
  • 网络Spiritual motivation;spiritual power;spirit power;psychodynamic
  1. 为上海竞技体育再铸辉煌提供强有力的精神动力和思想保证

    Provide strong spirit power and ideological pledge to founding the brilliance again for Shanghai sports

  2. 现代化的建设不仅要依靠物质财富的增长来推动,还要依靠精神动力的不断强化和提升。

    The modernization not only depends on the increasing of the material wealth but also on the strengthening of the spirit power .

  3. 信仰是人类的精神动力和精神支柱。

    Faith is the spiritual force and backbone of human beings .

  4. 构建全面小康社会的精神动力

    The Spirit Drive of Constructing the All-round Wealth - off Society

  5. 良好的公民意识是推动社会不断进步的精神动力。

    Good civic awareness is the spiritual power promoting social progress .

  6. 尤其面对活塞时,乔丹更有另一股精神动力。

    When it comes to detroit , there is another factor .

  7. 军人精神动力开发的科学定位

    The Scientific Orientation of Exploitation of the Serviceman 's Spiritual Drive

  8. 自然辩证法事业常青的精神动力和发展机制

    Spiritual Drive and Development Mechanism of Nature Dialectic Evergreen Enterprise

  9. 积极进取、断创新是我们发展的精神动力。

    Proactive and innovative spirit is the driving force for our development .

  10. 从构建和谐社会的角度出发,认为公民教育是构建和谐社会的精神动力,是促进公民全面和谐发展的重要手段。

    Civic education is the spiritual impetus of a harmonious society construction .

  11. 杂神信仰与广州社会发展的精神动力

    Multi-theism and the Spiritual Motivation for Guangzhou 's Social Development

  12. 学校文化建设:学校发展的精神动力

    Construction of Campus Culture : Spiritual Power for School Development

  13. 未来高技术局部战争与军人精神动力的开发

    The Future High-Tech Local War and the Development of Soldiers ' Spiritual Impetus

  14. 二是为经济发展提供精神动力。

    It provides spiritual driving force for economic development .

  15. 只有通过文化创新,才能给大开发提供精神动力和智力支持。

    Only by cultural innovation can spiritual motivation and intelligent support be provided .

  16. 他们希望这对所有教堂来说都是一种精神动力。

    They hoped it would act as a spiritual dynamic on all churches .

  17. 马克斯·韦伯对近代资本主义的精神动力分析

    On Marx and Wed 's Spirit Impetus Analysis of Modern Time 's Capitalism

  18. 短程精神动力心理治疗疑病症1例

    Short-range psychic therapy on 1 case of hypochondria

  19. 强化现代化的精神动力

    Strengthen the Spiritual Motive Force to the Modernization

  20. 从产生的基础上分,可区分为物质动力和精神动力;

    From its base of producing , we have material power and spiritual power .

  21. 论历史发展的精神动力

    On the Spiritual Impetus of Historical Development

  22. 文化共同繁荣为共同富裕提供精神动力和智力支持。

    Cultural co - prosperity provides the spiritual drive and intellectual support for collective prosperity .

  23. 文化先导力是当今未被普遍认识的精神动力。

    Culture is the forerunner force has not been general recognition of the spiritual power .

  24. 道德的精神动力与标准

    Spiritual Motive Power and Principle of Morality

  25. 日本佛教,它为日本侵略者提供了精神动力;

    Japanese Buddhism , which has once provided the spiritual power for the Japanese invader ;

  26. 综合上述诸方面,构成武汉社会发展的精神动力体系。

    These forces constitute a system that pushes forward the social development in Wuhan City .

  27. 建设高品位校园文化为高校发展提供精神动力和智力支持

    Constructing of high quality university culture offer spirit motivity and intellect support for university development

  28. 对马克思主义的信仰是中国革命胜利的一种精神动力;

    Belief in the Marxism is a spiritual power for the victory of China 's revolution ;

  29. 学习和践行社会主义荣辱观是学校全面发展的强大精神动力

    Learning and Practising Socialist Sharing concept & powerful spiritual force in University 's all around development

  30. 同时,城市公民文化可为城市建设提供精神动力。

    As the same time , urban civil culture can provide spiritual impetus for city building .