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  1. LuxResearch预计,到2016年年底,下调补贴将导致太阳能面板销售量年增长率从过去5年的65%降至约15%。

    The reduction in subsidies is expected to slow the volume growth rate of solar panel sales from 65 per cent annually over the past five years to about 15 per cent until the end of 2016 , according to Lux Research .

  2. 连接到太阳能面板的传感器

    Photo of sensors attached to a solar panel

  3. PastorJeffWild更加感激太阳,因为2002年教堂里安装里太阳能面板。

    Pastor Jeff Wild appreciates the sun even more because of these -- solar panels the church installed in 2002 .

  4. 火箭抵达轨道,太阳能面板打开后,SpaceX公司的飞行控制员们开始庆贺。

    SpaceX mission controllers celebrated when the rocket had reached orbit and its solar panels had deployed .

  5. 天合光能有限公司(TrinaSolarLtd.ADS,TSL)和晶科能源(JinkoSolar)都在规模最大的太阳能面板企业之列。后者在经过多个季度的亏损之后刚刚恢复赢利。

    Trina Solar and Jinko Solar , who just started returning to profitability after many quarters of losses , are among the biggest panel players .

  6. Prout计划今年年底增加更多的太阳能面板。

    Prout plans to add more panels by the end of the year .

  7. 这些新房坐落在洛杉矶以南的奥兰治县,看起来跟当地的其他房屋没有太大差别,但它们都有一个附加特性:莱纳公司(LennarCorporation)给自己盖的每一栋房子都安装了太阳能面板。

    They looked like many others going up in Orange County , south of Los Angeles , but with an extra feature : Lennar Corporation was putting solar panels on every house it built .

  8. 中国廉价太阳能面板的冲击令FirstSolar等老牌公司不堪重负,而一些原本资金充裕的新创企业更是不幸夭折:Solyndra已经破产,Miasole近日被低价出售。

    The culprit has been cheap solar panels from China that have whacked established manufacturers , like first solar , and rendered stillborn well funded startups , including solyndra ( now bankrupt ) and miasole ( recently sold on the cheap ) .

  9. 根据清洁能源计划,新泽西会帮助支付一部分太阳能面板的费用,高达140000美元,Prout只需支付60000美元。

    under the state 's clean energy program , New Jersey helped pay for the panels which cost $ 140000 . Prout 's share , $ 60000 .

  10. 以布勒为例,新的太阳能面板(完全由SunRun付费)能让其每月的电费从200美元直降到60美元,降低了70%。

    In Buller 's case , his new solar panels ( which SunRun paid for entirely ) cut his $ 200-a-month electricity bill by $ 140 , or70 % .

  11. 太阳能面板制造商赛维LDK太阳能希望筹资高达6亿美元,使其成为2004年11月以来中国企业在美国规模最大的首次公开发行。

    LDK Solar , a solar panel maker , is hoping to raise up to $ 600m , which will make it the largest US IPO by a Chinese company since November 2004 .

  12. 德古赫特去年还对中国涉嫌向欧盟倾销太阳能面板展开调查。瑞典的塞西莉亚•马姆斯特罗姆(CeciliaMalmström)将于本月底接替德古赫特出任欧盟贸易专员。

    Mr De Gucht , who will be succeeded by Sweden 's Cecilia Malmstr ö m at the end of this month , also launched an investigation over the alleged dumping of Chinese solar panels into the EU last year .

  13. 除了这两个首席执行官职务,穆斯克还在担任太阳城(SolarCity)公司董事长,这家太阳能面板供应商和安装商目前由他的表弟彼得o里沃和林登o里沃打理。

    In addition to his two chief executive roles , Musk is chairman of SolarCity , a solar-panel supplier and installer run by his cousins Peter and Lyndon Rive .

  14. 安装太阳能面板的零售企业喜欢廉价的中国产品。

    The retail companies that install panels like the cheap Chinese products .

  15. 基于太阳能面板和反光漆油以及其余东西。

    thanks to solar panels , reflective paint and more .

  16. 考虑下风力农业,太阳能面板和电子汽车。

    Think wind farms , solar panels and electric cars .

  17. 当然,这包括了它的太阳能面板和所有其他东西。

    Of course , that includes its solar panels and everything else .

  18. 许多太空飞船的电力都来自太阳能面板,还有一些则靠放射性物质衰变获取电力。

    Many spacecraft are powered by solar panels , and others by radioactive decay .

  19. 一场围绕太阳能面板的贸易战正在酝酿中,但开战的理由看起来却站不住脚。

    A trade war is brewing over solar panels but the casus belli looks shaky .

  20. 另外,要说到依赖政府,西方国家太阳能面板制造商也绝对不是没有得到政府扶持。

    Also , Western panel-makers are hardly pure when it comes to relying on the government .

  21. 完全运转起来后,这两家工厂每年将能生产数百万最先进的太阳能面板。

    When fully operational , these plants will produce millions of state-of-the-art solar panels each year .

  22. 从本周开始,欧洲将对中国太阳能面板征收临时性关税。

    Now starting this week , Europe is to impose new duties on Chinese solar panels .

  23. 70%的太阳能面板使用含银的光伏电池。

    Photovoltaic cells , the technology used in 70 % of solar panels , contain silver .

  24. 目前,应用材料已进入太阳能面板和玻璃面板的生产设备领域。

    The company recently entered the market for equipment to produce solar arrays and energy efficient glass .

  25. 美国也卷入这场纠纷中,对中国太阳能面板征收反倾销关税和反补贴关税。

    The US has also joined the fight , imposing both anti-dumping and anti-subsidy duties on Chinese solar panels .

  26. 所以太阳能面板厂商经历的困境对我们来说只有好处,没有坏处。

    So actually the pain that solar manufacturing has experienced , that has accrued 100 % to our benefit .

  27. 在Xunlight之前,托莱多已经是美国最大的太阳能面板制造商的基地。

    Before Xunlight , Toledo was already home to First Solar , the nation 's largest solar panel maker .

  28. 目前,由于太阳能面板成本过高,只有既富裕又好心的西方人安装得起。

    Right now , solar panels cost so much that only well-heeled , well-meaning Westerners can afford to install them .

  29. 处于欧中贸易争端核心的太阳能面板永远不会引起人们的兴趣。

    The solar panels at the heart of the spat between Europe and China were never going to excite interest .

  30. 首先,自2010年初以来,太阳能面板80%的价格降幅要归功于生产成本的降低。

    To start , falling production costs account for most of the 80 % price decline since the beginning of 2010 .