
  1. 西方的基督教把它表述为三位一体,而东方的佛教天台宗把它表述为三身相即。

    It is called the Trinity in Christianity , while called the Trine in Buddhism .

  2. 充实成为现象学的动态意向分析的核心概念,充实的最终理想,它意味着思想与事物的完美相即性。

    Fulfilling , whose final ideal signifies the perfect adequation between thought and things , becomes the central phenomenological concept of the dynamic intentional analysis .

  3. 基于男女两性相即相生的交流对话的性别意识,易导向谋求维持和改善人的生存生活的技术。

    On the contrary , the consciousness of interplaying and intercommunion of a pair will bring about the technologies seeking to maintain even improve people 's life .

  4. 牟宗三试图以中国之圆教理论证成康德之圆善论,他认为德与福在圣人处诡谲地相即就是圆善实现。

    Mou Zongsan tries to achieve Kant 's supreme good with Chinese perfect religion , and he thinks that virtue and happiness are tied in saint with strange way .

  5. 介绍了一种废热锅炉漏点监控新方法:在生产系统不停车的情况下,通过测定废热锅炉气相即蒸汽中不凝性气体和溶解性气体的含量变化趋势来判定废热锅炉泄漏状况。

    Waste heat boiler gas phase , i. e. , content change of non condensable gas and dissolved gas is determined to judge the leak status of waste heat boiler .

  6. 它由来古代灵与肉、形与神分离的二元认识,并逐渐由形神分离向形神相即、形神合一的方向发展。

    It develops from the ancient dimensional recognition of the separation of spirit and body , and separation of physique and vitality and gradually to the direction of wholism of physique and vitality .

  7. 藉由胡塞尔相即符应与海德格此在真理观的比较,以发展音乐意义的可能性诠释。

    In order to develop the possible interpretation of the music meaning by comparing the views of truth between the concept " adaequatio " correspondence of Husserl and the concept " dasien " of heidegger .

  8. 我国传统的审美观内蕴丰富,思想深邃,其中美善统一、天人合一、情景相即的思想,千百年来哺育着我们民族文化的繁荣与发展。

    Traditional aesthetics in China has rich content and deep thought such as the unity of beauty and kindness ; the unity of heaven and people and the unity of sentiment and scene which impel and maintain the prosperity and development of our national culture .

  9. 在这里我只有一个相,即液相或者气相,所以p等于。

    If I 'm sitting where there 's only one phase , say , the liquid phase or the gas phase , 1 then p equals one .

  10. 应用超快光电流谱方法,研究了Ge量子点中的载流子退相过程即动量弛豫过程,并对这一过程进行了理论模拟。

    By means of ultrafast photocurrent spectroscopy , the dephasing ( namely momentum relaxation ) in Ge quantum dots was investigated and theoretically simulated .

  11. 结果表明:溅射态非晶CrSiAl和CrSiAlN薄膜在加热到700℃的过程中,将析出两种晶化相,即Cr(Al,Si)2和Si微晶相;

    The results show that , when sputtered amorphous Cr-Si-Al and Cr-Si-Al-N films are heated up to temperature of 700 ? ℃, they all crystallize into two phases : the nanocrystalline Cr ( Al , Si ) 2 and Si phase .

  12. 本文以复合材料为背景,讨论多相固体即混合物的等效弹塑性本构方程。

    Based on composite materials , the equivalent elastic-plastic constitutive equations of multiphase solid are researched .

  13. 双足站立位模拟步态周期中双支撑相,即膝外摆早期;

    The double-feet loading film simulated the corresponding relationship between thighbone and tibiae at double-support time , as early knee lateral thrust .

  14. 通过聚类分析,本文可以得到与当前相点即预测所需相点同属一类的历史相点。

    Some historical phase points are found through the cluster analysis , which belongs to the same set with the prediction phase points .

  15. 矾山岩浆液态不混溶,产生互不混溶的三液相,即辉石质岩浆、正长质岩浆和磷酸盐液相(矿浆)。

    The Fanshan phosphorus-rich magma experienced unmixing and hence produced three sorts of immiscible liquids : pyroxenitic magma , syenitic magma and phosphate melt .

  16. 马克思主义理论同中国实际相结合即是马克思主义的中国化;

    The author points out that the combination of the basic principles of Marxism with China 's concret practice constitutes the localization of Marxism .

