
  • 网络Tai Koo Shing;Taikoo Shing;TAIKOOSHING
  1. 我不是住在四周的,但我清楚太古城的位置及四周的环境。

    C : No , I don 't live around there , but I know the location and environment of Tai Koo Shing .

  2. 场景:ABC地产代理公司太古城分行

    Scene : ABC Properties Company , Tai Koo Shing Branch

  3. 在太古城每平方英尺港币五千块的售价是很吸引人的。

    The area of this flat is around nine hundred square feet .

  4. 重建太古城斜路至东区走廊西行线的一段道路;

    Reconstruction of the Tai Koo Shing on-ramp to the Island Eastern Corridor westbound ;

  5. 最终!他们到达了“藏宝图”所示的目的地!太古城中心。

    Finally ! They reached the " treasure map " shows the destination ! Cityplaza .

  6. 森,陈先生最近买了太古城一个住宅物业。

    A : Sam , Mr. Chen has recently bought a flat in Tai Koo Shing .

  7. 更改东区走廊西行线至太古城的一段单线支路;

    Realignment of the single lane slip road from the Island Eastern Corridor westbound to Tai Koo Shing ;

  8. 我之目之是投资,因为我听说太古城之物业租金回报不错。

    The purpose is for investment because I hear from my friend that the rental return for Tai Koo Shing is not bad .

  9. 香港是一个真正的购物天堂,从大型豪华的购物中心,像太古广场和海港城,到露天市场如女人街和庙街,一应俱全。

    Hong Kong is a true shoppers paradise . From glistening mall like the Pacific Place and Harbour City to street markets like the ladys market and temple street .

  10. 到过香港的人,几乎都逛过太古地产开发经营的购物中心,要么是太古城中心,要么是太古广场,要么是又一城。

    Visited Hong Kong people , almost all of the shopping center development and operation of television Swire Properties , either City Plaza , either Pacific Place , Festival Walk either .