
  • 【机】austempering
  1. Mn、Cr元素及等温淬火温度对合金白口铸铁力学性能的影响

    Effect of Mn , Cr Element and Austempering Temperature on Mechanical Property of Alloyed White Cast Iron

  2. LD钢制车圈轧辊的分级&等温淬火新工艺研究

    A study on the new heat treatment process of the roller made of LD Steel

  3. 对含Si合金钢两相(马氏体M,贝氏体B)区系列等温淬火显微组织中残留奥氏体稳定性进行了研究。

    The retained austenite stabilization in isothermal quenching microstructure at duplex phase ( martensite and bainite ) region of an alloy steel containing Si was studied .

  4. 等温淬火工艺对ADI中残余奥氏体的影响

    Effect of Isothermal Technology on Retained Austenite of ADI

  5. 但随着等温淬火温度升高,ADI的水脆化程度降低。

    However , the degree of ADI water embrittlement decreases with increasing the austempering temperature .

  6. 本文概述了ADI的等温淬火工艺和影响ADI性能的因素。

    The techniques of austempering and the factors of affect properties of ADI were introduced .

  7. 结果表明:等温淬火后Ar的C曲线上支对应上(或反)贝氏体转变,下支对应下贝氏体或等温马氏体转变;

    The results show that : the upper branch of TTT curve of Ar corresponds the upper ( or inverse ) bainite reaction and the lower branch corresponds the transformation of lower bainite or isothermal martensite ;

  8. 可利用马鞍型曲线调整AR与M及B的含量配比,获得无变形或强韧性配合最佳的准贝氏体等温淬火工艺。

    By adjusting the content ratios of AR / M and AR / B on the saddle-like curve , an isothermal quenching of the less deformation or a meta-bainitic isothermal quenching with strength-toughness optimized combination can be achieved .

  9. 高应力弹簧B-M等温淬火工艺研究

    Study on B M Austempering for High stress Spring

  10. 测定了奥贝球铁在连续缓慢加热条件下的回火曲线,分析讨论了其回火过程中的变化特点,研究了合金元素Ni不同加入量、等温淬火工艺对奥贝球铁热稳定性的影响及其影响机制。

    Under the condition of continuous slow heating , the tempering curves of austempered ductile iron were measured and characterized . Influences of Ni content and austempering technology on the heat stability of austempered ductile iron were studied .

  11. 当贫溶质微区成分作为MS,其温度等于或高于等温淬火(或时效)温度时,贝氏体将以马氏体样切变形核,故贝氏体是在溶质原子扩散控制下切变形核。

    It is proposed that when the M S temperature of the solute depleted regions is equal or higher than isothermal ( or aged ) temperature , the bainitic nucleation occurs within the solute depleted regions in the manner of martensitic shear .

  12. 等温淬火Mn-Cr白口铸铁的研制

    Development of Austempered Mn-Cr White Cast Iron

  13. 等温淬火对Mn-Cr白口铸铁力学性能和耐磨性的影响

    Effect of Austempering on Mechanical Properties and Abrasion-Resistance of Mn - Cr Alloyed White Cast Iron

  14. 随着等温淬火温度的升高,ADI组织逐渐粗化,残余奥氏体量及其含碳量逐渐增加,而硬度和屈服强度逐渐减小。

    As the austempering temperature increases , microstructure of ADI get coarser and coarser ; the amount of residual austenite and its carbon content increases , while the hardness and yield strength decreases .

  15. 采用多元素合金化的中碳低合金钢铸造风扇磨煤机冲击板,通过等温淬火处理,得到贝氏体与马氏体组织,硬度HRC≥45,冲击韧性ak≥40J/cm~2。

    The impact plate used in fan-type crashing machine is made of multi-alloyed medium carbon low-alloying steel inc which bainite and martenite are obtained throuth isothermal quenching . Its properties are HRC 45 and ak 40J / cm . The experimental .

  16. 试验结果表明,该奥贝球铁齿轮的优化热处理工艺为:在900℃奥氏体化保温2h,再进行290℃×15h等温淬火。

    The experimental results show that an optimized austempering process for the final transmission driven gear in tractor is of austenitizing at 900 ℃ for 2h and austempering at 290 ℃ for 1.5h .

  17. 研究了等温淬火温度对奥贝球铁(ADI)水脆化行为的影响,水附着条件下不同等温淬火温度处理的ADI均发生水脆化行为,抗拉强度和伸长率显著降低;

    Influence of austempering temperature on water embrittlement behavior of austempered ductile iron ( ADI ) was studied . ADI austempered at different austempering temperatures exhibit embrittlement behavior which the tensile strength and elongation decrease drastically in condition of contact with water .

  18. 试验结果表明,在30~120min等温淬火时间范围内,随着等温淬火时间的延长,残余奥氏体量及其含碳量逐渐增加,60min时出现峰值,然后逐渐降低;

    The experimental results indicate that during 30-120 min , with increasing the isothermal quenching time , the content and carbon content of retained austenite increased to a max value at 60 min , then decreased .

  19. 热处理工艺为:加热至920℃,保温120min,然后分别在370℃、325℃、280℃和235℃等温淬火60min,以研究等淬温度对性能和组织的影响;

    The heat treatment process was : heating to 920 ℃ and holding for 120 min , austempering at 370 ℃, 325 ℃, 280 ℃ and 235 ℃ of 60 min to investigate the influence of austempering temperature on structure and properties .

  20. 高硅铸钢的断裂韧性随着等温淬火温度的提高而增加,在360&385℃范围内等温时,断裂韧性达到一个最大值(63MPa·m~(1/2)),然后下降。

    The fracture toughness of the steel firstly increases with increasing the austempering temperature , reaching a peak value of 63 MPa · m ~ ( 1 / 2 ) at about 360-385 ℃ and then decreases .

  21. 采用DF-S油对轴承零件进行马氏体等温淬火试验,证明该淬火油可以显著降低变形和应力,提高钢球的压碎载荷及轴承的使用寿命。附图3幅,表3个。

    With Step-quenching bright oil DF-S , the martensite step-quenching test for bearing component has been made . The test results show that the oil may significantly reduce the deformation and stress , increase crushing load of the steel ball and service life of the bearing .

  22. 较高温度等温淬火(回火)对球墨铸铁性能的影响

    Effect of Higher Temperature Austempering on Properties of Ductile Cast Iron

  23. 锻造等温淬火对半钢的冲击韧性的影响

    Influence of isothermal quenching after forging on impact toughness of semi-steel

  24. 贝氏体等温淬火工艺在轧机轴承上的应用

    The Application of Bainite Isothermal Quenching Technology to Rolling Mill Bearings

  25. 等温淬火组织中残余奥氏体回火转变的研究兼论贝氏体回火脆性

    The investigation of tempering transformation of retained austenite in isothermal quenching microstructures

  26. 等温淬火高碳硅铸钢的抗磨性能

    Antiwear Property of Austempered High Carbon and Silicon Steel Casting

  27. 低碳球铁的等温淬火工艺研究

    Research of austempering process of low - carbon ductile iron

  28. 低铬变质白口铸铁等温淬火工艺参数的研究

    Study on Austempering Process Parameters of Modified Low Chromium White Cast Iron

  29. 钢结硬质合金的马氏体等温淬火研究

    Study on Isothermal Hardening of Martensite for the Steel Bonded Hard Alloy

  30. 高韧性钢丸的微合金化及等温淬火工艺研究

    Study of Micro-alloying and Isothermal Quench of Steel Shots With High Toughness