  17. 按照这种模型,等离子体的不稳定过程包含两个相,即热暴发相和稳定湮灭相。

    According to this model the instability process in plasma consists of two phases , namely , the thermal explosive phase and the steady annihilation phase .

  18. 作为区域地震地层学研究的核心内容,地震相解释即沉积相恢复具有数据量大、控制因素多和解释结果不唯一等多种不利因素;

    Seismic facies interpretation ( sedimentary facies recovery ) which is the essential of areal seismic stratigraphy involves some troubles : big data volume , many control factors , ambiguous interpretations and so on .

  19. 罗蒂通过对旧形而上学真理观的批判,指出人的认识很难真切反映事物,因此符合论说主客观相符合即真理,很难令人信服。

    Rorty critique of the old metaphysical Truth , that human knowledge is difficult to truly reflect things , so in line with the discourse of subjective and objective consistent with the truths to be hard to convince .

  20. 数据速率高,可以利用FPGA丰富的片内资源,采用并行处理的方法,多相滤波结构即是并行处理结构。

    With rich resources in FPGA , parallel processing methods are employed by using polyphase structure to process high-speed data .

  21. 这说明丙酸睾丸素对裸鼠体内PC-3m前列腺癌的生长具有双相效应,即低剂量TP促进肿瘤的生长,高剂量TP抑制肿瘤生长。

    E. the lower dose of TP stimulated the growth of tumor , and the higher dose of TP inhibited its growth .

  22. 阐述教学楼屋面防水工程采用刚性防水混凝土及PVC防水相结合,即刚柔结合的防水新方法的特点及施工工艺。

    The paper discusses the feature and construction technology of the new waterproof method of the combination in rigid waterproof concrete with PVC waterproof in teaching-building roof waterproof project .

  23. 对于获得绩效奖励的基金经理来说,这种情况可能会与“高水位”(highwatermark)的强制施行相搭配,即基金经理在获得当期绩效奖励前,必须先补齐低于目标的业绩。

    For managers rewarded by performance fees the situation is likely to be compounded by the imposition of a " high water mark " that requires managers to make good any performance shortfall relative to targets before the performance fee can resume .

  24. 另一条链(互补链或反义链)的序列总是与第一条链相匹配,即c与g,a与t,反过来也一样。

    The other ( complementary or antisense ) strand always has a sequence that matches the first strand , with each C complemented by a g , and each a by a T , and vice versa .

  25. 该算法只需将GPS定位数据和GIS数据相结合,即可用算法的形式解决地图匹配中一些常见的问题。

    While using this method , it 's only necessary to combine GPS positioning data with GIS data , then it can solve some common questions in the map matching in the form of algorithm .

  26. 正常大鼠小肠移行性肌电复合波(MMC)由4个时相组成,即Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ时相。

    The normal intestinal migrating myoelectric complex ( MMC ) of rats recorded by implanted electrode consists of four phases ( phase ⅰ,ⅱ,ⅲ and ⅳ) .

  27. 在研究分析了DC/DC变换器建模方法的基础上,本文提出一种模糊PID控制策略,并与预测控制相结合,即模糊PID预测控制。

    Every control strategy has its advantages , but has its localization . After investigated and analyzed the control model of the DC / DC converter , the paper proposed a new fuzzy PID predictive control method .

  28. ABC方法所得出的结论基本与多样性指数相一致,即青岛湾潮间带沉积环境呈现出由高潮带向低潮带逐渐转好的趋势。

    The conclusion drawn by ABC curve is consistent with the result from diversity index . The environment of Qingdao Bay intertidal zone gradually improved from high intertidal zone to low .

  29. 将FRP与光纤光栅传感技术相结合,即在FRP材料加工过程中埋入光纤光栅传感元件(OFBG)可制成新型自监测复合材料(OFBG-FRP)。

    In addition , a new kind of sensing material , OFBG-FRP , can be made by combining FRP and sensing technique of optic fiber grating .

  30. 采用松理化学气相沉积(即PCVD)技术,在不同的温度和时间下制备2组TiN涂层试样;

    TiN coatings were obtained by the physical chemical evaporation deposition ( PCVD ) process . Effect of deposition temperature and time on the properties of TiN coatings is stud-ied .