
děng tóng
  • equivalent;be equal;equate;equate with;amounts to
等同 [děng tóng]
  • [equate with] 看作相同

等同[děng tóng]
  1. 我不明白你怎么能把这两件事等同起来。

    I don 't see how you can equate the two things .

  2. 等级制度在原则上并不等同于极权主义恐怖。

    The principle of hierarchy does not equate to totalitarian terror .

  3. 经济进步与社会福利之间绝非简单等同。

    There is no straightforward equivalence between economic progress and social well-being .

  4. 把财富与幸福等同起来可能是危险的。

    The equation of wealth with happiness can be dangerous .

  5. 财富未必等同于幸福。

    Wealth is not necessarily synonymous with happiness .

  6. 该发言人强调这些措施并不等同于全面禁止。

    The spokesman stressed that the measures did not amount to an overall ban

  7. 巧克力在大多数人的字典里等同于罪恶。

    Chocolate equals sin in most people 's lexicon .

  8. 我向来提防穿西服的男人,因为我认为穿西服就等同于权力和权威。

    I 'm always wary of men wearing suits , as I equate this with power and authority

  9. 政治不能同艺术等同起来。

    Politics cannot be equated with art .

  10. 你不能把考试及格与受到的教育等同起来。

    You can 't equate passing examinations with being educated .

  11. 你不能把现象和本质等同起来。

    You must not equate appearance with essence .

  12. 我们不能把幸福与财富等同起来。

    One cannot identify happiness with wealth .

  13. 把长寿简单地等同于老年问题是错误的。

    It is a mistake to simply equate longevity with issues of old age .

  14. 许多人将“奉献”等同为教师,护士之类的关怀型职业。

    Many of us equate " commitment " with such " caring " occupations as teaching and nursing .

  15. 一位总统如果把他的领导和民意测验投票结果等同起来,那么他注定将成为一个可有可无的人物

    A President who identifies leadership with public opinion polls dooms himself to irrelevance .

  16. 他认为成功等同于物质财富

    He equates success with material wealth .

  17. 地下的树根在树木周围延伸的长度几乎等同于树枝向上伸展的长度,

    Its roots extend under the ground around the tree nearly as far as its branches extend above ground ,

  18. 4.拿破仑是个矮子?尽管拿破仑的名字已经等同于“愤怒的矮子”,但其实拿破仑·波拿巴在他所生活的那个年代身高算是中等水平。

    Despite the fact that his name has become synonymous with " angry short man , " Napoleon Bonaparte was actually of average height for the time period in which he lived .

  19. 屠夫确信他们是在欺骗自己,但仅仅说了一句话:“你可以用谎言来欺骗我,但却骗不了神,他们不会这么轻易放过你的。”相互推诿等同于欺骗。

    The butcher felt sure they were deceiving him , but he only said , " You may cheat me with your lying , but you can 't cheat the gods , and they won 't let you off so lightly . " Prevarication .

  20. Natural(天然等同)相近。天然保湿剂的合成及应用研究

    The Preparation and Application Research of Natural Moisture Retention Reagent

  21. Natural(天然等同)相近。论人工智能与自然智能的关系

    The Relationship between Artificial Intelligence and Natural Intelligence

  22. Natural(天然等同)相近。切割刀片宽度增加,固有频率下降;

    With the increase of blade width , the natural frequency of booster and blade decreases .

  23. WTO下的金融自由化与资本账户的放开并非等同。

    Financial Liberalization if not equal to the opening of capital account under the WTO .

  24. SunChen:这座纪念碑的兴建,还是一个合作项目。王室,当地区政府,和伦敦市政府在委员会里占有等同的人数。

    Helen : A commission was set up between the government and the City of London .

  25. 因此,TiO2与Cd2+的复合毒性不等同于二者毒性简单的加和,其复杂机制有待深入研究。

    The mechanism of combined toxicity needs to be further studied .

  26. 事实上,2008年后,欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)已经认定中国内地会计准则等同于欧盟(EU)采用的《国际财务报告准则》。

    Indeed , since 2008 , the European Commission has deemed mainland standards as equivalent to IFRS as adopted by the European Union .

  27. 大多数人都将该模块等同为RIA。

    This is what most people equate with RIA .

  28. 目前,只有CE标志将被认可为等同瑞士的符合性标志。

    At the moment , only the CE marking will be recognized as equivalent to the Swiss conformity marking .

  29. 加入WTO等同于大规模的制度移植,政府转型以及传媒业开放势在必行。

    The entry of WTO indicates the large scale of system transplantation , thus the transformation of government and the opening-up of media industry is unavoidance .

  30. 媒体等同的人机交互界面(HCI)研究

    Researching of the Human Computer Interface Based on Media Equation Theory