
  1. 结果:肯定了太极哲学在中国哲学中的核心地位及其对中国传统文化和思想的广泛影响。

    Result : The paper affirms the core status of the primal chaos philosophy in Chinese philosophy and its widespread influence to China traditional culture and thought .

  2. 在达沃斯世界经济论坛上接受《彭博财经频道》的查理·罗斯的采访时,马云就曾提到关于太极哲学与商业运作的内在联系。

    In an interview at the Davos World Economic Forum with Bloomberg TV 's Charlie Rose , China 's richest man explained how the philosophy of tai chi can be used in business .

  3. 方法:通过比较研究的方法,理清中国传统哲学的主线,挖掘太极哲学的内容,归纳了太极哲学的相关概念。

    Method : Through the comparison research method , we put the main line of China traditional philosophy in order , excavate the content of the primal chaos philosophy and induce the related concept of the primal chaos philosophy .

  4. 据中国媒体报道,该课程费用高达10万元(折合14700美元),全程分6次课,每次课时长达3天,由阿里巴巴创始人马云亲自向企业家们传授太极哲学。

    For a cool 100000 yuan ( $ 14700 ) , an entrepreneur can learn the philosophy from the Alibaba founder himself over the course of six classes . Each class lasts three days , according to Chinese media .

  5. 在对先秦哲学,尤其是道家和儒家理论,以及宋明理学等中国哲学的比较研究中,阐述了太极哲学的理论构成,详细分析了它的六个组成内容。

    In the comparison research on China traditional philosophy such as the pre-Qin philosophy , especially Taoism and the Confucianist theory , and Song Ming Neo-Confucianism , we elaborated the theory constitution of the primal chaos philosophy and analyse its six compositions in detail .

  6. 作为传统文化的一个组成部分,太极拳与哲学、医学、兵学、美学等有着密不可分的联系。

    As a part of the traditional culture , Taijiquan is closely related to philosophy , medicine , military tactics , aesthetics , etc.

  7. 太极作为中国哲学中一个非常重要的范畴,宋明时期的诸多理学家都对其进行了阐发,薛瑄也不例外。

    " Tai Chi " is a very important category in Chinese philosophy , many Philosopher in Song and Ming Dynasties have done some physical understanding about it , Xue Xuan is no exception .