
  • 网络natural deduction
  1. Isabelle使用自然演绎规则进行推理,为定理证明系统的开发提供了一个通用的框架。

    Using natural deduction rules , Isabelle provides a generic framework for developing theorem proving systems .

  2. 抽象算子逻辑及其自然演绎系统

    Abstract operator logic and its natural deduction system

  3. 研究了抽象算子逻辑,并用算子标识约束讨论了抽象算子逻辑的语法、语义、公理系统、自然演绎系统和正规自然演绎系统.为层次结构系统分析设计中的约束处理提供了理论基础。

    Using operator to model constraints , this paper researches such abstract operator logic , analyzes its syntax , semantics , axiomatic system , its natural deduction system and its normalized natural deduction system , provide the theoretical foundation for constrict analysis of hierarchy system .

  4. 霍布斯与洛克从两种不同的自然状态出发演绎出两种不同的政治理论体系。

    Hobbes and Locke , from two different natural state , deduced two sets of political theory systems .

  5. 儒家的伦理化自然观将人与自然的审美关系演绎得淋漓尽致。

    Confucian 's Ethical naturalism post the reladonship between human and natural taste incisively and vividly .