
  1. 由于面层较薄(多数为20mm),人们活动频繁,摩擦、撞击较多,加上施工操作、材质等问题,楼地面起砂现象时有发生。

    There is sanding in the flooring board for the problems of thinner surface , friction , striking , construction operation and material quality .

  2. 等我上了楼穿好婚纱。

    After I go upstairs and put my dress on .

  3. 我已经等不及要拆楼了打扰一下嗨

    I can 't wait to crush buildings . Excuse me . Hello ?

  4. 从建筑设计、结构设计、流程设计等方面对航站楼进行了介绍。

    This paper introduces the design work in detail , as architectural , structural and conceptual design .