
děnɡ sù
  • Isokinetic;with the same speed
等速 [děng sù]
  • [uniform velocity] 相同的速度

  1. 氯化天然橡胶的等速升温热降解动力学③热负荷率X(主要表现在锅炉效率随着锅炉负荷率的变化、汽轮机相对内效率随着进汽量的变化);

    Thermal Degradation Kinetics of Chlorinated Natural Rubber at Constant Heating Rate ③ heating load rate ;

  2. 任意凸轮曲线的极坐标式等速CNC磨削

    Polar-coordinate Constant Velocity CNC Grinding of Arbitrary Cam Curves

  3. 用MAC方法计算平头物体垂直等速入水空泡

    The Calculation of Vortical Constant-Speed Water Entry Cavity of Flat-Nosed Body using the MAC-Method

  4. 等速工况下的AMT变速器最佳排放性能换挡规律研究

    Research on AMT Transmission 's Optimum Shifting Pattern at Cruise Conditions

  5. 黏性泥沙不等速沉降絮凝的格子Boltzmann模拟

    Lattice Boltzmann simulation for flocculation of cohesive sediment due to differential settling

  6. 利用PWM控制器构成的调速系统对等速送丝过程及焊接规范进行调节;

    Constant - speed wire - feeding process and welding specification are regulated by speed regulation system composed of PWM controller .

  7. 百公里等速油耗的影响因素有七个:Ge与Ff和Fw成正比;

    There are 7 factors which influence the constant speed fuel consumption per 100 km ; G_e and F_1 are directly propotional to F_ ;

  8. 采用DSC、偏光显微镜(PLM)对超细SBR胶粉改性PP的等速降温结晶、等温结晶行为进行了研究。

    Crystallization of modified PP using superfine SBR powder was researched by means of DSC and PLM .

  9. 等速送丝&恒流MIG焊电源的研制及工艺试验

    A constant wire feed and constant current power source for MIG welding

  10. 介绍汽车等速万向节传动轴的固定节(RF节)防止漏装钢珠的检测装置。

    A set of inspection equipment for steel ball of RF joint of automotive constant velocity universal joint drive shaft is introduced .

  11. 腰椎间盘突出症患者Slump试验前后下肢的等速肌力变化

    Isokinetic changes of lower limbs in patients with lumbar intervertebral disc herniation before and after Slump test

  12. 用差热扫描法,采用等速升温,测定了氯丁橡胶(CR)等温结晶时的结晶速率。

    The isothermal crystallizing rate of polychlorOprene ( CR ) was determined by differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC ) at constant speed of temperature rising .

  13. 采用等速升温DSC方法对单轴取向聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯(PET)的结晶过程进行了研究,发现单轴取向PET的冷结晶峰表现为多重结晶峰。

    The crystallization process of uniaxially oriented poly ( ethylene terephthalate )( PET ) was investigated by using DSC with a constant heating rate .

  14. 结论:手法对肩周炎之显效性通过等速测试能可靠地得到反映,等速测试评定ROM准确、可靠。

    Conclusion : Effect of MT on frozen shoulder are satisfactory and ROM are accurate and reliable .

  15. 等速测试指标:峰力矩(PT)、平均功率(AP)和单次最大作功(TW)。

    Variables studied included peak torque ( PT ), average power ( AP ) and total work ( TW ) .

  16. 基于CATIA软件的汽车等速万向节关键零件形面分析与逆向重构

    CATIA Based Surface Analysis and Reverse Restructure of Key Components of Vehicle Constant Velocity Universal Joint

  17. 猪肝DFP酸催化水解反应产物的等速电泳分析

    Isotachophoresis Analysis of Hydrolytic Products of DFP Catalyzed by DFPase in Porcine Liver

  18. 控制系统采用单片机控制技术、LED显示及LCD显示技术。实现了等速和等张阻力特性以及各种运动参数和生理参数的测试。

    MCU , as the central process unit , together with LCD & LED displaying technology constitutes the whole controlling system , which can realize both isokinetic and isotonic resistance character .

  19. 应用DSC分析中的等温扫描和等速升温扫描,研究异氰酸酯与不同含水率纤维素反应机理。

    The paper studied the reaction mechanism of isocyanate with cellulose containing different moisture content ( MC ) by DSC analysis of isothermal scanning and temperature_increased scanning .

  20. 通过分析等速螺线的形成机理,建立了相应的数字积分DDA插补算法。

    After analysing uniform speed spiral forming mechanism , This paper builds a proper digital integration interpolating algorithm .

  21. 目的:利用表面肌电图测定技术,进一步揭示等速运动状态下肌疲劳发生时表面肌电图(surfaceelectromyogram,sEMG)的变化特征。

    AIM : To clarify the changing characteristics of surface electromyogram ( sEMG ) by using sEMG determination under the state of isokinetic exercise when muscle fatigue occurred .

  22. 采用差示扫描量热法(DSC)测定了4种含有特定催化剂体系及不同分子量的聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)试样的等速升温曲线及不同降温速率的降温曲线。

    Y means of DSC , the constant heating rate curves and different cooling rate curves were determined for the four PET resins which contain different catalysts and have different molecular weights .

  23. 用Cybex-6000系统进行膝屈伸肌等速肌力测试的可靠性研究

    Reliability of isokinetic knee flexion and extension measurement with Cybex-6000 dynamometer

  24. 结合实例,研究了应用CatiaV5软件进行三枢轴式汽车等速万向节关键零件型面分析与逆向重构的方法。

    Combined with actual instance , methods of CATIA V5 based surface analysis and reverse restructure of components of three-pivot constant velocity universal joint are studied .

  25. 初步形成了用PIV技术测定旋流场内颗粒相浓度的新方法,弥补了以往用等速抽气采样法测量的缺陷。

    A new method for measuring particle concentration distribution in swirling flow field using PIV technology is presented , which remedies the deficiencies of the old isokinetic sampling method .

  26. 将轿车三枢轴式等速万向节的三维模型经过结构简化离散成有限元模型,并应用ANSYS软件对其承受极限转矩时的内部接触应力进行有限元分析。

    A finite element ( FE ) model for a tripot universal joint is developed , and a FE analysis on the contact stresses in the parts of the joint under extreme torque is conducted using ANSYS software .

  27. 利用等速升温DSC方法对PEI初生纤维和一系列PET取向纤维进行测试,且使样品分别处于定长和松弛状态。

    The tests of non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of the PET as-spun fibers and oriented PET fibers under fixed length and relaxed conditions were carried out by the means of differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC ) .

  28. 通过测试Cu-Cr-Zr合金在等速加热过程中电阻率的变化,对该合金等速加热时效动力学进行了研究。

    The continuous-heating aging kinetics of the Cu-Cr-Zr alloy was studied by measuring the resistivity ratio of the alloy in the continuous-heating process .

  29. 对Gd2O3掺杂CeO2纳米粉体进行了等速烧结实验研究。

    An experimental study on the sintering process of nano Gd_2O_3 doped CeO_2 powders were executed with a constant temperature increase rate .

  30. 对测定高聚物结晶动力学参数的非等温结晶理论和等速变温DSC方法进行了讨论,文中包含了作者在此领域研究工作的最新进展。

    The theories and methods for determining the kinetic parameters of crystallization of polymers from DSC curves of the constant heating or cooling rate were discussed in this review and the recent progress in this field was given .