
  • 网络equivalent width
  1. 对于快速自转的恒星,谱线的等值宽度(EW)受引力昏暗效应的影响,即使自转速度达到临界也是很小的;

    For rapidly rotating stars , the effect of gravity darkening on the equivalent width ( EW ) of spectral lines is very small , even when the rotation velocity is close to the critical velocity .

  2. 本文给出了高斯形和双曲正割形啁啾光脉冲干涉相关曲线上包络等值宽度的位置。

    The positions of equivalent width of Gaussian and hyperbolic-secant shape chirped pulse determined on upper-envelope of interferential correlation curve are given in this paper .

  3. 本文提出利用等值宽度测量fs光脉冲持续时间的方法。

    A new technique for measurement of femtosecond pulsewidth is proposed with equality-width in this paper .

  4. 类星体紫外发射线CⅣ的等值宽度与连续谱背景光度之间存在的很好的负相关性,即所谓的Baldwin效应,是连续谱光度与电离参量相关的结果。

    A strong anti-correlation between equivalent widths of the CIV emission lines and continuum luminosities of quasars , i. e. so called " Baldwin effect ", is due to the correlation between the continuum luminosities and the ionization parameters .

  5. 用主成分分析法研究星团谱线的等值宽度

    Principal Components Analysis for Equivalent Widths of Globular Clusters

  6. 啁啾脉冲等值宽度的位置

    The Position of Equivalent Width of Chirped Pulse

  7. 本文深入讨论了脉冲啁啾的非线性起源及其对干涉相关测宽(等值宽度和条纹计数)法的影响。

    The nonlinear origin of pulse chirp and its effect on interference-correlative measurement of fs pulse width ( i.e.equivalent width and streak coun-ting ) are deeply discussed .

  8. 发射线的各种特征(流量强度、等值宽度、速度偏移等等)与活动星系核的各方面性质之间存在各种各样的联系,这方面的研究已经取得了巨大的成果。

    There are a variety of links be-tween the characteristics of the emission lines ( such as flux intensity , equivalent width , and speed offset ) and the various natures of AGNs . Many tremendous achievements in this field have been made .

  9. 对防雷设计中等值受雷宽度的定义及计算方法的探讨

    The Definition of Equivalent Lightning Strike Width and Calculation in Lightning Performance Design

  10. 研究了射流z轴方向流速分量w等值线流团宽度随时间的变化规律并给出了拟合公式。

    Investigated variation regularity of jet flow velocity z component w isoline patch width and educed the fitted formulas .