
  • 网络adaptive logic;flexibly adaptive logic
  1. 迪尔格进一步完善了巴加林的理论,提出了他眼中的全新逆转力量的源泉所在——他把它称为“灵活的自适应逻辑(flexiblyadaptivelogic)。”(即后文所说的“逻辑缺陷”——译注)

    Dilger has refined Bajarin 's theory and identified what he believes to be the source of the new distortive power . He calls it " flexibly adaptive logic . "

  2. 这种非凡的、全新的“灵活的自适应逻辑”对谷歌安卓系统的支撑更是有过之而无不及。

    There 's more of the same at Google 's Android powered by remarkable new " flexibly adaptive logic "

  3. 该模型采用组件+连接子抽象中间件软件结构,使用面向方面的内核实体封装自适应逻辑,通过内核自省机制和事件机制驱动中间件自适应行为。

    The model divides the middleware structure into components and connectors and uses aspect-oriented technology to encapsulate adaptation logic . The middleware adaptive behavior is driven by kernel introspection and event interaction mechanism .

  4. 基于模糊观测器T-S模型和自适应模糊逻辑系统的一类非线性系统的H∞控制

    H_ ∞ Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems Based on Fuzzy Observer T S Model and Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Systems

  5. 采用模糊T-S模型和模糊观测器对非线性系统建模,引入自适应模糊逻辑系统补偿器用来消除建模误差对系统稳定性的影响。

    Fuzzy T-S model and fuzzy observer are used to model the nonlinear systems . The adaptive fuzzy logic systems are introduced to eliminate the effect of the modeling errors for the system stability .

  6. 自适应模糊逻辑系统的聚类学习算法研究

    Research of Training Algorithm of Adaptive Fuzzy Logic System Using Clustering

  7. 基于自适应模糊逻辑和神经网络的双足机器人控制研究

    Study on Biped Robot Control Based on Adaptive Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network

  8. 单输出自适应模糊逻辑系统在传感器故障分类与诊断中的应用

    Single-output Adaptive Fuzzy Logic System for the Fault Diagnosis and Classification of Sensors

  9. 基于自适应模糊逻辑系统的预置滑模跟踪控制方法

    An Adaptive Fuzzy Pre-specified Sliding Mode Tracking Control Algorithm

  10. 其次,应用自适应模糊逻辑系统作为补偿器来补偿建模误差。

    Secondly , the modeling errors are eliminated by a compensator based on the adaptive fuzzy logic systems .

  11. 针对一类非线性离散时间系统,提出一种自适应模糊逻辑补偿控制方案。

    A new scheme of adaptive fuzzy logic compensation control is proposed for a class of nonlinear ( discrete-time ) systems .

  12. 在前馈控制器中压电作动器的迟滞和蠕变非线性特性的逆模型由自适应模糊逻辑系统近似;

    In the feedforward controller design , fuzzy logic system architecture is treated as the inverse function of piezoelectric actuators ′ nonlinear model .

  13. 由于采用固定滑模而时,不能兼顾对二者的要求,本文提出滑模面的自适应模糊逻辑调整策略,利用模糊控制器建立随系统状态变化的时变滑模面。

    As the fixed sliding surface cannot give attention to them , it is presented that the method of adaptive sliding surface using fuzzy logic control .

  14. 针对一类非线性系统,把模糊TS模型和自适应模糊逻辑系统两类模糊逻辑方式结合起来,提出了一种基于观测器的控制方案。

    Combining fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno ( T-S ) model with adaptive fuzzy logic systems , we present a tracking control scheme for a class of complex nonlinear systems .

  15. 对一般非线性系统,推导了一种综合运用非线性动态逆、自适应模糊逻辑系统和滑动模态控制进行控制律设计的方法。

    For general nonlinear system , a control law design method which integrated the nonlinear dynamic inverse theory , adaptive fuzzy system and slide model control is developed .

  16. 讨论了过失速机动条件下的空气动力特性和飞行力学机理,在此基础上对自适应模糊逻辑系统的输入进行了分析,确定了自适应模糊逻辑系统的输入。

    The aerodynamic characteristics and mechanism of flight dynamics under the condition of post-stall maneuvers are discussed , and then the inputs of adaptive fuzzy system are determined .

  17. 采用滑模变结构理论、自适应模糊逻辑设计了轨压反馈控制算法,进行了稳定性分析,仿真结果表明该控制算法具有较高的性能指标、良好的响应跟踪特性和优秀的抗干扰力。

    The system stability analysis is carried out as well . The simulation experiment results have proved that this approach has preferable control performance index , good response characteristic and tracking accuracy and strong anti-interference ability . The idle speed feedback control algorithm is designed by using fuzzy-PID control .

  18. 针对航空电子系统中故障诊断的问题,提出一种将神经网络中的BP算法与模糊逻辑系统相结合、自动产生并自动修正模糊规则的自适应的模糊逻辑推理机。

    An adaptive fuzzy logic inference machine combined fuzzy logic with BP neural network and applied in the aviation electrommunication fault diagnosis system is introduced .

  19. 分析了适合于HCU的四种控制方法&逻辑门限值控制、动态自适应控制、逻辑模糊控制和神经网络控制的优缺点。最后决定采用逻辑门限值控制方法。

    The author analyzes four control methods that can be used to HCU software design-logic threshold value control , automatic adaptation control , fuzzy control , NN control and decides to adopt logic threshold control .

  20. 基于自适应最优模糊逻辑系统的短期负荷预测方法

    Short-term load forecasting technique based on adaptive optimal fuzzy logic system

  21. 然后,设计基于自适应时延模糊逻辑系统的补偿器来消除建模误差和不确定性对系统稳定性的影响。

    And then , the adaptive-time-delay-fuzzy-logic-system-based compensator is designed to eliminate the effect of the modeling errors and the uncertainty .

  22. 智能控制技术主要包括:专家系统、神经网络控制、自适应控制、模糊逻辑控制等,它在机器人、机床控制以及仪器仪表等方面被广泛的应用。

    Intelligent control techniques such as : the control based on neural network ( NN ) , fuzzy control etc. are used widely in the control of machine tool , robot , instrument .

  23. 探讨了液氨质量流量测量的理论依据,给出了仪表安装示意图、液氨温度自适应动态补偿的逻辑图以及这一方案的实施细则和效果。

    The theory basis of the mass flow measurement for liquid ammonia is investigated . The installation schematic of the instrument all the logic diagram of the dynamic self-adaptive temperature compensation as well as the implementation details and results of the strategy are given .