
  • 网络exact solution;solution;exact
  1. 底水灰岩油藏中不完善井的压力动态精确解

    Exact Solution to the Pressure Behavior in Imperfect Well in Bottom Water Limestone Oil Reservoir

  2. 有界封闭裂缝-孔隙介质弹性渗流问题的精确解及其在试井中的应用

    Exact Solution to the Problem of Flow of Slightly Compressible Fluids in a Bounded Confined " Fracture-Pore " Medium and Its Application to Well Testing

  3. GPS长距离基线精确解算的有关问题探讨

    Discussion on some problems relating to precise solution of GPS long distance baseline

  4. 再生核空间W2~2()中积分-微分方程精确解的表示

    The Exact Solution of the Integral-Differential Equation in Space W_2 ~ 2 () of Reproducing Kernel

  5. 给出了这一类方程的Lie点对称,条件对称和精确解。

    Lie point symmetries , conditional symmetries and the exact solutions of this class of equations are given .

  6. 最后,在索赔分布为指数分布的例子中,给出V(u)的精确解。

    Finally , we obtain explicit solutions of V ( u ) when the claim amount distribution is exponential .

  7. 基于运算微积的Stokes第二问题起动过程的精确解

    Exact solution of Stokes second problem including startup process by using operational calculus

  8. 简并参量放大器的Berry相:新的精确解

    Berry Phase of Degenerate Parametric Amplifier : A New Precies Solution

  9. 一种修正Volterra链的精确解

    The exact solutions of a modified Volterra lattice

  10. 一类广义KdV方程的孤立波精确解

    The Isolated Wave Solution of a Class of Generalized KdV Equations

  11. 变系数Burgers方程新的精确解

    Exact Solution to Burgers Equation with Variable Coefficients

  12. Boussinesq方程的Jacobi椭圆函数精确解

    Exact solutions of jacobi elliptic function for boussinesq equation

  13. 现在已有很多方法可以得到孤子方程的解,其中达布变换是一种自然而美妙的方法,它从孤子方程的一个平凡解出发求得精确解(N孤子解)。

    Darboux transformation ( DT ) has been proved to be one of the most natural and beautiful method to get explicit solutions of some soliton equations from a trivial seed .

  14. 一变系数(2+1)维微分方程的BT及其精确解

    A Backlund Transformation and Exact Solutions to the ( 2 + 1 ) - Dimensional Soliton Breaking Equation with Variable Coefficients

  15. KK方程和改进的Boussinesq方程的新精确解

    New Exact Solutions of KK Equation and Modified Improved Boussinesq Equation

  16. Wick类型的随机广义KdV的精确解

    Exact Solutions for Wick-type Stochastic Generalized KdV Equation

  17. 首先由MonteCarlo法确定全局最优点的近似位置,然后由Solver求得精确解。

    The Monte Carlo procedure is accepted to get the approximate optimal point , and then obtained the exact solution by " Solver " .

  18. 提出了广义的正交变换,并利用Laplace_Weber变换,拉氏_正交变换给出了无限大地层和有界地层的精确解和渐近解;

    Exact solutions and asymptotic solutions have been obtained by using Laplace_Weber and Laplace_orthogonal transforms with both infinite and finite reservoirs .

  19. 一般变换下Klein-Gordon方程新的精确解

    The new exact solutions to Klein-Gordon equation under a general function transform

  20. 神经网络求6-SPS并联机器人正运动学精确解

    An accurate solution for forward kinematics of 6-SPS Stewart platform based on neural network

  21. 为此,给出了两相干点源空间干涉的精确解,该解是以两点源s1和s2为公焦点,以s1s2为转轴的回转双叶双曲面族。

    This paper presents the accurate solution for the interference of two coherent point sources , which is a family of hyperboloid .

  22. 高阶Levi方程的Painlevé测试和精确解

    The Painlev é Test for Higher Order Levi Equation and Its Solution

  23. Lax对和Painlevé意义下可积模型及其精确解

    Integrable Systems in the Sense of Lax Pair and Painlev é Property and Exact Solutions

  24. 运用Lyapunov稳定性理论与LaSalle不变原理证明了该网络是稳定的,并且收敛于一个精确解。

    It is strictly proved to be stable and convergent to an exact solution by the Lyapunov stability theory and the LaSalle invariance principle .

  25. 在欧氏测度下,应用RL分数阶微积分算子理论给出了上述问题的精确解。

    Under the Euclidean measure , the analytical solutions to the above problem are obtained by employing the Riemann Liouville fractional calculus theory .

  26. 含任意次非线性项的广义Davey-Stewartson方程组的精确解

    Exact Solutions of Generalized Davey-stewartson Equations with Nonlinear Terms of Any Order

  27. 具有Marangoni效应的KdV-KSV方程的显式精确解

    Exact Solutions for KdV-KSV Equation with Marangoni Effect

  28. Brusselator反应扩散模型的Auto-Darboux变换和精确解

    Auto-Darboux Transformation and Exact Solutions of the Brusselator Reaction Diffusion

  29. 利用Matlab平台上的GA仿真包进行了系统仿真,仿真结果在保证轨迹精度的条件下,逼近了机器人能量最小优化轨迹精确解,证明了该综合优化算法的有效性。

    The model is simulated with the GA toolbox on Matlab platform . With the same requirement of trajectory motion precision , the results of simulation are similar to the analytical results . It demonstrates the efficiency of this comprehensive optimization algorithm .

  30. 本文提出了双参数假设,用直接积分的方法求得了Burgers-KdV方程的显式精确解,分析了解的结构。

    Double parameter hypothesis is given and the explicit exact solutions of Burgers KdV equation are obtained by direct integration , and then the construction of the solutions are discussed .