
  • 网络Information Dynamics;Information Power
  1. 创造知识激励环境,增强信息动力;

    Creating an atmosphere inspired by knowledge to strengthen information dynamic ;

  2. 物质动力、精神动力和信息动力组成的系统动力是生活事业激励员工的有效方法。

    Systematic reward , consisting of material , moral and information , is effective means to encourage the personnel .

  3. 提出了信息动力与大学生创新能力培养的关系。

    The relationship of information motivation and non-intelligent factors of training innovation ability of college students is put forward .

  4. 用户通过IE浏览器可以直观的查看车辆位置信息及动力电池组信息,同时还具有数据存储、地图回放等功能。

    Users can be intuitive to check the vehicle position information and power battery information by IE explorer .

  5. 浅析企业自愿披露信息的动力系统

    Brief Analysis on the Dynamic System of Companies ' Voluntary Information Disclosure

  6. 企业则因为缺乏政府以外的约束力,披露环境会计信息的动力有限。

    Because of lack of limitation out of government , the enterprises have limited impetus to disclose environmental accounting information .

  7. 基于此,本文致力于探索政府信息公开动力系统运行机制的一般规律。

    Based on these problems , this thesis focuses on exploring the general rules of the dynamic system operation mechanism in making government public .

  8. 外部审计失效;不规范的政府行为影响了民营企业对外披露信息的动力。

    Analyzing exteriorly , Financing difficulty , Exterior auditing invalidation and nonstandard government action affect the motive of information disclosure of the private corporations .

  9. 从应然层面上分析政府信息公开动力系统的构成要素,构建各构成要素功能定位与相互作用的动力系统运行机制。

    From the ideal aspect , this paper analyzes constitutional elements of the dynamic system in making government public , setting up the functional location of each constitutional element and the interactive dynamic system operation mechanism .

  10. 机理系统包括信息系统、动力系统、利益系统等子系统;

    Medium system includes information system , dynamic system , benefit system ;

  11. 航天信息:航天动力

    Aerospace Information aero - power

  12. 增强创新能力,是编辑选择和创新信息的内在动力;

    Improving ability of creation is the inherent motive power for editor to choose and create information .

  13. 获取电池组的容量信息是电信动力维护部门的重要工作内容。

    To obtain information about the capacity of battery is an important work of telecom power maintenance department .

  14. 数字信息资源共享动力机制,是指能够促使图书馆数字信息资源共享活动持续发展而形成的复杂的动力系统。

    Dynamic mechanisms for digital information resource sharing are complex dynamic systems for the sustainable development of library digital information resource sharing activities .

  15. 信息共享空间动力系统包括信息技术、组织与管理和文化与精神等三大核心要素。图1。参考文献10。

    In the dynamic system of information Commons , there are three core elements : information technology , organization and management , culture and spirit . 1 fig.10 refs .

  16. 然而,整个社会还存在一个由“没有者”构成的薄弱环节,他们无法触摸到这种推动经济发展和信息传播的动力,这有的时候是出于一个最简单的原因——他们没有读写的能力。

    But there is also an underbelly of " have-nots , " who lack access to this economic and information engine , sometimes for the most basic reason of not being able to read or write .

  17. 利用现场实测的结构振动信息修正结构动力模型,使得修正后的分析模型的模态参数与实测值趋于一致是一种比较有效的结构模型修正方法。

    Using the measurement of structural vibration information updating the structure dynamic model , making the modified modal parameters of the model in line with the measured value is a more effective method of structural model updating .

  18. 第三章是企业社会责任会计信息披露的动力机制,从企业的外部压力和内部动力两方面进行阐释,说明了我国企业进行社会责任信息披露的可能性。

    Chapter ⅲ is an introduction of the dynamic mechanism of the corporate social responsibility accounting disclosure . From two aspects of the external pressure and internal power , the author explains the possibility of the social responsibility information disclosure .

  19. 实验设备对于加深学生对理论知识的理解,锻炼学生的实践、创新能力具有十分重要的意义,在教学体系中占有举足轻重的地位。增强创新能力,是编辑选择和创新信息的内在动力;

    The experimental facilities have the very important function for the understanding of the academic knowledge , exercises student 's practice , ability of creation . Improving ability of creation is the inherent motive power for editor to choose and create information .

  20. 它包括决策结构、信息结构和动力结构三个互相联系的组成部分,或产权机制、决策机制、竞争机制、动力机制和风险机制等五大子系统。

    The operational mechanism of enterprise can be regarded as consisting of three interconnected parts including decision-making structure , information structure and motivation structure or of five subsystems including property rights mechanism , decision-making mechanism , competition mechanism , motivation mechanism and risk mechanism .

  21. 本文在对中国证券市场监管体制的决策结构、信息结构、动力结构的历史沿革、现状及其存在问题进行论述和分析的基础上,对中国证券市场监管体制进行研究,并提出了改进建议。

    This paper is based on the discussion and analysis on the decision structure , information structure , motivation structure of China 's securities regulation system including historical evolution , the present position and existing problems to study the system and put forward reformatting suggestions .

  22. 模式气候吸引子信息约束下的动力协调初始化方法及其在ENSO预测中的应用

    A dynamically harmonic initialization method constrained by model climate attractor information of model and its Utilization in ENSO prediction

  23. 需求是信息技术发展的动力。

    Demand is the motive force of the development of information technology .

  24. 论日本信息产业发展的动力

    On the Motive Force of the Development of Japan 's Information Industry

  25. 信息系统的混沌动力行为分析

    Analysis of chaotic dynamical behavior of information systems

  26. 我国图书馆信息服务技术开发动力机制研究

    A Study of Motivation Mechanism of Technological Development of Library Information Services in China

  27. 武汉市土地利用结构信息熵演变及动力分析

    Analysis of the evolvement in information entropy of land-use structure and its driving forces in Wuhan

  28. 市场价格机制就是依信息而行动的动力伴随着传递出来的信息。

    Market price mechanism is the action which is motivated by the information and transforming the information .

  29. 第4章通过详细分析政府信息公开的原动力和应动力来构建政府信息公开的动力场;

    4th chapter analyzed the impulsion and reply of the government information publicity , and constructs the dynamic force field ;

  30. 电子商务作为网络经济商务往来的主要交易模式,正日益成为信息经济发展的动力和新的经济增长点。

    E-commerce as a major means of economic and commercial activity is becoming an incentive for the growth of information economy .