
  • 网络mentalism;Spiritualism;Spiritnal Futurism
  1. 盛唐诗歌精神论

    The Spirit of Poetry at the Height of Tang Dynasty

  2. 评以儒学为主干重建民族主流精神论

    On Reconstructing National Mainstream Spirit by Relying on Confucianism

  3. 试论闻一多的主体精神论

    On Wen Yiduo 's Thought of Subjective Spirit

  4. 主观战斗精神论;

    The theory of subjective combat spirit ;

  5. 中西文化精神论略

    On Chinese - Western Culture Spirit

  6. 拜伦悲剧精神论

    On Byron 's Tragic Spirit

  7. 科技道德的两种精神论科技伦理道德建设

    Two Kinds of Spirit Of Morality of Science and Technology The Construction on morality of science and technology

  8. 政治家,宗教领袖,唯精神论者,魔术大师,甚至心理学工作者都在使用这种催眠。他们通过这种催眠让许多人去办某种事,思考某个问题。

    It 's the type of hypnosis that politicians , faith healers , mentalists , illusionists , even psychics use in order to hypnotize many people into doing things , or thinking certain things .

  9. 钱中文新理性精神文论的内在结构宋元人对理学文弊的批判和理学文学观的演变

    The Inner Logic of Qian Zhong-wen 's New Rational Literature Theory

  10. 高等医学院校人文精神塑造论析

    Exploration into the molding of humanistic spirit in high medical education

  11. 想象的力量:革命文学生成和精神价值论

    Strength of Imagination : Revolutionary Literature Creation and Its Spiritual Value

  12. 它赋有浓厚的人文精神;论法治与德治的内在统一

    On the Internal Unity of Rule by Law and Rule by Moral

  13. 从知识到生命&课堂教学的精神交往论

    From Knowledge " to Life " & Spiritual Communication in Classroom Teaching

  14. 论现代水墨的精神特质论巴人诗歌的现代特质

    The Spirit of Modernity on the Poetry of Ba Ren

  15. 体育运动为构建和谐社会提供的思想精神资源论析

    Sports , the Ideological and Spiritual Resource of the Construction of Harmonious Society

  16. 道德理性与伦理精神&论黑格尔伦理对道德的超越

    Moral Reason and Ethical Spirit : Hegel 's Transcendence of Ethics over Morality

  17. 新文化运动中的精神改造论及其发展趋势

    Spiritual Reconstructionism in New Culture Movement and Its Trend

  18. 水墨画与老庄哲学精神略论

    Water-Ink Painting and the Philosophical Spirit of Taoism

  19. 大学精神探论

    Research on the Spirit of the University

  20. 一个小人物一种大精神&论婴宁形象的独特性

    A Small Character , A Great Spirit

  21. 他的文化本体论是精神本体论,以唯心论的哲学理念为基础。

    His cultural ontology is spiritual ontology , based on philosophy idea of the idealism .

  22. 人的精神存在论人的道德精神;

    Morals and spirits of human body ;

  23. 寻找失落的知识分子精神&论教师的知识分子精神的式微与重建

    To Seek the Lost Intellectual Spirit The Decline and Reconstruction of Teachers ' Intellectual Spirit

  24. 道家哲学精神自由论和气本体论,则分别为道教的根本宗旨&神仙信仰和宗教实践方式提供了哲学基础。

    However , Taoist school supplied the Taoism with the philosophy base on the death .

  25. 社会主义精神富裕论

    On the Enrichment of Socialistic Spirit

  26. 上海城市精神述论

    On the City Spirit of Shanghai

  27. 激越情感中的赋格精神&论贝多芬第九交响乐中赋格段的使用

    Spirit of Fugue in Exaltation Feelings & On the usage of Fugue in Beethoven Symphony No.9

  28. 皮质醇增多症和精神异常论醉酒人犯罪的刑事责任

    On the Liabilities of Alcoholic Crime

  29. 明清晋商商业伦理精神探论

    A Probe of the Commercial Ethic Spirits of Ming , Qing , Jing and Shang Dynasty

  30. 岳飞精神述论

    On the Spirit of Yue Fei