- 网络Freddie Mac;fannie mae;FRe;Freddie Mae

They include SAP , Freddie Mac , ULTRA Testing , as well as specialized recruiting and placement firms for people with neurological differences .
Peter Orszag , CBO director , said : " it is the CBO view that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac should be directly incorporated into the federal budget . "
Worse still , Fannie and Freddie are not allowed to refinance their loans .
Fannie and Freddie lost more money on bonds underwritten by Bank of America ( BAC ) and countrywide , which BofA acquired .
In early October , Wells Fargo paid $ 900 million , but that deal only covered mortgages insured by Freddie .
The collapse of Lehman , the buy-up of Merrill Lynch and the nationalisations of Fannie , Freddie and AIG were obvious landmarks .
Shares of two government wards , mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac , bounced between about 60 cents and $ 2 in August .
Mr Moffett 's temporary replacement is John Koskinen , who had been serving as Freddie Mac 's board chairman .
The Federal Reserve continues to hold $ 1.14 trillion of agency mortgage bonds , and Treasury has put $ 150 billion and counting into Fannie and Freddie , mostly to soak up losses on bubble-era mortgage guarantees .
Fannie and Freddie will continue to file quarterly financial statements with the Securities and Exchange Commission and their shares will still be traded on the over-the-counter market , known as the pink sheets .
Stock market investors were fearful three months ago , after months of credit crunch and the announcement that Fannie and Freddie were in serious trouble .
Just look at what the Fed 's easy money , Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and all those subprime mortgages did to us not too long ago . It almost killed us .
The traditional investors in eurozone bonds ( just like the investors who were holding Fannie and Freddie bonds or triple A mortgage assets in 2008 ) have little experience in assessing credit risk .
The exact amount of CDS on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are not known , reflecting the private nature of the market , but they are part of widely traded indices and the amounts are likely to be significant .
AIG , the insurance conglomerate that came close to collapse last September , has soared 150 per cent since August 3 , while government-run mortgage financiers Fannie and Freddie have both gained nearly 250 per cent .
With Fannie and Freddie finding it difficult to raise capital to off - set their losses , Hank Paulson , the Treasury secretary , sought powers in July to allow him to mount a rescue operation .
A big test for America 's Treasury will be how quickly it recognises the need to nationalise Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac , the teetering mortgage giants .
During the housing downturn of 2008 , few assets were more unloved than so-called nonagency residential mortgage-backed securities-those backed by home loans that weren 't insured by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac FMCC - 23.33 % .
The housing finance company brought in ASAN about halfway through the 16-week internship for a pulse check , so interns would have a safe place to address concerns or problems they might be experiencing .
Richard Syron , chairman and chief executive , said the housing crisis was only at its half-way point , with prices expected to decline nationally by up to 20 per cent before the market stabilises .
Unhelpful on that score was the recent announcement that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would be charging higher fees at the start of 2014 to guarantee mortgages of borrowers with lower credit scores and an inability to put up the full 20 % down payments on home purchases .
These are loans backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac .
That was to deal with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac .
The reserve only covers Fannie and Freddie repurchase claims .
But Fannie and Freddie share some responsibility as well .
And what is the future of Fannie and Freddie ?
So it proved with Fannie and Freddie .
As recently as May , Freddie had found takers at0.69 points over treasuries .
The government was right , however , to bail out Fannie and Freddie .
Congress approved a bailout of failing mortgage lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac .