
  • 网络self-denial;self-negation;self denial;denial;self-defeating
  1. WTO体系的发展要经过对立平衡新的对立新的平衡的总过程,这是WTO体系自我否定、自我发展的自然的历史过程,现存WTO体系的逝去与和谐WTO体系的建立同样是不可避免的。

    Opposition-Balance-New Opposition-New Balance is the regular pattern of the WTO system , and also a historical process of the WTO self-denial and self-development . It is inevitable that the current system will be elapsed and new system will be established .

  2. 它代表的是一种自我否定,自我超越的创作态度。

    It represents a kind of self-denial , self-transcendence creative attitude .

  3. 英国老年医学研究专家奥布里•德格雷(AubreydeGrey)表示,是时候突破人类关于衰老的自我否定了。德格雷对于如何延缓死亡的提议曾引起广泛的争议。

    ' It 's time to break out of our denial about aging , 'said Aubrey de Grey , a British gerontologist who has drawn controversy for his suggestions on how to forestall death .

  4. 在人生历程中不断地自我否定、自我超越、自我完善。

    They continuously negate , overcome and perfect themselves in their life .

  5. 经济全球化的发展趋势是资本主义的自我否定

    The Tendency of Economy Globalism Is Self-negation of Capitalism

  6. 他不认同说他的预言是自我否定的。

    He denies that his prophecy is self-denying .

  7. 论悖论的自我否定本质&兼与张铁声先生商榷

    Discussion on Self - negation Essence of Paradox

  8. 悖论以否定自身为内容,自我否定是它的本质。

    Paradox holds self-negation as it 's content , furthermore self-negation is its essence .

  9. 或者是其它自我否定的想法,阻止你尝试具有创造性的事情。

    Or that kind of severe self-criticism that prevents you from trying something creative .

  10. 八股文的消亡:时代必然取向与文体自我否定

    Vanishing of the Eight-part Essay : Developing Trend of the Era and Self-negation of Styles

  11. 小心不要落得自我否定和苛刻的下场。

    Be careful that it doesn 't result in too much of self-denial and severity .

  12. 这种内在矛盾或许是不可避免的,因为若把道的观点贯彻到底就会导致自我否定。

    This is unavoidable , for a complete carrying out will lead to self - denial .

  13. 《吉姆老爷》呈现出康拉德独特的悲剧意识,即悲剧英雄产生于自我否定和自我修正。

    Secondly , Conrad shows the tragic hero comes from overcoming the weakness of human nature .

  14. 有时,她也会时常自我否定自己,但却不失为一个充满自信的人。

    I noticed that she could sometimes tend towards mild self-criticism but is still a confident person .

  15. 现实的欲求在很大程度上是人的虚假的需要,最终导致人的自我否定。

    Desire at present situation is ordinarily false necessaries , which will bring on self-denial of human being .

  16. 后宗教时代的到来,在内在逻辑上可以归因于宗教的自我否定。

    From the point of inner logic , the arrival of post-religion times results from the self-denial of religions .

  17. 以前艺术家也做过自我否定,但是他牺牲自我只是为了尊重上帝。

    In former times the artist also practiced self-denial , but he sacrificed his ego only for the glory of God .

  18. 从行为性质上讲,翻供是犯罪嫌疑人、被告人对其原来所作的有罪、罪重、无罪、罪轻供述的自我否定。

    Confession withdrawal is self-denial of criminal suspects or defendants about their original guilty , heavy-sin , unguilty or light-sin statements .

  19. 海子的诗学在本体、主体和创作三个方面的探讨经过海子不断的自我否定和修正,最终统一在对这种伟大的诗歌精神的呼唤上面。

    The discussion of ontology , the main body and the creation finally unified into this kind of great poetry spirit .

  20. 但那样做会造成灾难,因为这场危机的终极教训是,信心和自满其实是自我否定的预言。

    This would be a disaster . For the final lesson of the crisis is that confidence and complacency are self-denying prophecies .

  21. 不同程度的自我否定则依照不同个体各自的承受力而终结于自杀或疯狂。

    And the different degrees of self-denial that it produces ends in suicide or madness according to the different capacities of the individuals .

  22. 或许表达出对全球贸易的担忧是有用的,可以让人们将足够的注意力集中于保护主义的风险,使其成为自我否定的预言。

    Perhaps worrying aloud about global trade has its uses , focusing enough attention on the dangers of protectionism to become a self-denying prophecy .

  23. 强调品牌医院改变环境不如改变自己,变才能保和自我否定是品牌医院建立的创新内动力。

    It emphasizes that grand hospital should change not only environment but itself , ego negation is the inside motive to establish a brand hospital .

  24. 然而由于智慧自身自我否定的特性使得哲学在后来的发展中由爱智慧滑落为追求知识。

    However , because of the self-denial characteristic of wisdom changed the meaning of " loving wisdom " into " pursuing knowledge " in later development .

  25. 顺从就导致了妇女的自我否定,沉默就使得女人听天由命。

    The concept of female subordination often leads to women 's self-denial and the teaching of female reticence tends to enable women to accept their fate with resignation .

  26. 批判精神是马克思主义实践辩证法的灵魂,其深层根基在于人类实践活动自我否定、我超越的本性。

    Critical spirits is the soul of Marxist practice dialectics , the core of which is related to the nature of self-denial and self-surmounting in the human practice activities .

  27. 在异性恋占主导地位的社会大环境中,同性恋者由于特殊的性行为方式,面临最大的伦理困境表现为自我否定的痛苦与压力。

    In heterosexual dominated the social environment , as a special sexual way , homosexual persons face the greatest ethical dilemma for the performance of self-negation of pain and pressure .

  28. 表现在西方现代造型艺术史中呈现为不断行进中的自我否定,它始终是艺术生命中坚决抵制异化力量的强大基因,不断向着自由前进。

    " Expression " appeared as some unceasing self-denial in the history of the modern plastic arts in occident . It 's the strong gene against alienation , advancing towards freedom .

  29. 疾病的根本原因是机体的内在因素、内在关系、自我否定倾向,是机体各个结构相互作用的结果。不能用辨证的观点去理解机体的内在关系是现代医学的重大缺陷。

    The cause of disease is the internal reasons of body , the intrinsic relations of body , the physiological incline of self-denial and the result of interaction of body constitution .

  30. 留声机和碱性电池的发明者托马斯·爱迪生也会自我否定,不过他不会让自己缺氧或者蒙上自己的眼睛,但是他会让自己不睡觉。

    Continuing the theme of self-denial , Thomas Edison , the inventor of the phonograph and the alkaline battery , robbed himself not of oxygen or light , but of sleep .