
  • 网络isothermal cooling
  1. 建立了一侧竖壁等温冷却、另一侧竖壁均匀分布五个凸出热源的二维封闭空腔内自然对流换热的数学模型,对不同高宽比下的层流自然对流换热进行了数值分析。

    The mathematic model on natural convection is proposed in a two-dimensional enclosure cavity with an isothermal heat sink at one vertical wall and five discrete protruded sources .

  2. 研究了部分凝固Al-10%Cu合金的流度行为,发现等温冷却时部分凝固Al-10%Cu合金为假塑性流体;

    The rheological behavior of partially solidified Al-10 % Cu alloy was investigated . It is found that the slurry presented the character of a pseudoplastic fluid in isothermally holding and the apparent viscosity increases with increasing cooling rate in the continuously cooled state .

  3. 冷却-等温-冷却处理过程硼的晶界偏聚

    Grain Boundary Segregation of Boron during Cooling - Isothermal Holding - Cooling Process

  4. 铌微合金钢等温及连续冷却贝氏体相变

    Bainite Transformation of Niobium Microalloyed Steel Under Isothermal and Continuous Cooling Conditions

  5. 分析了连接接头金属间化合物的形成和长大机制,钎焊接头金属间化合物的形成和长大机制,分为等温凝固和冷却凝固两个阶段。

    The forming and growth mechanism of intermetallic compound layer have been analyzed and divided into two stages .

  6. 通过测定不同温度下等温转变和不同冷却速度下连续冷却转变的膨胀曲线,结合金相组织观察和硬度测定,获得了该钢的等温转变曲线和连续冷却转变曲线;

    By measuring the different expanding curves of Time Temperature Transformation and Continuous Cooling Transformation as well as the observation of microstructure and the measurement of hardness the TTT diagram and CCT diagram is obtained .

  7. 研究了水+油双液淬火→等温回火的连续冷却热处理工艺对铸件力学性能、残余奥氏体含量、淬透性以及贝氏体组织形貌的影响。

    The effect of the heat treatment process of water-oil quench and isothermal temper on the mechanical properties , residual austenite fraction , hardenability and the morphology of bainite phase in the austenite-bainite spheroidal graphite iron was investigated .

  8. 40Cr钢等温转变曲线与非等温冷却过程数值分析

    Simulation on isothermal transformation curves and non-isothermal kinetics