
  • 网络real estate craze
  1. 在房地产热之后看我国汇率政策两难选择提高热轧角钢负偏差轧制均衡率的生产实践

    Predicament of china 's exchange rate regime after real estate craze production practice of enhancing equilibrium ratio of the MINUS-DEVIATION rolling in the hot rolled angle

  2. 在房地产热的高峰期,高尔夫球场和MGM城在建设中。

    At the peak of real estate boom , the construction of Cosmopolitan Club and MGM City .

  3. 铁路承建商蓄意推动了一波房地产热。

    A real-estate frenzy was deliberately encouraged by the railway promoters .

  4. 从这个角度说,房地产热降温可能威胁到其中某些项目。

    A property slowdown might endanger some projects by this yardstick .

  5. 关于当前房地产热的冷思考

    A Dispassionate Thought of Current Overheated Real Estate

  6. 新一轮以房地产热为代表的经济结构性过热的背后,是城市政府对城市经营这一新理念的误解和误用,形成所谓城市经营的风潮;

    Behind the new round of overheated economy is urban government 's misunderstanding and misuse of urban operation .

  7. 但是这是否就意味着如果房地产热没发生的话,在过去的泡沫市场中购房的房主会获益更多呢?

    But does that mean that homeowners in the former bubble markets would have been better off if the housing boom never happened ?

  8. 燕郊作为京东市区之外的河北小镇则是北京辐射范围内由房地产热催生的典型居住功能区。

    As a small town outside of the east urban area of Beijing , Yanjiao has been promoted by the real estate heat to be a typical residence region within the radiation zone of the Beijing .

  9. 进入九十年代以来,随着国内房地产热的升温,消费者家具消费观念的更新和消费能力的提高,我国家具产量保持在年增长12&15%的速度。

    Since 1990 , with the heating of domestic real estate , the changing of furniture consumption concept and the development of the consumption ability , Chinese furniture output has been increased 12-15 % per year .

  10. 土地是人类生存和发展最基础的资源,随着社会经济的发展,现代人口的剧增,以及近年来房地产热的骤升,人类对建设用地的需求日益增长。

    Land is the basic resource for survival and development of human being whose demand to land is rising progressively along with the development of economy and the increase of population and the upsurge of real estate industry .

  11. 第三,中国许多大城市的房地产热增加了新富豪的财富净值。许多新富豪在房地产业大量投资。

    Third , hot property markets in many of China 's larger cities have expanded the net wealth of the country 's rich , many of whom have a significant share of their investments in the real estate sector .

  12. 近年来,随着开发商和地方政府争相利用房地产热牟利,在全国范围内,从北京、上海等大都市到地方小城镇,冒出了数不清的这样的楼盘。

    Across the country , from the big cities of Beijing and Shanghai to the smallest regional towns , countless such complexes have sprung up in recent years as developers and local governments have rushed to capitalise on the frenzy for property .

  13. 信贷扩张得到了遏制,随后还出台了抑制房地产开发热的政策。

    Credit expansion was reined in . Policies to contain the fever of property development also followed .

  14. 这里的房价像人造卫星一样飙升,导致新一轮房地产淘金热。

    All that new money led to a real-estate gold rush that has seen property prices rocket like a Sputnik .

  15. 京城房地产豪宅投资热

    Hot Investment in Luxury Residential Buildings in Beijing

  16. 房地产兴投资热“门外汉”迈步地产:水有多深?

    Hing real estate investment craze " layman " moving real estate : how deep water ?

  17. 如此丰富的教育资源使得附近住宅区的房地产市场特别热。

    Such rich educational resources have made the housing market in the nearby residential area particularly hot .

  18. 究其病因,乃是地方政府做出的种种有限理性行为,导致了房地产“非常热”之现状。

    That is because that the bounded rational behaviors made by the local government caused the real estate to become irrational in the current situation .

  19. 近两三年来,城市综合体已经成为国内房地产行业的最热词。

    In recent years " urban complex " has become hot in real estate industry in China .

  20. 但近几年,房价、地价快速上涨,房地产市场越来越热,政府不得不采取强有力的措施进行调控。

    But in recent years , housing prices , land prices rose rapidly , real estate market became hot increasingly ; The Government had to take strong measures to control it .

  21. 成都目前房地产发展形势颇热,众多国内外资金大量涌入成都房地产市场,土地价格不断被刷新。

    The development of real estate is rather overheated in chengdu nowadays , because much money has been pumped into real estate market in chengdu . The price of land for developing real estate is higher and higher .

  22. 近年来,我国房地产价格快速上升,出现地区性的房地产热。

    Recently , the housing price has risen quickly , which leads to the regional real estate hot .

  23. 与此同时,房地产行业内竞争愈加激烈,导致了一定程度的房价上涨过快、房地产投资热等问题。

    Meanwhile , with the continuously emerging of real estate enterprises , the competition in the industry is becoming increasingly fierce , which led to house prices rose too quickly in a certain degree and the investment of real estate boom .