
xiānɡ jì shì
  • sequent
  1. 该文介绍了DC/P的语义编码方法、采用的相继式证明系统及实现技术,并给出了应用实例。

    In this paper , the authors briefly describe the semantic encoding approach , and the sequent calculus , as well as the related implementation techniques of the DC / P.

  2. 区间时序逻辑的标记相继式演算

    A labeled sequent calculus for interval temporal logic

  3. 周三,福特(Ford)、通用汽车(GeneralMotors)和宝马(BMW)在几小时内相继公布了Airbnb式的计划。这三家汽车制造商各自声称自己是首个令车主能通过将新车租给其他人来赚钱的商家。

    Within hours of each other , Ford , General Motors and BMW announced Airbnb-style schemes on Wednesday - with each manufacturer claiming to be the first to let car owners earn money by renting out their new vehicles to other drivers .

  4. 随着国民经济的发展,大型钢结构工业厂房在各地相继兴建,露出式钢柱脚的研究愈发重要。

    With the development of the national economy , large-scale steel industrial workshops have been built in all over the country . The research of exposed steel column base becomes more and more important .

  5. 随着基金管理公司的不断设立、基金品种的相继推出,开放式基金业粗放式的销售已不能适应日趋激烈的市场争格局。

    With the establishment of the fund companies , a variety of fund has been promoted in succession , however , extensive sales of open-ended fund is unable to meet the increasingly fierce market competition .