以下四本:《施工合同》。它适用于业主负责设计的房建与其他类型工程的合同条件。

    This new series of contracts include the following four : the first is Conditions of Contract for Construction , which is for building and engineering works designed by the Employer .