
xiānɡ jiāo shù
  • Intersection number;crossing number
  1. 本文中,我们主要讨论曲面上一种特殊自同胚&Dehntwist的重合点,给出了重合点Nielsen数与闭曲线的最小几何相交数的联系。

    We obtain a relation between the Nielsen number of coincidence points of two Dehn twists and the minimal geometric intersection number of the simple closed curves determining these two Dehn twist .

  2. 这一篇综述报告是关于曲线模空间上的相交数理论和Gromov-Witten理论的。

    This article is about the intersection theory on Moduli Space of curves and Gromov-Witten Theory .

  3. 3重单纯三元系的相交数问题

    The Intersection Problems of Simple Three - Fold Triple Systems of Order v

  4. 在本文中,我们将引用几何相交数的概念来估测双曲流形上退化的把柄添加的个数,这也是三维流形理论中比较热点的话题之一。

    In this thesis , our main aim is to estimate the minimal geometrical intersection number of two degenerating slope on hyperbolic 3-manifold , this is also one of the hotspots in the 3-manifold theory .